
Monday 2 September 2019

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things from the past week which brought untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

So sorry for my absence yesterday. I hope nobody got too worried.  I had a lot of trouble sleeping Saturday night (which is not very wonderful!) and when I did finally fall asleep I slept for as long as I could before having to get up to get ready for church.  Todd and I were both in bed by 8 PM last night and I slept through until 5:30 this morning. Whew!

This is the Boyers.  They left their family in Utah and have been serving in our Church Ward for the past 18 months.  Yesterday was their last Sunday with us as they are finishing their mission and will return home this week.   We will all be so sorry to see them go.  They have served us admirably and more than that they have loved us as much as we have loved them. They have been wonderful examples to me of selflessness and dedication, and the ability to serve others with joy and in love.   Elder Boyer is an amazing Scriptorian and I will miss his insights on the scriptures and his kind jovial manner.  He was a family Doctor in real life before retiring and I can see where he would have been an excellent one  


Sister Boyer is just so kind and so sweet and easy going.  I had the opportunity to teach with her on several occasions and enjoyed them very much.  We have also had them in our home to eat off and on.  Elder Boyer cooks a mean hot dog and burger!  They are both very patient and very kind people and will be totally missed.  

We sang a traditional Welsh Song of farewell to them at the end of our meetings yesterday and presented them with a Welsh Miner's Lantern as a gift from the Ward. 


Far away a voice is calling 
Bells of memory chime 
Come home again, come home again 
They call through the oceans of time 
We'll keep a welcome in the hillside 
We'll keep a welcome in the Vales 
This land you knew will still be singing 
When you come home again to Wales 
This land of song will keep a welcome 
And with a love that never fails 
We'll kiss away each hour of hiraeth
 When you come home again to Wales. 

Afterwards we had a huge Munch & Mingle Buffet for the congregation with lots of flags, and plenty of good food.  An additional opportunity for each of us to with them our own personal good wishes for the future.  The Ward also correlataed a Memory Book for them where we each had the opportunity to contribute to with photographs of special moments, and letters, etc.  I hope they know how much they will be missed, and how much they have been appreciated!  

We also had a Ward Photograph taken yesterday.  This was by no means all of the congregation, as many were away with this being the last week of the children's School Holidays.  You can't really see everyone in it because it had to be taken from so far in order to get everyone in, but at least it is something.  I am so thankful that I am a part of such a huge and loving congregation.  They truly do feel like family.

An early Birthday Present from our next door neighbor to Todd. A Gnome for the garden.  He is so cheeky.  Can't wait for his Birthday which isn't until Saturday next.  He had to open it right away.  So grateful for good neighbors. They are very kind on both sides of us and very easy to get along with.  It must be horrible to live in a place where you don't get along with your neighbors.  We are not terrifically close, but we get along fine which is the way I like it. 


They are starting to look a bit tatty now because we are getting down to the end of their season, but these runner beans have given us lots of good eating! 


We have been watching this program on Prime and I have to say I am very grateful that I am not a Pioneer, and have been blessed to have been born in a modern age.  I am in awe of all that our Pioneer ancestors had to put up with. Life was so very difficult for them.  If you haven't watched this series, I highly recommend it.  Two modern day couples have been challenged and dropped on the Manitoba prairie and challenged to live like Pioneers for a year. An older couple and a younger couple.  Such a hard, hard life.  We are only about halfway through the series. 

Grateful to enjoy relatively good health and grateful for a free health care system in place that helps me to take care of the things that need taking care of.  We like to complain about the NHS, and for sure improvements could be made, but it is so much better than having a health care system that we have to pay for.  Were it so, Todd and I could not afford health care at all.  We also get free presecriptions because we we are over the age of 60.  This is an amazing gift to us.  We could not afford our prescriptions otherwise.   Also free eye checkups, eye glasses and dental care.  We are blessed. The eye glasses might not be the most fashionable, but they are not bad considering.  I have a voucher in my cupboard for them and I think I will be going to Spec Savers one day this week to pick out a pair.  Mine are a few years old and not so great looking anymore.  

Having a good night's sleep.  When you have had a few poor night's sleep, finally having a good one feels amazing.  I am not sure why I sleep so poorly most of the time.  Its no fun! 


The knowledge I have that the secret to a truly happy life is not actually having everything you want, but lies in appreciating what you already have and being content with that.  It is alright to want more, but unless you appreciate what you already have, why would you ever be given more?  I am so lucky to live in a country where I am free to worship and believe as I wish.  Which is relatively safe in comparison to the rest  of the world.  Where we have access to affordable housing and free basic educations.  We take so many things for granted.  Clean Water.  Education. Healthcare. Access to safe and healthy food at affordable prices.  A good police force and military. A democratic government.  Clean air. A safe, dry and comfortable place to sleep.  Clean and comfortable clothing.  We are truly blessed. 

Life is so very good on so many levels.  I have no complaints that are real or substantial.  Oh sure there are always things that I wish could be a bit different, but really, life is good.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Gratitude turns
what we have into enough.
~Melody Beattie° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

The Great British Sausage 

I am sharing a tutorial today in The English Kitchen on how to make your own sausages along with a variety of ways to prepare them.  Aren't we just so blessed to be able to enjoy a variety of good and healthy foods!

I hope the week ahead for you is filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things. May you be richly blessed.  Don't forget!
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And I do too!  


  1. Today Hubby and I have been watching some youtube from this guy who travels on the canals over there by those narrow boats...and lo and behold, he ended up at Chester!! I got excited telling my Hubby I have seen some of your photos of there looked so inviting to live like that though we are too old to do so now!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. How wonderful Elizabeth! There is a canal that runs right through Chester. We have friends that do Canal boat holidays every couple years or so. They really enjoy it. Its quite a relaxing way to really enjoy the beautiful British countryside! And they are often along side of pubs and such so you have the availability of good food and drink along the way! xoxo

  2. Have a great day! Gnomeo is so cute!

    1. Thanks Monique! He reminds me of Todd, but Todd is a lot thinner. xoxo

  3. A good nights sleep does make a lot of difference. I know I cannot work well at all if I miss my sleep. I need my 8 house and usually get an afternoon nap too. Hope you enjoy your Monday. It's Labor Day here and I'm relaxing.

    1. I hope you enjoyed your relaxing day Pam! I wish I could get 8 hours sleep. I seem to get by on about 6 most nights. xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, isn't it awful when you can't sleep? I used to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime but not anymore. You are going to miss your friends but I'm sure you will keep in touch with each other. I love sausages, my husband not so much but it was interesting to read your recipe. Hope you're feeling more rested. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I am hoping we will be able to stay in touch. They are lovely people. Hugs and blessings to you always. xoxo


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