
Thursday 26 September 2019

My Favourite Things . . . 
These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, or that I just enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you.   


The clothing designed by Gudrun Sjoden. Oh how I wish I could afford to get some!  Swedish design, sustainable, natural fabrics, comfortable clothes.  
Squashed Pennies. When we were children someone (probably my mother's cousin Lydia McNayr) send us squashed pennies with the Lord's Prayer on them.  Mom kept them in her jewelry box. I wonder what ever happened to them.  I remember seeing a machine once at an American Rest stop where you could put a penny in and it would give you a squashed penny with whatever on it. I never did it but now wish I had.  Canada has done away with their pennies.  Has America? 
Fresh Raspberries.  I adore them. They are expensive to buy, but oh so tasty. They grow the best ones up in Scotland.  I love scattering them on my yogurt or over my oatmeal. So delicious!  

Repurposed furniture. The idea of making something new out of something old really pleases me. 
Quality Street Chocolates.  Is it just me or have you noticed that the tins have been getting gradually smaller with the years.  And they have  moved from tin to plastic.  All of the chocolate tin makers have. I wonder why . . . .  especially when you consider our planet is in danger from plastic pollution. In any case, they get smaller and smaller every year.  The price stays the same, but the size reduces. Quality Street are Christmas Chocolates. They are a once a year indulgence. 
Painted wood tables, especially if they look distressed . . . 

Minimalism . . .  clutter gets me down . . . 
Folk Art Doll Houses.  This one is from 1880's England.  So detailed.  

This one is extraordinary!  

Red geraniums  . . .  

Window Boxes  . . . .  

Old school houses which have been converted into homes  . . . 

Tiny houses fascinate me.  I am not sure I could live in one, but they fascinate me all the same. 
Stained glass windows  . . .  the closest I will ever come to that is my glass birds . . .  they combine two of my favourite things, birds and stained glass. 
Tea Cup Lighting  . . . 
Rooster Lamps  . . . 

Cast Iron door stops . . . 
Vintage matchbox holders . . . 

Girls Aloud.  You probably aren't familiar with them in North America and they no longer put out any music over here.  I still like listening to them however. 
Mac and cheese, the ultimate comfort food . . . 

And those are my favourite things for this week. What are some of yours? 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Come with me
by yourselves to a
quiet place and rest.
~Mark 6:31•。★★ 。* 。 

Nothing new in The English Kitchen today, my day got away from me yesterday, so sharing something old with Porqupine Meatballs.  Deliciously simple and quite nostalgic.  A real family favourite.

Have a magnificent Thursday!  Hope its a great one for you filled with lots of favourite things.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     



  1. I had one of those pennies..:)Who knows where that is:)

    I saw that exact rooster lamp and enamel match thing on VS:) mentioned about The English Kitchen and seems something is causing a longer delay and it's something like 100 foodies uk..?

    1. Oh that darned 100 foodies UK. Half the time I can't even access their page. Oddly enough it loads quickly here at home on all my devices. The mysteries of the internet eh! Thanks for your input Monique!! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie~

    I'm going backwards...those porcupine meatballs look delicious, I can't wait to try the recipe!

    I've never heard of, Girls Aloud, I will have to check them out. I don't keep up with music trends too much, but if you like them, I most likely will as well ;0)

    I was lucky enough to have a red Geranium come up from seed in my garden this pretty.

    Yes, we still have pennies, but I know that there has been some conversation somewhere to have them removed. I like pennies, I hope they stay. I have had pennies smashed in one of those machines, my children loved them!

    The clothing is beautiful. I'll bet a good seamstress could easily make something very similar. I'm not a seamstress, but they do look fairly easy. They are just beautiful!

    Beautiful post, loved it all! Love you!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. They were a manufactured Pop Group over here in the early 2000's Barb. Ended up being the most successful girl group of all ages. Loved their music, still do! How lucky that you had a red geranuium come up from seed Barb! Yay! I wish I could afford the fabric to make these clothes! They shall have to remain a dream! Love and hugs to you always! xoxo

  3. Yes, we still have pennies in USA...and there are machines, usually in national parks or some such, that will squash them and print out things. Never saw the Lord's Prayer or anything like that however.
    As to the clothing, why not purchase fabric and pattern and do it yourself? You might find something similar. Just needs a good fitting to the shoulders when a loose one like that. (I have a bit of a stash...been on vacation from sewing for some time now...but with cooler weather kind of itching to get back to some.) I would help you with that if I lived nearby.
    Sending hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It would probably cost more for the fabric than it would to buy these ready made Elizabeth. I will check it out though! Oh that you could live close by. Wouldn't we have fun! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, I love the tea cup "chandelier". We used to put pennies on the railroad track to get flattened. That was probably a pretty dangerous thing to do. I made a peach crisp today but the juices didn't thicken so I put the entire dish in the microwave for 6 minutes and that did the trick very nicely. I honestly don't know
    what we did before microwaves. I even make my Christmas peanut brittle in the micrwave. Perfection every time. Well, time for bed. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I think we probably did a lot of dangerous things when we were children Elaine! The blessings of growing up outside of a nanny state! I love my microwave and wouldn't be without one! I use it all the time for making sauces and yes, my Christmas Peanut Brittle is always cooked to perfection in the microwave! Love and hugs! xoxo

  5. My painted wood table is almost exactly the same color as the one in the picture, and considerably more 'distressed'. It has really near chairs, too. Bought the set in a junk shop years ago and I love, love, love it.


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