
Saturday 28 September 2019

Letting Be . . .

I experienced a huge blip yesterday. Life got on top of me I guess. That seems to be happening to me quite a lot lately. Yesterday I found myself just feeling so very sad for most of the day, which really is quite unlike me. This is not to say that I don't have sad moments, everyone does . . .  but usually I can shake them off quite easily.

Lately the sadness has felt like a huge weight bearing down upon my shoulders . . .  threatening to drown me. It hits in tsnuami-like waves, requiring all of my strength just to stay upright.  There are times when I just want to let go and allow them to carry me away.  

Sometimes I hate myself for feeling this way.  I am not the first person to lose someone they love, nor will I be the last.  I feel incredibly lucky to have had someone in my life that I loved so much that letting go has been so incredibly, heart renderingly difficult to do.  It scares me to know that this will not be the last good-bye that will feel this way, and I stagger beneath the weight and knowledge that more will come . . . 

Losing my mother is probably the hardest, most soul-wrenching thing I have ever had to go through and I don't think I will ever get over it.  I might stand a chance if I didn't also have other incredibly painful things that I am going through at the same time . . . . 


Lately I find myself having to acknowledge that there are people in my life who just, for whatever reasons and no matter how much I love them . . .  don't want me to be a part of theirs. Over the past few weeks this has become increasingly and shockingly clear to me, and yet I love them with every fibre of my being.  Did I not, it would not hurt so much.  I don't want to give up on anyone . . . but I find myself coming to the point where I think that in order to survive myself, I must.   But in the next breath I ask myself how can I.  How can I ever give up on people I love as much as I love them . . . 

I have always been a forgiving person. I would not change that part of me for anything. 

My father always taught me that there were two sides to every story.  That it takes two to tango.  I am so grateful for parents that, although they broke up and got divorced, did not force us to take sides and allowed us to love each of them in equal measure. I recognise what a gift that was to us, as their children. 

My father would be the first one to tell you that he misses our mother as much as we do. That he has lost the best friend that he ever had.  Yesterday he told me that he telephones the house sometimes when he knows my sister isn't there just so that he can hear my mother's voice on the answer machine and that he leaves messages for her.  

It is a very different story in so many other families . . . not all people are so kind to each other . . .  and especially those who should know better.

I apologise for the blip yesterday.  I can't explain it because there are some things in my life and people  I am not privy to talk about.  I live in a country filled with people who don't really get that close to each other. I don't have anyone I can really talk to about things and so sometimes when I am really sad I let it spill out here.  I shouldn't do that. 

I miss my mom. I could and did tell her anything and everything, knowing she would love me always no matter what.  Even when I know I might have really disappointed her.   Because that is what mom's do.  They love.  Always. Forever. No matter what, and with all of themselves.  I am the same. I love, always and forever, no matter what and with all of myself.  


Grief is the price you pay for love.  This is true not only when we have to say goodbye to our loved ones when they pass over and go to the other side, but also when for whatever reasons the people you love choose to cut you out of their lives.  

Death is the easier one to deal with because you know that it is only a temporary separation and that you will be together again. You know the separation was not because of anyone's choice . . .   The other separation is not so easy to deal with but the grief is no less profound and may even be deeper. I am not sure.  Yes, grief IS the price we pay for love, but  . . .  in all truth I would love and love and love again. It is a price that is worth paying.  Letting go is easy . . .  letting be is the hard part.

The End.


  1. You know Marie, I wonder if one of the prices we must pay, aside from huge grief when we loose them, is that when we have such a wonderful mom (as did I also), then there will come some very heart rending divides from us and others we love, who for whatever reasons seem incapable of loving us. I too am in that camp. I think I know at least some of the reason why, but most is just beyond my comprehension. Over the past couple years, I have been letting go bit by bit. I will always feel some grief I am sure...but now? My longing to be connected seems to be lessening. I think it must or our physical heart might split in two (which it is said can actually happen if we live with huge grief). I hope you can focus on the next life and knowing that none of these "fences" here will be there takes a lot of will power sometimes to do this...and it seems to be a gradual thing. I do not know if they have grief groups over there but one of those might be a good choice for you to attend. We can be helped by those who have also lost.
    Don't feel bad to share this with us comes to all of us the longer we live especially!!
    Lots of hugs and love, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It is only my faith that gets me through Elizabeth. We have been promised that every tear will be wiped away and I am so grateful for that promise. It is what keeps me going. Love and hugs and many thanks to you! xoxo

  2. My heart hurts for you, Marie. Please don't hate yourself because of your grief. I don't think losing our moms is something we get over. My mom has been gone 14 years now and I think of her every day. My mom and my husband's mom died the same week, three days apart. It was a really difficult time for us but I've found that time gentles our grief so we can carry on. But when our grief is compounded by estrangments in the family, it is also mixed with anger and it hurts. Oh, gosh, who knows why these things happen? Not me. I'm praying, Marie, that you will find some peace. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I can't imagine Elaine. That must have been so hard. ((((hugs)))) I think you are right. We never get over losing our moms. I am not sure I want to get over that. My grief in some odd way is like a cord which holds me onto her if you know what I mean. You are right about the anger and stuff with the other thing. That is the hardest to deal with. Love and hugs and many thanks for your prayers Elaine. xoxo

  3. Keep the faith, loss is hard, but you will work your way through it. After many years of me chipping away at the relationship, our third daughter came back into our lives. You can't make up for lost time but you can move forward with love.

    1. I am so pleased you had a happy ending Linda! I pray for one every day. They are very hard-hearted however, but I do believe in a God who can move mountains. Love and hugs, and thanks for the encouragement! xoxo

  4. Yes, as suggested seek out a grief group. Or, I know you are not able to walk much/far, but just a stroll around the neighborhood with Todd...5, 10, 15 minutes, with Mitzie... discuss the day, what's to be done yet, yesterday, good awful news of late (us in the US!), look around at the beauty of your surroundings now that they have gone into Fall mode, more belly laughing movies to watch and chit-chat. You'll be amazed on how refreshed you all will be. Now, you've got your support group worldwide who listen/read every day and here for you. God Bless and you are strong. Each day is supposed to be easier, but it really doesn't become easier - just takes time.

    My entire family is gone now. I only have my husband (whose entire family is gone too) and a couple of nieces who stay in touch with much love from afar. Sadness is overwhelming, but memories are still in the back of our minds to keep us in check.

    Much love from the other side of the Pond

    Mary in GA

    1. Ariana came over yesterday for a visit with Grace and that did my heart good Mary. Thanks so much for your input Mary and your love and encouragment. xoxo

  5. Greif can overwhelm us at times. I try to only remember the good times otherwise I would be overcome by it. Thinking about the happy times and counting my blessings helps to chase the blues away. We are only human and every one has that kind of day now and then. We just have to let go and move on in order to make a life for ourselves.

    1. Thanks Pam, I know you have endured much painful loss in your life having lost both your husband and your son. I cannot imagine losing a child that way. As a woman of faith I know who you let carry you when those dark days come. You are always an encouragement to many, including myself. xoxo

  6. My dear cousin,
    We have so much in common, and I love and miss you. I understand your feelings about your mom and about your children to some extent. I feel the same way about mine. No one is more important to creating a good mother than to be one. Your Mom was wonderful...mine too. It is like missing your very best friend in the entire world every single day. I feel the same way about living so far away from my children. I miss them so much every single day. Love that is deep and endless evokes many emotions and the longing doesn't go away. But it is still worth it to love deeply. I am so thankful we share the gospel and understand the hope in Christ that faith in him brings through the atonement and eternal life. All of us still have the capability with his help. That includes those that haven't learned this yet. If they haven't they will still have the option to progress. I have faith they will make good decisions that will bring you happiness one day. Find comfort in His promises. Be well. It is OK to feel sad sometimes and perfectly normal. This too shall pass!

    1. I think we are blessed to have had such good mothers Bonnie. I am grateful for the Gospel in my life always and the knowlede that I have of eternal families. Love and hugs to you and Jim my sweet cousin. Love and hugs. xoxo

  7. Marie, please don't apologize. I'm honored you've chosen this audience to share your true feelings. That's so sweet about your dad still calling the house. Although we divorced, my ex and I still cared deeply for one another. Because his children hate me, I did not learn of his death for many months. Yes, I still grieve inside. Your last meme describes me to a 't', Marie. I've always believed I felt things more deeply than others.
    I hope you'll feel safe to share whenever your thoughts threaten to overwhelm. HUGS!!!

    1. That must have been so heart breaking Mevely. Thanks so very much for your love and support. xoxo

  8. Some times when my faith fails....I have been able to rest in the cradle of my friends prayers . I will light a candle and say a prayer for you at our little church tomorrow . Hugs Debbie x

    1. Thank you so much Debs. I appreciate the love and the prayers. Every little helps. I can feel them. Love and hugs to you. xoxo

  9. Dear Marie~

    Love you, friend.

    Gentle Hugs,

    1. Thanks Barb. I love you too and know you are going through much the same. Love and hugs to you. xoxo


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