
Sunday 22 September 2019

A whole lot of nothing . . .

Something I have been considering for a while now is having a Brazillion Blowout. (I think that is what it is called.) Its a straightening process for the hair. I have always wanted straight hair. My whole life I have wanted straight hair.  Have any of you had this process done?  What did you think of it?  Did it wreck your hair? 

And then there is this. Discovered this the other day and have kept going back to look at it again and again and again  . . .  not totally grey or silver but a mix of brown and silver and grey I think, maybe white.  Its so, so, so pretty  . . . . 

Lash extensions.  Wow.  What a difference.  Ariana had it done and I thought she had beautiful lashes to begin with. My lashes almost look non-existant without mascara. Ariana had a friend who did hers for £20. (I know imagine spending £20 on your eye lashes!)  You don't wear mascara after you have them done apparently.  You let your lashes speak for themselves.  Ariana said hers drove her a bit crazy because they got all dis-arrayed at night and she would have to sort them all out in the morning. Not sure I could stand that kind of thing.  Any of you had them?  What did you think?  


Eye Brow Micro-blading.  Yay or nay?  Ariana had that done as well.  My friend Tina had her brows tattooed on in Thailand when she was there. She regrets it. They are dark and always there.  Micro-blading not permanent and not as solid.  What do you think?  I have never NEVER had nice eyebrows.  I am at an age now where I have to draw them on because they are pretty non-existant.  I did not pluck my brows when I was younger. I remember having them plucked at a hair dressers once and almost died from the pain, lol.  So my not having any isn't because I have over-plucked.  I just don't have any . . .  and what I do have is very short, kind of like hitler's moustache.  Your thoughts? 

Look at this  . . .  Hobbycraft.  £20.  Lovely.  I love those little Putz houses that they used to have years ago.   

You can get a whole set of them to paint and glitter on Etsy.  Have you ever wanted a Christmas village on your mantel?  Knowing me if I bought something like this, 10 years from now it would still be sitting there waiting to be made up, lol.  What is that say about the road to hell being paved with good intentions?  That's me.  lol.

I didn't win the lottery last night.  It was £167 million.  What would you even begin to do with that much money??  How many lives could you change??  Mind boggling.  I have seen the American Super Ball Lotto (or whatever it is called) get even higher than that.  Amazing amounts of money.  I can't imagine.  

Oh, and I started Friends again for the fourth time.  I heard a rumor that they were going to be dropping it from Netflix. Say it ain't so!  I never watched the show when it was on the telly, but I love watching it now, and I also started this . . .  


Yes, its Ally McBeal . . . 

I better get off here now  . . .  so much to do, so little time. 

Cream Biscuits 

In the Kitchen today  . . .  Cream Biscuits.  Ummm . . .  sooo good!

Have a great Sunday! Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. I love a whole lotta nothing:)
    I have not had anything done.
    But I know and see many young women.
    It seems every young woman..almost..not my girls..have had eyelash extensions.They are in your face lol.
    I know right away even if perfectly done..and in some cases..I am happy for them as they had so few.But be aware..een the Rambling Redhead who is a hoot on IG..has warned people about them.You will be left w/ less eyelashes.
    The attto eyebrows are scary in preson..never.
    Changes your face.

    Never had a Brazilian Blow out..I leave w/ wet hair..but I have 2 hair dryers that are keepers..onefor ofer 40 yrs..replaced of course..and a recent model..I alternate..and a straight iron.
    I only wash my hair every week.

    Blow dry w/ one of those 2 girls use the same..
    and flat iron.
    I hate being in a salon while somebody blow dries my hair in front of a mirror.Hate.
    As for that color hair? IN LOVE.
    Hard to recreate if not your natural color..those I have stopped and admired..their own color.
    My hairdresser says it is very hard to create artificially..and you need very very thick hair to get those gorgeous locks..
    It's my fave hair the one you showed..

    Hairdryer I have used since being married almost

    Recent version..heavier..I have a sore shoulder this one is heavier and brush of course not as soft..but very good..


  2. PS I Pinned those Putz houses last yr after seeing the most beautful Xmas table setting made w/ them:)

    1. Ahh, I am so lazy when it comes to my hair Monique. My arm gets sore drying and straigtening. I had that car accident in 1999 and it has never been the same since, and it is feeling worse these days. Oh I would so love to have my hair that colour. It is on my bucket list, probably much more so than pink hair, lol. I must do something. I am in a rut and need to shake myself out of it! I want to do a Putz house mantle decoration this year, but I am afraid I won't have enough time! xoxo

  3. My hair has always been straight so my advice is that if you's is curly, just enjoy it. It's lots easier to handle than thin straight hair. I love how people streak their hair with different shades. It's a nice way to let the gray show. Now mine is almost white, very little other color left. No shades of gray left. My daughter has hers colored much like the picture but does blond and not gray or white. She looks good but it's not cheap at all to get it that way. Happy last day of Summer !

    1. Thanks Pam! I am thinking more about having streaks done. I do a lot of thinking and not much doing! Happy Fall to you! Expect you are decorating your wee house for the season now! xoxo

  4. Gosh, I've not worn mascara in years. But probably make up for it with my liner crayon. (lol) Those extensions would drive me up a wall. My eyebrows have always been thin; now, they're practically non-existent and require not one, but three, pencils. I recently saw something on Facebook that made me laugh out loud: "Your eyebrows should not be the size of KFC potato wedges."

    1. Without mascara my eyes would disappear altogether Mevely! haha! I try to draw in a reasonable brow for myself. Haha potato wedges. I saw a young girl get on the bus once a year or so back that looked like she had butterflies over here eyes. Very stark and I remember thinking to myself, does she know what that looks like? Perhaps she did and liked it. I will never know! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    My daughter and granddaughter have both had false eyelashes...Taylor liked hers, Amber didn't. They were very expensive, and you have to go in every 4 weeks to have them fixed. As for the eyebrows. Unless you can find someone who will do the eyebrows that look natural, I think they look like caterpillars above your eyes! A friend of mine had her eyebrows tattooed on years ago, and now they look blue, and there's nothing she can do about sad. I sound pretty negative don't I?! I promise I'm not, I just feel like sometimes, all the fluff is just too much. And the hair...I would die for some curl in my straight, fine hair!! I have colored my hair for 20 years, I do it myself, so it's not too expensive. Have you tried a flat iron? I have several friends who have lots of natural curl. They can make it very straight with a flat iron, and it doesn't take long at all.

    I love the little houses, I think you could use them in every season...adorable!

    I love, Friends, I need to revisit that show! I don't think we get Alley sad, I loved that one too!

    Hope you had a beautiful Sabbath! Love you tons!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I have been watching Alley McBeal on Prime. I am afraid I love old shows much more than the new ones they come up with these days! Lots of conferences coming up at church with Stake C next weekend and then General the week after. I am really looking forward to them both! Love you tons also Barb. I think of you all the time. Love and hugs,xoxo

  6. Hi Marie, hope you had a nice Sunday. I love that gray, silvery hair colour, too. And Ally McBeal was a favourite of mine. I googled Brazillion Blowout and apparently part of the solution is formaldehyde. Yikes! I won't go there l don't think. Take gentle care. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Apparently Meghan (Duchess of Sussex) uses Brazilian Blow out. I haven't read anything to bad about it yet, but it is not permanent. I am just thinking. Probably like most things I think about it will amount to naught. Chasing the fountain of youth perhaps. I might have my hair dyed, I don't know. Just longing for a change I suppose. Love and hugs, xoxo


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