
Sunday 11 August 2019

Something for Sunday . . .

An Amusing Letter, by Vittorio Reggianini 

I hardly ever have enough time these days to do a proper post on Sunday mornings, so I am just going to post a picture, and then you can tell me what it makes you feel or think in the comments.  I will too.    

1 comment:

  1. It was known to be a time of great elegance, the Regency period. Another rennaisance, where art, literature and high society flourished. A time of luxury and romance . . . but only if you were somewhat wealthy, otherwise you were working for the wealthy, or mired in poverty. Women of means did not have much of a role in life. They were to marry well, hopefully above their means, and they lived by rigid rules of societal protocol. This was the time of Jane Austen, Shelly and Byron. A time of transition, paradox, elegance and vulgarity. I wonder what was in the letter these two women are discussing? Are they making fun of the sender? Or are they simply incredulous at its contents? I hope that they are being nice about it, whatever it is . . . but somehow I think not.


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