
Saturday 20 July 2019

Saturday This and That . . .

So what's a picture of fish and chips doing at the top of my post. Well, since you asked, I'll tell you.  This is what I was doing last night at 7 pm.  Taking a photo of a quickly put together Beer Batter Cod & Chips for the Canadian Hello magazine spread. I got an urgent e-mail from them about 6 and they were wanting to know if I had any higher res images of my original photos and I did not.  That recipe was from quite a few years back and I don't have that computer any longer, and so I said to them, give me an hour!  So there I was at 7pm, standing in the pouring rain outside in the back garden beneath the umbrella while Todd shone a heavy duty flash light across it to give me better light, because lets face it  . . .  the natural light here at 7 pm inside the house is definitely a no go, and rain or shine, the show must go on.  Being featured in Hello magazine such a feather to add to my cap that I couldn't not do it.  It was URGENT, or so they said. Not sure if they liked the new photos any more than the old, but hey. I did try.  Guess what Todd is having for his dinner today.  You got it!  Beef Battered Cod and Chips!! 

(This is exactly what I see when I have one)

Good news on the eye front. My eyes have not changed in two years.  Still the same prescription although I may go back and get some newer glasses when I get some money to do so.  What I have been experiencing is an Ocular Migraine. (You were right Ruthanne!)  

An ocular migraines is a scene that causes extreme visual disturbance. These migraines can last somewhere in the range of five to thirty minutes. They might be joined by an agonising headache. This kind of visual aggravation is delegated a migraine since it is caused by changes in blood stream to the mind. Veins choke, which lessens blood stream to the eyes. I don't get any pain, just what you see above which means I can't see to do anything. So far they have lasted about 35 to 40 minutes and calm down once I go somewhere and be quiet.

I was so relieved.  I thought I had a brain tumour or something, or that I was going blind, my retina was detaching, about a bazillion other things had been flashing through my mind.  It had never occurred to me that it was a migraine because there was no pain accompanying it!

Typically I only get it in the one eye, my left eye and that was the eye I had my first PVD in, and I consider it to be my worse eye sight wise.  Good news is that my sight has actually slightly improved, which is weird, but hey ho!  I'll take it! 

(I hope my sister doesn't mind me sharing this. Work is
ongoing in the house as she deals with mom's

Doug and his family have been in the Valley this past week and they have bee staying at my Sister's these past few days.  My dad was spending some time with them and this is (believe it or not) the best photo of them all.  LOL  why is it so hard to get decent photos of more than one person at a time! 

I mean seriously!  They do make me smile!  


Three generations there, with Doug, Dad and Jon at the back  . . .  and Jake and Josh at the front.  

They really crack me up.  Can't wait to hear how the
visit went.  I am so grateful to Kayla for sending
me these! 

And to my sister for putting them up!  


Getting to see Grace's new walking skills this week was another highlight of my week. She is such a beautiful baby. Her hair is getting more lush now and I can see that it will grow by leaps and bounds now that all the baby hair is gone and her other hair is coming in. 

She is such a delightful little baby girl.  I love her to bits.  I wish you could have seen her walking the other night.  She was going from one person to the next and she would stop half way and clap and do this funny things with her hands, like what's up and then continue. It was so cute, a bit wobbly (to be expected) but so cute.  She will be racing around before too long I am sure!  I am really looking forward to her Birthday BBQ next Saturday!  Its hard to believe she is  a year old. The year has gone by so quickly! 


Saw this on Mommy Mishaps the other day and wish I hadn't.  I immediately started salivating. Of course I won't make them, but boy oh boy, they epitomise everything I love  . . .  crispy, creamy  . . .  chocolate.   So tempting  . . .  I love anything with rice crispies in it . . . 

However  . . .  I remembered I had one of these in a drawer (doesn't everyone stash chocolate away in a drawer?) and so I went and got it out.  Three years out of date.  How bad could it be . . . 

One bite and I had cured myself of wanting anything with chocolate
and crunch in it.  For this time anyways.

Just yuck.  Three year out of date chocolate
is truly the pits.  


Yesterday morning the rain was truly bucketing down at one point.  I remember thinking to myself, I am going to get totally soaked going in to town.  It was pouring off the shed roof in sheets.  Thankfully it stopped when we went to go into town and held off for that whole time period.  I call that a Tender Mercy as I don't have a raincoat (I know, who lives in the UK without one of those!) and we couldn't find my umbrella.  Note to self - FIND THAT UMBRELLA!  Its a really cute one too, with Scotty Dogs all over it. My friend Pat gave it to me.I love it!  

I had an e-mail from my Publisher's accountant last week thanking me for my patience and telling me they had sorted some stuff and that with any luck I should have some residuals paid into my account this week.  Didn't happen.  I haven't had any since last November, and by my calculations I am due a bit and then some.  Fingers crossed they come through soon. We could really use the dosh.  At least they are staying in touch with me, which is a good sign.  I just have to continue being patient.   

As well this week I was working on my next article for the Knives site.  I have been asked to do a couple of recipes, so in keeping with a summer theme I did my first one this week, wrote the article, etc.  Creamy Roasted Potato Salad.  They were happy with it and I think the photos turned out nicely.  I did step by step as well, like the PW.  Oddly enough I am waiting on my pay from them as well.   Oh well, when it all starts to roll in it will be like a feast I guess!  This week I am working on another recipe for them.  Watch this space! 

So  . . .  hmmm  . . .  stress.  They say stress causes migraines.  I guess I need to slow down.  Whoever said retirement was easy was full of it!  I am busier than ever!  And I have to get started on that doll for Grace. I only have a week to get it done!  Whew!! 

A thought to carry with you  . . .

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

You can't go back and
change the beginning,
but you can start where you are
and change the ending.
~C.S. Lewis  •。★★ 。* 。 

Blackberry & Lemon Eton Mess 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Blackberry & Lemon Eton Mess.  Seriously decadently delicious.

Have a great Saturday. There was supposed to be a family fun day at the chapel today, but its been cancelled due to inclement weather!  Go figure!  Whatever you might get up to today don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Cute pics marie..Your sister must have a boatload of responsibilities right much to do think about..while mourning.Lucky you two are close..your dad looks great marie.
    Happy the eyes are good and rain held off..sent you an email:)

    1. Thanks Monique! I got it! Thanks so much! I am hopeless with things like that. You are so smart! My dad is great for his age. He is 85 and still chasing the ladies! xoxo

  2. Never a dull moment at your place, Marie. Glad your eye problem was not worse. Maybe you do need to slow down a bit. Nice to see the pictures of Doug and his kids with your dad. Settling a parent's estate is a huge endeavour. Maybe those promised funds will come in time for Anthony and Eileen's visit in August. Will they be there for your birthday? Hope the weather is better today. We're having a heat wave! It sure saps your energy. Hugs, Elaine

    1. They are coming in October Elaine! We will see what happens! I have heard the weather is very hot there! I can well remember how such drastic temperatures really drain you. Stay cool and hydrated! Love and hugs, xoxo


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