
Sunday 19 May 2019

Something for Sunday . . .

I hardly ever have enough time these days to do a proper post on Sunday mornings, so I am just going to post a picture, and then you can tell me what it makes you feel or think in the comments.  I will too.  


  1. I remember feeling like if I pumped hard enough I could reach the sky. Exhilerating, scary and exciting all at the same time! I was always told to come straight home from school. One time I took a slight detour to the swings, just for a few minutes. My dress caught and ripped as I was jumping off. Boy . . . was mum ever angry with me. I had disobeyed AND ruined a dress. Bad me. xoxo

  2. I used to love the swings, too. A few brave souls tried to swing so high they flipped over. Yikes! You don't see as many swings in the parks as you used to. I loved the teeter-totters, too. Enjoy your Sunday, Marie. God bless. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh, I remember kids doing that. I was never brave enough Elaine! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. The Divine Secrets of The Yaya Sisterhood.

    1. Do you know I have never seen that movie! I need to rectify that! xoxo

  4. Reminds me of the giant swings at playground near my grandfather's when I was a kid. Also had a giant slide and we would get pieces of wax paper, put that under our bottoms and slide down really really fast.

    1. That sounds like fun Kay! I remember the slides being really hot on the legs in the summer! The sun used to really heat up that polished metal! xoxo


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