
Sunday 5 May 2019

Something for Sunday . . .

I hardly ever have enough time these days to do a proper post on Sunday mornings, so I am just going to post a picture, and then you can tell me what it makes you feel or think in the comments.  I will too. 


  1. Sometimes we need to throw caution to the wind and just be like a child again, if only for a moment! Don't worry about getting wet, or getting hurt, or people judging . . . just feel total and uncomplicated joy without any strings attached! xoxo

  2. That is good advice, indeed, Marie. That picture calls to the child in all of us. Enjoy your Sunday. It's supposed to be a lovely, warm day here. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! Its very chilly here this morning, dismal and grey. I have the heat on! Love and hugs, xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!