
Wednesday 10 April 2019

Wednesday this and that . . .

Sometimes I waste a day before I even get on here, and that's before six o'clock in the morning most days!  I don't know how I manage to do that, but I do . . .  somehow  . . .

I play a game called Township and I am in a co-op in the game.  That means that I belong to a group and we compete against other groups for prizes like jewels, dollars (not real) coins, animals cards,etc. jockying for first position, and some weeks just fighting to stay in the same league.  Normally I don't get to that until much later in the day, but this morning I had to go onto it right away because last night I had reserved a chest challenge last night and only had 12 hours (from when I reserved it) to finish the challenge I was doing and then pick it up.  That meant I had to do it as soon as I got up.  SO I finished filling my plane's cargo bays, sent it off and whew, that meant I could do my chest one.  Each member of the co-op is expected to finish at least 14 to 15 challenges in a week for each race.  That is sometimes really difficult to do. Mid week here and I am only on my4th challenge.  I have a lot of catching up to do. That's because of the time difference between here and where most of my other team are playing.  They pick up all the quick ones and I am stuck with the ones which take longer.  Sigh  . . . I might not make the 14 this week.  I hope they don't kick me out!  

 photo DSC_9217.jpg 

Of course the first thing I have to do when I get up each morning is to feed Mitzie and we have our routine.  First she gets a small Dentastix to clean her teeth while I am getting her breakfast, which concists of putting her kibble into a bowl and then making it a bit more appealing by adding something wet.  This week it is a teaspoon of mashed sardines in olive oil.  She really likes that.  She won't touch dog food unless you add something.  She's a pretty stubborn little madame.  The Kibble is low fat for older dogs, and I don't give her the full amount to make up for the sardines. I also put fresh water in her bowl, adding a capful of this stuff which is supposed to freshen her breath and keep tartar from forming on her teeth. It has tea tree in it.  Once she has eaten her breakfast it is treat ball time. I know  . . .  me bad, but she has gotten into the habit of having 1 inch of a cheese stick cut into little bits and put into her treat ball for her to nose around the living room after her breakfast.  If I don't do it right then and there, she sits and stares at me, and stares and stares and stares  . . .  pucuated by little occasional whimpers.  Only then is she happy and content and settled.   

And yes, she is very spoiled, but that's okay
we really don't mind. 

Only then, am I free to get onto my laptop and check my e-mails.  Just want to make sure nothing important happened during the night.  Usually there is nothing pressing to attend to, but I do like to check my facebook out to see what my kiddles/family are up to.  Nothing much, most of the time. Occasionally I get lucky and there is something to see.  Occasionally I get distracted and I end up watching some gorgeously decadent cooking video someone has posted, or (like this morning) a funny comedy bit. (you don't want to know)  All being well, I can tear myself away pronto . . . this morning, well, it's almost 7 am now, what do you think? 

Then I have to tweet my recipe for the day.  Will the world end if I don't?  Probably not. I don't have that many followers on Twitter, but I would miss all of SB's yesterday goings-on, and I do so enjoy those . . . .   She has a very interesting life. 


Then its Instagram time . . .  I really enjoy Instagram, but it does involve a bit of time for me to put my recipe on there each day.  I need to get out my iPad, because you can't use it withou a mobile device.  I need to go to my blogger post, save photos from that (because phone photos are blah I have found) and then grab the link and post the photos and link onto my Instagram account.  Hopefully I won't get distracted on there, but I wouldn't bet on it.  There is usually something compellingly interesting on there . . .  

This morning it was the wedding of Olivia and Jacob  . . .  they were serving on their missions here the same time we were on our missions.  Love them both. (Had no clue they would end up together however!) 


I had to stop and say congrats, just in case I couldn't find it again.  Me/Old Dog<=== New Tricks.  I don't always know what I am doing, I just look like I do.  So anyways, congrats wishes were sent!  Such a lovely young couple . . . 

Oh and then I discovered Ariana had posted a video of Grace
and her first clappings!  I had to watch!  Maybe more than
once, you understand.  

Then I also had a message on there from Cookhouse asking me if I would like to review their new juicer, which I needed to respond to.  Watch this space. 

All of which means I am only now just getting on to write something
to you all, and its already almost 7:30 am. 


I wanted to show you this . . . I think the dress is done.  Its smaller than my index finger . . .  

Complete with bow at the back, and the words "Curiouser and Curiouser" emblazoned on the lower front hem . . . 


And yes, a silver key in the pocket, which goes to the door to you know where  . . . it only fits that door, but first she will have to drink something to make herself smaller  . . . 

I am working on the Mad Hatter's hat now, but I still need to make some tiny shoes . . .  and a bottle that says drink me, a clock, a mushroom . . . and possibly a pocket watch. It all takes time, but I think it will be quite lovely when done, and it helps to keep me out of trouble.   I have plans for these, even more plans . . .  think Secret Garden, Heidi, Little Women, Jane Eyre etc.

You've got to have a hobby methinks. 


And I still have my prayers and my journaling to do . . .  a bit backwards this morning actually.  All because of the Chest in Township.  Oh, and breakfast . . . I need to get me some of that, and to post my recipe on my FB kitchen page, plus respond to all the comments that were left (I like to do each one individually) and the blog comments.    

I hate to do it, but  . . .  I really must run. (and that's how you waste a day before it even gets started!)

A thought to carry with you . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

.As soon as I saw you,
I knew an adventure 
was going to happen! 
~Winnie the Pooh  •。★★ 。* 。 

Peanut Butter Bread 

In the kitchen today  . . .  Peanut Butter Bread.  Delish! 

Peanut Butter Bread 

Especially when you slice into thin slices and then make chocolate spread or jam sandwiches with it . . .  seriously tasty. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


PS - Got the letter from my mother's soliciter yesterday in the post  . . .  it just dropped through the mail slot and was there laying on the carpet.  My mother had left a note for all of us children.  I cried and cried and cried. I miss my mom so much. I wish I could have done more for her  . . .  two steps forward and three steps back . . .


  1. Hi Marie, you have had such a busy day before the rest of the world even wakes up. It's not even six am here and I'm keeping little Daisy company and waiting for the paper. I didn't realize the little dress was so tiny. Yikes! You must have very dexterious fingers. You will always cherish your letter from your mom. Hugs, Elaine

    1. That's from top to bottom, so slightly less than 3 inches tall! I will always cherish my mothers words for sure. Her last actual vocal words to me were "I love you too, very much." I wish now I had called her back and talked for another hour. I just never thought that would be it . . . Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Oh the letter.
    I would have loved a letter from my've brought teras to my eyes.
    You love your days....they work for you..we're all different:)

    1. I can tell you it really brought tears to my eyes Monique. Completely unexpected, but such a caring, loving thing for my mother to do . . . xoxo

  3. What a lovely treasure from your mom...such a great idea for us all to follow!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I know Elizabeth! I would like to do the same for my children. But at the same time it is heart breaking to read . . . xoxo

    2. Well, so soon after she departed, would make that harder no doubt...hope it will bring you comfort in the future however!! Hope you can keep focus on the fact the separation is only temporary. A drunk driver stole away my brother next to me in age, at only age 20...I survived it many years by focusing on where he was, and that it was temporary. It seems a very long time now however, now 44 years ago. xoxo

    3. Oh, I know I will treasure it and I DO treasure it Elizabeth. I am so sorry to read about your brother, such a young and tender age. It had barely begun. (((hugs))) as you say we can hold comfort in knowing we will see each other again one day. xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, I'm actually trying to do so much less online, I waste so much time!! I've definitely cut down over the last couple of months, FB in particular, I could easily waste hours on there looking at rubbish!

    What a lovely surprise to receive from your mum, brought tears to my eyes.

    My brother George is coming on Friday (the one that lives in France) he's staying with us but has really come to see my sister, Isabella. He hasn't seen her for about 18 months so is in for a shock. I'm taking her to Liverpool tomorrow as she's got some vouchers to spend.

    Have a lovely day, lot's of love xxx

    1. I am trying to spend less time on line also Kate. Early in the morning before Todd gets up and that is pretty much it! The odd check in off and on, but not as much these days. I hope you have had a lovely day with your sister tomorrow and that you have a nice visit with George when he comes. Love and hugs. xoxo

  5. Marie,
    We have a black white dog named Mitzy too!!!

    1. Ours is an English Cocker Chrissy, and very spoilt. We've had her since she was 8 weeks old and she is our baby! xoxo

  6. The kitchen goods in the first photo are very pretty in their blue and white patterns, and I think you are a good dog mommy.

    1. Thanks Terra! I think Mitzie is a very contented dog. I do so love blue and white kitchen goods! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!