
Saturday 27 April 2019

Design for Living . . .

A room with curtains snugly drawn
A red coal fire that oozes cheer,
A radio with golden hands,
Turned up just loud enough to hear
Yet not disturb or irritate
Dreams in the making by the grate.  
 Bookshelves where all the wealth of time
Is gathered in like golden sheaves
And bound like faggots on the hearth
Holding within their precious leaves
Romance and wonder, pride and worth,
From all the corners of the earth. 

A baseball diamond, rimmed with grass,
A kid with cokes and "Chocklut" bars.
A gleaming driveway by the lake,
Where you can catch a glimpse of stars,
A park for quiet walks and hikes,
Where one can saunter as he likes. 

A church where quiet prayers are said
And golden light is sifted in
To lie among the family pews,
A place remote from taint of sin
Where people wearied of the day
Can cast their troubles all away.  

A home . . . a church  . . .  a loved one near,
To share a bit of heaven here.
~Edna Jacques 
Oh reading this poem this  morning made me feel so nostalgic for the past, and for my growing up years.  It was the simplest of times, without a lot of the modern conveniences we take for granted these days, but in many ways it was the best of times . . . a time when you knew all your neighbours and they knew you too  . . . there was a strong sense of community. You didn't have to lock your doors, and you knew what day of the week it was just by what your mum was cooking for your supper, or if there was laundry hanging out on the line.  A time when the utterance of two words . . .  "I'm bored!" . . .  could elicit a list of chores to do as long as your arm, and there was no better feeling than that of your mum tucking you into bed at the end of the day and kissing you on your forehead. 

It just all felt so safe and familiar.

Oh but it is a horrible blustery, windy, rainy, cold day out there this morning.  Our bins have been blown around out back and are missing their lids. A far cry from the beautifully summer weather we were enjoying last weekend! You won't want to be moving very far from your hearth in this!  I have had to put the heat on this morning as it was feeling rather chilly in here!  Brrr . . .  

A thought to carry with you  . . .  

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No matter our circumstances,
no matter our challenges or trials,
there is something in each day 
to embrace and cherish.
There is something in each day
that can bring gratitude and joy,
if only we will see and appreciate it.
~Dieter F Uchtdorf  •。★★ 。* 。 

Apple & Ginger Cake 

Todd was wanting some cake yesterday so I baked a cake in my bread machine!  It turned out beautifully!  Apple & Ginger Cake

Have a great Satuday.  Stay safe and stay warm.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Hi Marie, you're right about the weather!!! It's blowing a gale and torrential rain at the moment, fortunately I don't have to venture out today. I need to catch up with my jobs this weekend after the last hectic few weeks.

    I too remember my mum doing set jobs on set days, Monday was always washing day followed by Tuesdays ironing day. Wednesday was dusting and polishing day! Happy days, I still miss my mum after 19 years and always will.

    Hope you and Todd are both happy and healthy, lot's of love xxx

    1. I don't think we ever forget our mum's Kate. I can't imagine ever forgetting mine. Love and hugs to you and George! xoxo

  2. same weather here and the flooding is atrocious.I must say there is a great sense of community here..I am not part of the social community..but the outreaching is quite impressive and so heartwarming for the people who are flooded..

    1. I am happy to read that there is such a great outreach and love for others Monique. It is so sad for the people affected by the flooding. It is flooding in New Brunswick where my son lives also. It is quite common in the Spring for the Saint John River Valley to flood, some years worse than others. I remember when we had our house there, I was out there measuring the water from the edge of the bank every day and praying it would top it. I think that the world is still a lovely place when it comes to helping out others who are in desparate need. I hope that never changes! xoxo

  3. Such a lovely post, brings back memories for me as well, we’re battling that wind today as well, with snow! I already made your cake, just this minute had a slice, with butter lol, I told you I was making it, lol,,, I baked in the oven, it’s a thumbs up!

    1. Oh, Laurie, how wonderful that you are enjoying the cake and it baked successfully in the oven. We had some today spread with butter as well. Yummy scrummy! xoxo

  4. I too felt some nostalgia on this one. I do wish my children could experience the time I was raised in. I think they are missing out on a lot of great fun and more peaceful times.
    so grateful for the era I was raised in and for being able to raise my children in it too. It's the grandchildren that are in an harder era of life. I think they are missing out on a lot.
    Thanks for sharing the poetry and thoughts; it gave me time to reminisce a bit. Thanks for that delicious recipe too.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for you!

    1. I wish mine could also. I said to Todd the other night I could really just live for a time without modern things. Simpler life and simple pleasures! Love and hugs, xoxo


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