
Wednesday 13 March 2019

Wednesday morning ponderings . . .

 Inge Look 

Can you remember the last time you laughed with a friend until your sides ached?   How about the last time you ditched the husband, the kids, the house, etc. and spent a whole weekend away from home pampering you and only you?  If you are like me, you probably have never done that.  Oh, I have had plenty of laughing moments, but I haven't spent any time pampering only me in a very long time.  Somehow the idea of it feels very selfish . . .  right or wrong. I did so always love going to the hair dressers and having my hair washed and dried. I always felt a bit nervous about it as well.  I am not a "small talk" kind of person, and I was never comfortable with that aspect of it. 

I have some really happy memories of side splitting moments spent with loved ones and friends. Oh we have had some really lovely, happy, joy-filled times in our home!!

What if you only had 24 hours left to live?  One full day. How would you spend it?  What would you do?  Where would you go?  Who would you spend it with?  

Carl Larrson

"The gift of deciding to face your mortality without turning away
or flinching is the gift of recognizing that because you will
die, you must live now." ~Oprah Winfrey 

I think I would want to spend my day in quiet moments with the people I loved most of all, some time communicating with the ones that I love who are far away, letting them know how much I loved and appreciated them . . . some time enjoying some of the food that I love most in this world, listening to the music that I love . . . with the ones that I love . . . in the place that I love most of all  . . .  home sweet home.  Dancing with the ones I love.

I would spend some time in thanks to my Heavenly Father for all the gifts I had been given.  I don't think I would waste even one moment doing stupid things . . .  at least I hope that I wouldn't. I would hope that I would die knowing that I had done my best to make sure that those who had mattered most to me in my life knew that they had mattered most . . . to me.  And that I would truly miss them. 

At the end of the day, those are the things which matter most to me . . .  family, home, faith, friends . . .everything else pales in comparison to the love I have for those things. 

There would be no time to worry about the things I hadn't done that I had wanted to do, no time to waste in frivolous pursuits, or watching television, reading, shopping, cleaning, etc. Only time for love and loving and being loved.  

Life is full of delightful treasures, and multitudinous ways to please ourselves.  There is nothing wrong with pleasing yourself, but when I look at the world around me . . .  the "public" world . . .  I see a world filled with pleasure seekers, seeking only for fame and fortune . . .  to be noticed, at any cost . . . . often missing out on and over-looking the things in life which matter most.  The Kardashians of this world make me sad. Attention seekers. Vapid empty lives make me sad. 

They don't make me long for any more than that which I already have, and I am so very grateful for that.  All I've ever wanted or longed for, is already mine. 

"Love is the essential, existential fact. It is our ultimate
reality and our purpose on earth."
~Marianne Williamson  

Inge Look 

The March winds are blowing up a real gale out there this morning.  Its very blustery.  Its been like that for a few days now.  If I stand in the kitchen I can feel it blowing in under the door and round the door frame.  That is the only thing that wasn't replaced when they put in all the new windows, etc a few years back.  Its a good door, made from mahogany, but it is old and there are cracks in it and it is ill fitting.  I keep saying each year that I am going to make a heavy curtain to pull across it to keep out the worse of the wind, but then I somehow don't get it done.  That's life! 

Today I hope to crack on with some of the downsizing, de-cluttering, etc.  Its a somewhat emotionally painful task, but it really needs to be done. I find if I do a little bit each day its not so bad, and I find I really do feel refreshed and renewed with every bit that goes out the door.  And do you know what?  I haven't missed any of it, which just goes to show you how much "tat" we hang onto that we really don't need!! 

A thought to carry with you . . .  

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•。★★ 。* 。
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If it costs you your peace,
it's too expensive.
~unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 

Small Batch Irish Soda Bread 

Over in The English Kitchen today I am sharing my Small Batch Irish Soda Bread.  Yummilicious!

Have a wonderful Wednesday (How did that happen???) !!!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Your bread looks good..:) Lol it takes Justin 5 mins to trim my wash now nothing.My streaks once every 3 months..and Josée knows that even in a snowstorm I leave with wet hair.
    Not into being pampered at all.I just like doing things on my own...Always have..
    Pipi laugh you mean? Yes w/ my daughters..;)
    Watched an interesting movie last night..
    Moving..the last 20 minutes are so moving it makes watching the movie worth it.
    I am a Ray Romano fan..And Duplass too actually..
    it is a story of 2 ordinary ordinary lives..having the friendship you can only dream of envy..just a true friendship..the movie moves along quirkily and slowly..the end a gift to watch.
    That's a true friendship in my mind.
    The Kardashians..I can't even..can't even pay attention or listen so not interested,and now Felicity Huffman and The Full House girl..yikes..give me a break.All the money in the world wasted on bringing up daughters in a Kardashian world.
    IMHO.Glad we're not famous..just ordinary:)

    1. You got it right Monique! So glad we are not famous, just ordinary. I think people turn everything into a competition today ... striving to be the prettiest, the best, the smartest, the most talented, the richest. I prefer honesty and reality. I hate artiface. There is nothing wrong with beautiful. Who does not enjoy the beauty of a rose, or a daisy, or a baby's toes. There is no competition there, just beauty, and yes, joy! Pipi laughing with my mom and sister and oh, my Aunt Freda, almost wet yourself laughter. So good. I like Ray Romano (did you see his comedy hour on Netflix? so good!) I will look up that film. It sounds right up my alley!! I am glad you are beautifully ordinary as well. That's why I like you so much! You are REAL! xoxo

  2. Love your Irish soda bread! looks yummt, send you love and hugs !

  3. Hi Marie, I think we are all extraordinarily ordinary and that is a good thing. Susan Branch thinks that way, too. You are a brave girl for tackling the downsizing a little bit at a time. I am being treated to lunch today to celebrate my birthday which is on Sunday. It's lovely to have friends. Enjoy your blustery day. Stay warm and cozy. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh, its hard and takes endurance. I always tell Todd to get it out of the house right away, or else I will change my mind! Happy Birthday on Sunday! I hope you had a lovely lunch with your friends! Love and hugs! xoxo

  4. LOL well not 100% real..That I can assure you:) I did not see his comedy show..Thanks! This was on Netflix too..slow beginning but I am ok with that..I wondered re J..but when it was over he said that was good..We often rate what we watch ;)
    It varies greatly.
    Have a great day..just talked about your raspberry squares on IG..we still love them:)

    1. It was really good. He went from one comedy club in NYC to another and had me in stitches the whole time. I wasn't able to get onto IG last night for some reason, most annoying! Todd and my tastes vary greatly sometimes also, but I did watchh that film yesterday and I thought it was really good! A bit different, but the friendship between the two men was beautiful! xoxo

  5. Thank you dear Marie, for this really lovely post. I think you nailed it with you endearing thoughts on what you would do with your last day. Faith, family and friends are truly those things that bring true happiness.
    You are inspiring me to get going on my own de-junking. I keep waiting for my daughter to leave but maybe it is a good idea to just start doing a little a day. I have so much that I don’t need. The job can look daunting but once worked upon brings great feeling of joy.
    Blessings and hugs for you!

    1. How do you eat an elephant LeAnn! One bite at a time. It makes a huge difference. Love and hugs. xoxo


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