
Monday 11 March 2019

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things from the past week which brought untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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The Camelia bush by the front door is in full swing now.   It is so beautiful when it's blooming . . .  but the blossoms don't stay for long before they drop to the ground.  Whenever I see it bloom I am reminded of God's goodness in bringing us back to Blacon.  It has been nine years now since we lost our job and home and Jess, such a horrible time for us . . .  but these pretty blooms were there to greet us when we arrived back here to begin the next stage of our lives. They were like a beacon of hope to us. 

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Daffodils  . . .  they are popping out all over now at the moment.  So sunny and so happy.  I love them.   They are everywhere you look  . . . and they help to brighten these transitional days which swing between Winter and Spring on an almost daily basis! 

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The birdsong at the moment is so beautiful.   Spring birds sound so lovely.  Todd said that he heard a woodpecker over at the park yesterday when he was walking Mitzie . . .  echoing through the budding tree tops. The birds are nesting.  This is the time of year to put out all those bits you have been saving for them all winter long.   Yarn scraps, hair from your hair brush, etc. It makes me feel good to know that some of what I have saved will go into their nest building and help to provide some comfort for some wee eggs and then baby birds.  Keeping them safe and warm  . . . 

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Baby leaves  . . .  they are appearing all over the place . . .  slowly unfurling from the tight buds which formed over Winter  . . . tender and green . . . delicate and sweet.  This is the greening of England as I call it . . . when over a matter of days the whole country takes on this flush of colour . . . all the trees looking like they are covered in pale green halos.  All has been dismal and grey for what seems like forever  . . .  and now this.  Tis a gift for eyes and hearts that are astute enough to notice. The willow are the first to break out it seems.  

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Our Forsythia bush is in full bloom.  I can see it every time I look out my back window.   The garden is flush with yellow!  Daffodils and Forsythia.  Have you noticed that seasons have colours?  Some seasons have more than one colour.  Right now it is the season of yellow, but it will soon be the season of blue and mauve once the bluebells and lilacs start to bloom. I love the season of yellow most of all.  

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"If you want to be reminded of the love of the Lord, just watch the sunrise."
~Jeannette Walls

This is the view out my front window this morning.  My computer is just in front of it and so I watch the sky as the first of day's light begins to appear across the roof tops of the houses across the street from us.  At first just a glimmer of light . . .  it slowly and quietly sneaks up on me . . .  rolling back the dark curtain of night inch by inch and moment by moment until . . .  daylight arrives and embraces me in totality.   Seriously, there is nothing more beautiful and soul enriching than watching the sunrise each morning.  I am glad I am a morning person.  

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This little lady. She just loves it when the back garden starts to dry out enough that we can let her back over onto the grass.  She runs and sniffs and has a great old time.  It makes me happy to see her so happy.  She will be nine in June. It is hard to believe.  I hate to think of the time passing by so quickly.  I wish it would slow down.

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We are surrounded by signs of new life  . . . Spring's promise.  There is so much happening in the garden these days that is is almost too hard to keep up with it.  Each day brings something new.  With bloom of crocus and daffodil swarming over the banks and borders . . . and the quince  which lays against the back gate is peppered with rosy buds.   Damson blossom is just on the edge of bursting into colour and the honeysuckle is flecked with new green leaves . . . tiny and waxed. I love this time of year.   

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Each one of you!  Knowing that I can come here each morning and share my life, heart and thoughts with you is a pretty special thing.  You've always been so kind to me and supportive and I see you all as friends.  I really do.  I think sometimes our Invisible Friends are the best friends of all!

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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. "Time stands still best
in moments that look
suspiciously like ordinary life."
~Brian Andrews •。★★ 。* 。 

Reuben Foldovers  

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Reuben Foldovers.  All the yumminess of a Reuben Sandwich tucked into a folded flatbread.  

Have a wonderful Monday.  I hope your week ahead is filled with plenty of small and wonderful things. Don't forget! 
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And I do too! 


  1. Hi Marie, I love your Camellia, it's beautiful! I used to have a bright red one which I loved, especially if we got some late snow. I miss it, as well as the mass of daffodils I used to have, but there again I don't miss the gardening!! Daffodils are my favourite and I have had them in the house for a few weeks now, and tulips, but they don't seem to last as long.

    I have only been out a couple of times in the last month so am getting a bit stir crazy now. Although after Wednesday I can venture out a little bit more as I can start putting a little bit of weight on my foot. I want to see my sister so will go round this week. Richard had promised to bring her round to see me but he hasn't. She went to see the consultant last week and was given her 100% diagnosis of Alzheimers. It's heartbreaking. I'll have to leave seeing her for a few more days as George and I have been so ill with this cold/cough virus that's doing the rounds. Can't wait to get back to normal!

    Hope you and Todd are ok and haven't picked it up, lot's of love xxx

    1. I love tulips also Kate, but as you say they don't last very long at all and look awful once the blooms have died off. You are used to being very active so you really must be going stir crazy by now. Saddened to hear the 100% diagnosis of your sister. ((((hugs)))) It is probably one of the most heart breaking diseases of all. I hope you can kick that virus soon! Thankfully it has skipped me this year. (knock on wood!) Todd did have a bit of a cold earlier this year, but that is it. Love and hugs to you. xoxo

  2. You have so much optimism outside your door..Spring has definitely sprung chez vous:) Good..I am can make the heart soar sometimes:)

    1. We are seeing improvements with each day that passes now Monique, with the lengthening hours of daylight and the winds. March is always very windy here. I don't mind as it helps to dry things up a bit. You are right, it does make the heart soar. xoxo

  3. I remember when all those changes happened to you so long ago. I was reading then and not able to comment. You seem so happy in the current place...I know you work at it too...but seems you have quite a few wonderful friends nearby there. That can make life so much nicer!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. This is true Elizabeth! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. I think the yellow bush looks like forsythia we have in Canada

    1. You are right Angharad, it is forsythia. I don't know why I keep calling it freesia. Its not! Thanks! xoxo

  5. You brightened my day with your thoughts. I love spring and I enjoyed all your photos of it. It hasn’t sprung here that much as of yet. I hope soon. I am anxious more more green and the flowers to bloom. I haven’t seen a lot of birds around either. I am very anxious for spring. We may get another snow storm here on Wednesday and it has been raining a lot. It’s been dreary for sure.
    Our little Sammy is 9 years old too. I can’t believe that he is that old. It seems like yesterday he was just a pup.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. We are getting lots of rain and wind and its been cool most nights LeAnn! But yes, spring is definitely springing. Spring is Todd's favourite time of year. Sammy and Mitzie are the same age. I hate that they are getting older! Love and hugs and blessings to you! xoxo


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