
Saturday 9 March 2019

Saturday this and that . . .

So yesterday was International Women's Day.  Instituted by the Socialist Movement of American on February 29th  in 1909, it was adopted by the UN in 1975 and is now a day which is marked and celebrated in most of the world.  In some places it is a day of protest, and in others it is a day of celebration.  I am more of a celebration kind of girl, and I chose yesterday to honor women who have made a difference in my life and helped to shape the woman I am!  I happen to think I am a.o.k. 

I certainly are grateful for the feminists of the early 20th century who fought long and hard for the rights of women to have votes, and equality, respect, etc.  I am all for that!  I do not take their sacrifices for granted.  all of their efforts resulted in women being looked at as being important in their own right rather than merely chattels of their husbands, fathers, brothers, etc.  We have come a long way! I know there is still quite a ways to go in some areas, and in many countries.  So grateful I was brought up in a Western Civilization!  I do not take my rights and priviledges for granted!  There are still women in certain areas of Western Civilization however that are treated poorly and definitely are not treated as equals to their male counterparts.  Women are still being treated in many instances with disrespect and as sexual objects, especially, I feel  . . . in the entertainment industry. But I think things are definitely improving.    

I had a mother who worked and helped to support our family. Mom went back to work soon after my brother started school and there were no children left at home to care for. Were things equal.  I would say definitely not because she had to work equally as hard at home as she did out of the home. My father did not do a lot when it came to housework, laundry, cooking etc.  In fact, in all honesty he didn't do anything much around the house.  He was a man who was brought up with different rules and I don't think he was any different than any man of his time.  A man who did do housework, etc, was certainly not the norm.  Most working women when I was growing up had to DO it all, and certainly were not paid equally to their male counterparts.   I think that is quite different now. 

Myself, all I ever really aspired to was to be a wife and a mother.  I wanted to be Aunt Bea.  I wanted to have a home and a family, and I have to say that those years I spent bringing up my children and taking care of my home were some of the happiest years of my life.  I just loved being at home, taking care of our home, doing things for my family, loving them, caring for them, etc.  I was always in my element when I was doing those things.  I did not long for a career.  I have never longed for a career.  I don't long for one now. Being at home is where my heart truly lays  I am grateful that I had a husband who was able to provide me with the opportunity to do just that, even if what I did was not always appreciated or valued by some of those around me.  It meant something to me, and really, at the end of the day, that is what counts most of all. 

I think there is room in the world for all kinds of women.
Strong women who stand up and fight, 
Soft women who nature and nurture,
Intelligent women who

Its not really about controlling others
its about having the right to
control ourselves.

When I look at the young women at my church, I see many kinds of women.  Some are women who are happy at home, and others are women who are happy working outside the home.  There is room for us all, and all are equally valued.  We have a role to play in and out of the home.  If I had to change one thing about those years I spent raising my family, perhaps I would have also spent some time in educating myself so that when I didn't need or want to be at home anymore, I would have had more choices in what I could do and would be able to do.  I think that an Educated woman is a wonderful thing, so if I had one piece of advice to give the young women of today it would be to never stop learning, ever, even if it is only learning how to knit.  Also value each other.  I think when women learn to totally value other women, for whatever and whoever they are, and whatever their roles in life . . .  then we will truly have come a long way baby! 

So this happened yesterday!  I got a message from Ariana in the morning saying that her driving instructor had had a cancelation that day and could fit her in for a lesson in the late afternoon.  As Jose was at work would I be able to watch Grace for an hour.  She did not have to ask me twice! I loved having Grace here.  Oh we did have a wonderful time together!  Ariana had brought over a few of her toys to play with and her dummy, some snacks, etc.  What a bright intelligent baby girl Grace is.  No surprise there! I loved every minute of our time together and I may even get to do it again next week!  Yay!  We even watched the Teletubbies together for a little bit. I had never watched it before. I can see why small children enjoy it, although I do think they should talk properly, in real words, not in baby talk. But that is just me.  

Yay my oven is fixed and working.  Today I can bake a cake.  We were sitting here last night and I said to Todd I want a piece of cake, but we have no cake. Today we shall have cake. Not sure what kind yet, but probably nothing too elaborate!  I like simple cakes best of all. 

Also today I need to put the finishing touches on my lesson for tomorrow.  This lesson has been a particular challenge for me.  It all about why hard things happen in all of our lives.  It is not so much the hard things that happen to us which matter most, but how we handle them that really counts.  We can allow them to destroy us, or we can allow them to build us.  The choice is ours.

This Sunday they are dedicating a new Temple in Rome Italy and this video is an exclusive peek into that new Temple prior to its dedication.  Two of our Apostles are in the video and they explain a bit about why we have Temples and what we do there.  I thought you might find it interesting.  Its a truly beautiful building.  If you have ever wondered about such things, now is your chance to learn more. All of our Temples are beautiful buildings and this Rome Temple is particularly so.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day.

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Other girls are not my competition.
I stand with them, not against them.
~unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 

Sticky Pineapple Chicken 

Its a Saturday Night Fakeaway in the kitchen today with Sticky Pineapple Chicken.  Quick, easy and delicious! 

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Grace is a doll and the best medicine ever..ever.Oh what a blessing in your life:)Have a great weekend and yay on the oven:)

    1. Thanks Monique! We certainly enjoyed having her. She never even noticed her mom had left until her mother came back! It was only then that she fussed a bit. She is a joy! Really pleased about the oven! xoxo

  2. I absolutely appreciate your thoughts on women, especially that there should be room for every kind of woman in the world and that we should support each other, not compete.

  3. Hi Marie~

    I couldn't agree with you more, it's so important for us, as women to make sure that we have a voice, that we exercise our right to vote for and do the things we believe are right. I love that you talked about women, being kind to other women...we must love and cherish each other for who and what we are, daughters of God.

    My mother always worked, she loved it. I remember her bringing my younger brother to work with her. Her boss made sure that there was a playpen and a place for him to nap. He also provided a private place for her to nurse. I so wish that employers today would do the same. I was a working mom, and like your sweet mom, I went to work when my youngest child went to school. I was a legal secretary, and I loved my job, but I knew that my true job was within the walls of my home, it was my favorite job!

    Grace is so adorable, lucky you to get to babysit her! I miss those sweet baby snuggles...soak them in!!

    I'm so glad you got your stove fixed!! I'll bet the cake was amazing!

    I have a friend who was lucky enough to go to Rome for the temple open house. She said it was magnificent, and that the beauty of the temple definitely replicated the beauty of Rome. The video was just beautiful!

    Enjoy your Sunday, Marie!! Love you tons...XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. We live in pretty amazing times Barb! Scary sometimes, but pretty amazing all the same! Love you tons also! xoxo

  4. Yea, oven fixed!!! We do not use ours very much...but if I entertained as you do, I would moreso. We mostly cook for us 2 in our little toaster oven. Does a good job and saves electricity. Grace is a little doll...and she appears quite intelligent too!! SO GLAD you get to help take care of her!! Isn't that a joy??
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. She is a little treasure Elizabeth. So much personality and those cheeks. Her hair is starting to come in now. She is going to be a real little charmer! xoxo

  5. You did a superb job of writing about Women. I loved it all. I am happy they have a day to celebrate. I do want women to have equal pay for equal work. We have come a very long ways. There are some things that irk me about women reforms. I think in someways inorder to be equal with men, some of the nice things that men used to do for women has gone a way a little bit. Not with the older generation but with the younger ones.
    I agree that getting an education is good. I always just wanted to be home too. I was most of the time but I did work as a nurse here and there when we needed the extra income. I’m happy that I got to be home most of the time.
    I love being a woman and especially a woman in the gospel. I think we have such a divine role.
    I love that you are teaching Relief Society. I ‘m sure your lesson was magnificent. You do have a way of words and I know that you would be a fantastic teacher.
    I have been so excite about the Rome temple and the Prophets visit with the Pope that I did my blog post on it.
    Sending lots of love and hugs your way.

    1. Oh, I will have to pop over and read it LeAnn! I think YOU have a beautiful way with words. Love and hugs to you! xoxo


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