
Saturday 16 March 2019

Saturday ponderings . . .

“ ought to be at the center of all and everything we do in our own family, in our church callings, and our livelihood. Love is the healing balm that repairs rifts in personal and family relationships. It is the bond that unites families, communities and nations. Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility, and respect. It is the source that overcomes divisiveness and hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope. Love should be our walk and our talk.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

I sat here yesterday morning, as probably did most of the world, watching and listening to the news of yet another senseless atrocity perpetrated against some of our Heavenly Father's children. My heart broke as I listened to the details.  How anyone can kill people to begin with is beyond my comprehension, but how anyone can just gun down a multitude of innocents who are in the act of worship, in a place of worship . . .  is something I just cannot fathom and will never be able to understand. 

My heart breaks at the inhumanity of it all. The ignorance that perpetrated it . . . the total lack of respect for life and humanity. I will never be able to understand or comprehend such a hatred I don't think, and I am grateful for that. 

God doesn't have children of colour, or religion, nationality or sex, etc.  God has children, and He loves us all equally. His heart must ache when He sees things like what happened in Christchurch, NZ yesterday. My heart aches and I am human.  His sorrow must be multiplied a bazillion times more. 

I know  . . .  we are only human, but why do we have to put labels on things, on people???  Why do we have to see each other as this or that, as Catholic, or Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Athiest, black, white, Asian, gay, straight, etc. Why can we not simply see each other for who we are??  Imperfect, and frail beings, struggling with our own secret battles, hopefully trying to do our best in an imperfect world, each one containing the spirit . . . . the breath of life breathed into us, and created by our Heavenly Father.  Why must one always seek to be better/stronger/wiser/etc.  than another.  Why can we just not love one another.  End of.  I suppose it is part of our human condition, one of our many weaknesses . . .  that we struggle with this ability to love one another unconditionally with eyes and hearts that see each other only as equals . . . 

Perhaps it is a life long struggle . . .  this battle to overcome the part of us that is human.  I said to Todd yesterday  . . . it is only when we can cease to see each other as being different in some way, and accept and love each other as being simply one thing, a child of God, that any progress will be made.  A man, but a man, and a woman but a woman, all equal under God, or not if that is the way your heart leans, but equal.  Acceptance is a part of loving.  It is a HUGE part of loving.

I may not worship God as you do. You may not even worship God.  Does it matter? It shouldn't.  Its your choice . . .  and agency is a fundamental gift from God (I believe).  A person's sexuality, choice of worship, religion, etc. is all up to them . . .  not me/us.  Surely we should have it in our hearts to simply just accept each other and love each other as who we are, where we are, what we are, how we are . . .  Just LOVE. 

I think the Beatles had it right  . . .  all we need is LOVE.  We have a long way to go, but change begins with each of us, as individuals. Today and every day, I choose love, even when it is hard to do so. 

People fear what they do not understand.  We need to
work harder at understanding,
and accepting.
Just LOVE.

The other day I erroneously suggested putting some things out for the birds to use as nesting materials.  One thing I suggested was hair from my hairbrush. WRONG advice. That is such a bad thing to do. Human hair is so thin that it can easily wrap itself around their tiny legs, etc. cutting off circulation.  You can find out more about what you CAN leave out for them here.   Its well worth a read.   I love the birds in our garden so much and I would hate to think I did anything at all to harm them, or that I would advise you to do anything harmful either! Lesson learnt! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Be the change
you want to see
in the world. •。★★ 。* 。 

Dad's Cookies 

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Dad's Cookies.  A slice and bake oatmeal cookie that has been baked in my kitchen for 35+ years now.  

Have a wonderful Saturday.  It is cold, windy and wet here.  Typical March.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Oh, Marie, my heart broke too when I heard about the shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. We must reach out to each other and learn about each other's faith and become friends with each other. How much richer our lives would be if we could share our cultures. My prayers go out to the victims and their families and friends. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! We never be able to understand why these things happen. Its just so wrong. Love and acceptance is the key to change! Love you! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie, it's impossible to understand why these things happen, its absolutely heartbreaking.

    On a happier note we had a new addition to our family with the birth of our great nephew, Nathan, born in Singapore yesterday. He's so gorgeous, but unfortunately no cuddles.

    We're batoning down the hatches today, the wind and rain is horrendous!!! Settling down to watch Line of Duty from the beginning.....again!

    Lot's of love xxx

    1. Congratulations Kate! A new addition to the family is always a welcome blessing! We are batoning down the hatches as well! I love Line of Duty, watching it ourselves in readiness for the new series coming in just a few weeks now! Love and hugs! xoxo

  3. It is becoming much too prevalent..:( Heartbreaking.

    1. It is Monique, and yes so very heartbreaking. xoxo

  4. its just horrible what is happening in our world..No compassion, no understanding for each others love..Just lot of hatred going on..spread love and compassion throughout the day..

    1. I agree Lulu, its a sign of the times. You wonder where it will all end. xoxo

  5. The scope of the evil in the world is beyond understanding, for sure, Marie!! In our family we are dealing with HOW a parent could so injure a child...of course, only if the child is near dead is it of any concern to govt officials. We have tried!! IT is a mental illness beyond my grasp, for sure. If it was not for our great hope in the next life, there would be little hope at all!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I think we are facing horrendous challenges and goings on in these latter days Elizabeth. Satan has surely been loosed and is doing his best to take us down as he knows his days are numbered. ((((hugs)))) Yes, thankfully we know the end of the story! xoxo

  6. This was such an endearing post. I like you do not understand in any way the killing that took place. What drives one to do something like this. What happened to feel them with such hatred. It's all so sad.
    However, you summed it up beautifully. The word is love. Love one another and treat one another as true brothers and sisters.
    I relished each word you wrote. I loved the quotes and thank you for writing such important and inspiring thoughts.
    Big hugs for this one and lots of loving thoughts!

    1. Thanks so much LeAnn! I had to teach in RS based on the talk by Elder Anderson, entitled Wounded from the last GC two weeks ago and his thoughts were still very much on my mind. We are so blessed to have the understanding of the Gospel that we have! Love you! xoxo


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