
Saturday 16 February 2019

The Button Bag . . .

What a gay host of memories
That faded button bag contains,
Leading me back across the years,
Down stony roads and quiet lanes
Making me see as plain as day,
The gentle folk of yesterday.  

Here is a button of fine jet,
My grandma had it on a basque,
I see her in her corded silk,
Her face as rigid as a mask,
Waving her fan serene and sweet,
In the old church on Maple Street.

This one was on my brother's coat,
And I can see the little boy
That he once was . . . his chubby face,
And eyes that sparkled from sheer joy,
Driving his dog on a red sleigh,
Coming in rosy from his play.

This pink one with the little bows,
Was on a waist my mother had,
And I can see her plain as plain,
Smiling across the room at Dad,
Her cheeks as rosy as the gown,
And her dear eyes of shiny brown. 

So the old faded button bag,
Is magic in a world of woe,
Giving me glimpses clear and bright,
Of that safe world of long ago,
When love was there serene and warm,
To shelter us from wind and storm.
~Edna Jacques

Two things I love here this morning . . . the poetry of Edna Jacques and Buttons.   Oh how delightful!   Did you have a button jar in your home when you were a little girl?   We did . . . well actually we had several old grey netal tins filled with buttons that were in my mother's sewing box. They had masking Tape Labels on the top that my father had written the names on of what were the contents.   I have one still and I cherish it.  It still has the same buttons in it that were in there long ago, the same . . . untouched as always.

Oh, the hours I spent with those button tins when I was a girl . . . and I would dream of what they used to be on, and who might have worn what they were on.   Dipping my fingers into that tin felt like what I imagined a Pirate would feel dipping his fingers into a trunk of glittering lucre and treasure.   Oh the imaginings of my little girls' heart were so wonderful.   I have several button tins now . . . and I love all of the buttons in them.   I almost cannot bear to part with any of them.   I can spend hours in sewing stores and craft stores looking at . . . buttons!   I still cannot resist picking up a card of ones that catch my eye and bringing them home with me, and every time I find one that I like . . . it's like finding something wonderfully special, just for me!

I got another letter yesterday from my son, this one included photos of Jon and a letter from him also.  I can't tell you how much these letters mean to me.  I think I am going to get a small scrapbook and start putting the letters into them, and then when I am gone it can go to my son and he will have a lovely memory to hold onto in my absence.  I know how very much my mother's letters mean to me now. They mean the world.  I think personal letters are so rare these days, that each one is worth it's weight in gold!  

Look at what we watched yesterday on YouTube.  April Love.  I had never seen it before.  I only just recently figured out that you can watch some pretty great old films on YouTube.  The other day I watched The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew.  It was not quite the same as the book I enjoyed as a child, but very entertaining nonetheless.  I am keen to see what else I can find on there.  Any suggestions? 


Another film that we watched this week and really enjoyed was Lion. Not all good films are filled with filth and violence.  

"Five year old Saroo gets lost on a train which takes him thousands of miles across India, away from home and family. Saroo must learn to survive alone in Kolkata, before ultimately being adopted by an Australian couple. Twenty-five years later, armed with only a handful of memories, his unwavering determination, and a revolutionary technology known as Google Earth, he sets out to find his lost family and finally return to his first home."

I really love a films based on a true story. 

A quote from Jim Carrey that my sister shared with me yesterday (thanks sis!) . . .

"Hope walks through fire, Faith leaps over it."

I am going to try to do a Pot Roast in my electric pressure cooker today.  I don't use this appliance very much.  I have told myself that this year that will change!  And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

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Art is not what you see.
its what you make other's see.
~Edgar Dagas   •。★★ 。* 。 

Small Batch Maple & Oatmeal Muffins 

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Small Batch Maple & Oatmeal Muffins.  Perfectly sized for the smaller family, but easy to double if you want.  They also freeze very well.

Have a great Saturday!  Try not to forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Hi Marie, on a big catch up today! Hope you're ok and glad to see you've been talking to lots of your family this week.

    I was busy with my sister for a while, just to give my brother-in-law time to do things he needed to do, appointments etc. Then it was down to London for my foot operation. Everything went well and we got back on Thursday night. I have to keep my foot elevated for two weeks and then its back to London for the doctor to take a look. I think it'll still be strapped up for another four weeks after that and I'll still be on crutches. But it will be so worth it as it was giving me so much pain.

    Hope you're making the most of the lovely sunshine! Take care and lot's of love xxx

    1. Kate, I am SOOOO happy you got through your operation alright! Whew! I was praying you would. Now praying for a speedy and full recovery! Let people wait on you for a while now! Love and hugs! xoxo

  2. I did a roast of beef last week in my instant pot in only 40 mins. it made fabulous French dip with au jus. even dad, who is not a great fan of roast beef, enjoyed it!

    1. I've had it in my for over 1 1/2 hours now. After the first 45 minutes it was still tough, so I did it again. If its not tender now, it will be dog food. xoxo

    2. wow....I used a 3 lb eye of round cut into 2 chunks, browned it on the saute setting, added 3/4 cup beef stock, then set it on high pressure cook for 40 mins. I let it steam release on it's own and the rest was history. maybe your pressure cooker does not work as well as an instant pot?

    3. I didn't cut it up and perhaps I should have. It was a rolled brisket. It tasted alright, and was tender in 2/3 of it, but not so tender in the other third. And that was after two 45 minute sessions! xo

  3. I LOVE your letter..s from your son..yes make a book stick them will be your prized of them..:)How nice is he? ♥
    My mom had a Player's tobacco empty tin w/ her buttons..I don't have the tin dang it but I do have some of her buttons♥
    Enjoy the weekend warrior!:)

    1. Ahh, the number of Player's Tobacco tins I have gone through in my lifetime. I am so happy I quit smoking. He is a good son. I have some very good children. It is a great blessing. Just wish I wasn't so far away. xoxo

    2. It was a fantastic film! I love a happy ending! xo

  4. Ah, old buttons...they DID used to make such unique ones!! I need to learn how to use my electric high pressure cooker too...have had it over a year so tis about time!! So glad more letters and photos came!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. No time like the present Elizabeth! Maybe we can learn together! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Hi Marie!

    Oh, I love old buttons! My grandmother had a button tin that held so many old, ornate and beautiful buttons. It was always a teaching moment for her, because she was a school teacher. I remember sorting and counting the buttons and even learning how to sew on the different types...those were the good old days! What a fun memory, thank you for sharing! I also loved the poem that went with the buttons, just delightful!

    A scrapbook of letters and photos would be wonderful! I love that you are getting letters and photos, it makes my heart happy for you!

    I love my pressure cooker, I don't use it as often as I should, but there are some things that I just love to make in it. I'm a little old fashioned in some ways, can't teach an old dog new tricks!

    I have never tried watching old movies, or any movie on YouTube, what a great idea, I will have to check into that one. Lion looks like a good movie, I've read good things about it.

    I love the quote your sister gave you, it's so true! Maybe that's why they call it a leap of faith!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, Marie! Love you tons XOXO!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I never thought about it Barb, but you are probably right, that is why they call it a leap of faith! I have so much to learn about my pressure cooker! I'm not sure I will ever get the hang of it. Old dog/new tricks. Sending you oodles of love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Button boxes hold so many memories.


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