
Monday 25 February 2019

A Monday mishmash of thoughts . . .

So I have been thinking . . .  these past few years things have gotten a bit boring around here.  I don't really go anywhere, I don't really do much of anything . . .  I stay in my house most of the time, except for church and I cook and I clean and I throw things away and I don't do much of anything else except for crochet blankets and watch television while I am doing that.  I feel like I am stuck in a rut.

I used to go places and do things  . . . 
maybe not exciting things, 
but things
 . . . 

I was thinking about this yesterday and I am actually surprised that some of you still come to visit me here on this dull, boring, predictable page.  And then I thought . . .  am I depressed?  I hope not!  Where is the excitement, the joi de vivre!  I need to shake it off. 

I have so many things I want to do.  Like paint, and craft and sew and make dolls  . . .  but I never seem to be able to find the time to do them.  I did when I was working full time.  Why can't I find the time now?  It seems to take me forever to get anything done at all. 

What's up with that?
It makes no
. . . 

I don't even get many books read and finished these days.  I start lots, but I don't seem to be able to finish them.  Right now I am reading several books.  The Tattooist of Auschwitz.  Mothers and Daughters, A Legacy of Loss.  We Don't Die. Cradle on the Waves. Wild Signs and Star Paths. I Found You.  All good books, some on the kindle, some on real paper that I can hold in my hand.  I seem to get so far in and then  . . .  I lose interest.  

It is the same with our television viewing  . . .  We seem to watch the same things over and over again, and they bring us joy. Like the Gilmore Girls, and Friends . . . Outlander, Call the Midwife, The Crown . . . The Waltons.  I am really into Dirty John right now.  Its really good, but I don't want it to end.  And I know it will.  We just finished Episode 5 and I can't decide if I feel sorry for John or not . . . is he a good guy gone bad, or just a bad, bad guy?   Is he a bad guy who really wants to be good? Time will tell.  

I started a painting yesterday.  I got it lightly penciled in. and I fot the windows done, the roof, and the window boxes.   I had seen this house on Instagram  . . .  and I fell in love with it and I thought, why not try painting it  . . . 


Well, first I thought Monique should paint it and she thought I should paint it and then I thought why not give it a go and I am  . . .  I had to stop yesterday as I was losing the light and I don't like to paint in the dark  . . . 

I did some colour swatches to try out my colours, etc.  and I drank my painting water by mistake.  I think everyone has done that at one time or another.  You get so involved when you are painting that you tune out everything else, even your drink.  I bet even Susan Branch has sipped from her paint water from time to time  . . .   

Inside my head I have a bazillion things that I want to be doing.  I need to catch the motivation bug and get doing instead of just thinking about doing . . .   

I need to practice healthier eating instead of just talking about it and continuing with the Food Porn. I need to be more pro-active with my health and to say to hell with cooking things that I think other people will like looking at.  I need to cook healthier stuff that people will like looking at, or not . . . I just need to eat healthier.  I did order some mixed seeds to sprinkle on my oats, etc. I figured buying an already mix would be cheaper than buying everything individually and then putting it together.  I need to cut out the sugar entirely, completely, end of and decrease the carbs.  But then  . . .  


There are two of these sitting on the sideboard
staring at me right now. 

I need to purge more than the books and the clutter and the nicnacs . . .  and try not to pay attention to the nagging husband talking about waste and eating from the store cupboard and not buying in anything new . . .  but he is already 80 and I am thinking I might  not even make 70 if I don't become more pro-active about these things. 

I need to sit less and walk more.
A whole lot more.

I need to actually start cooking the healthy recipes I collect and hoard on secret boards.  I need to not give up before I even start. People will either look or they won't. It shouldn't matter to me either way.  I should be doing these things for me and not for them.  I need to drink more water. 

I'm getting lost and I need to 
find myself 
. . . 

I need a new direction.


Somebody turned 8 yesterday.  I think she likes Unicorns.  Why did I not know that until I saw this picture???  That thought makes me really sad. My life has moved far, far away from where I wanted it to be, from where I planned it to be.  I know that life does often turn out very differently than the life we had planned for ourselves. We do need to make the best with what we have been given.  Have I been doing that?  In some ways yes, but there is always, always room for improvement.  I need to make improvements in all areas. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Read the best books first, 
or you may not have time
to read them all.
~Henry David Thoreau  •。★★ 。* 。 

Skillet Sausage, Peas & Rice 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Skillet Sausage, Peas & Rice.  Simple and delicious.

Have a wonderful day.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. OH I JUst lost a novel I wrote to you:(
    Just take care:):)

  2. ((BIG HUGS)) to you, Marie!! Funnily enough, I've been having very similar thoughts! And was trying to gather some into a blog post of my own, but didn't get that far! You and I both have been blogging for a l-o-n-g time. Good times they've been too. But some days lately I think Some days I think...I've said/shared it all, right... so what's left?! I live a pretty quiet too, and I'm happy with it. But "exciting" blog fodder it don't make... haha! My interest remain largely the same. But maybe I'm past my "sell by" date?! ;) So, I don't know... But I do know that I LOVE, love, love your little painting--too sweet! What a dreamy little cottage. And I just LOVE that image of the Beatles--LOVE the Beatles! Many a time I have drank my paint water. And many a time I have dipped a paint brush in my tea. All part of the fun. I don't paint much anymore, though. I stopped the Bible art journalling that I loved so much as the paints and mediums were making the pages all stick together. I have a few "lost" pages now. :( Like you, I'm trying to live/be/eat more healthy. With my family history of illness, disease, etc. I feel like I need to be cleaning up my act--just in case! :/ Like your granddaughter, I love unicorns. I like the idea of magical worlds with unicorns and that we are magical creatures among them. Maybe we just need to re-ignite some magic spark, right?! I might just take some time off an play! I LOVE you, my friend, and love all you share here! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Aww thanks Tracy. I guess i is all perspective. I think all of your posts are interesting and informative and they contain so much of your heart. I love them. Maybe you are right. We need to re-ignite a magic spark. Love and big hugs to you. xoxo

  3. I could have written this same post, Marie...details a bit different, but the bottom line the same. Yes, I am depressed and frankly? With all life has handed me and still is, I do have reasons. Saturday was an especially low day. But yesterday was better. I hope today is better for you too. I have made some decisions for myself. To not be doing any reaching out, even in small ways, via email, where my ignoring kid and family are concerned. Enough. I have had enough. Will I write anything negative to them? No. Just glide off into my life here (they live a continent away...much as is the case with you and yours). All streets go both directions. We are human, for crying out loud. Even if we do continue to love and pray for reason to keep them on the radar otherwise. I am wondering if I should just keep on looking for ways to be more involved with others...seems a good plan. Take care...sending you lots of hugs. Elizabeth xoxo

    1. ((((hugs)))) Elizabeth. Try to cling to the good and put the bad aside. I always think of the serenity prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the power to change the things I can, and the wisdome to know the difference. Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. Hi Marie. I think we all feel like this at some time or other, but even more so after a devastating loss. You begin to realise how fragile life is. It's also really easy to get in a rut of not going out, eating the wrong food etc etc...the list goes on and on. But doing things to improve your physical and mental health can only be a good start. Start with baby steps, make a commitment to go out every day, even if only for five minutes but build it up gradually. The fresh air and exercise will do you the world of good. Use your pass and get the bus or train somewhere, just get out.

    With regards to your recipes, I think in this day and age people want more healthy recipes, but regardless, you should do what is right for you not everyone else.

    However, if you feel you are spiraling into a depression then please, please go and see your GP.

    Thinking of you and sending lot's of love xxx

    1. Thanks Kate! Much appreciated. Hope your foot it getting better with each day that passes. Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I laughed when you said you accidentele drank the paintwater! :)). I sometimes put my gluebrush in my coffee when I make books:). Tight cuddle for you that you know there is more then housekeeping����

    1. Thanks Angel! I bet that is an interesting combination, glue and coffee. xoxo

  6. Oh my sweet friend, I now know we are very much a like. I feel much like you. I feel like time is flying and I’m being left behind in some ways. Your honesty is refreshing and that is a real reason that many love to read your posts. I don’t think your life seems boring at all. You are such a talented woman. I think it is just our time and age and we just don’t do things like we used too and time is different for some reason.
    I need to do all of what you are talking about with food and exercise issues. I pray all the time for good health and to help my husband have good health and then I don’t do anything really good to make it happen. I don’t think I cook bad but we tend to overeat and probably too much sweets at times.
    I’m frustrated because I can’t find time to read a novel like I would like. Right now by the time I read the Come Follow Me and The Book of Mormon I don’t have time for anything else. It really bothers me because I have a number of books I want to read. Then there is the monthly ensigns and etc. The list is long of what I would like to do and cant get done.
    Our TV watching is cazy at times too. We mainly just watch a bit in the eveing and it is relaxing but at least you are doing crocheting or something and I am just a lump in the chair.
    You create these beautiful blog posts that I enjoy and you have many followers that enjoy them too. You do brighten our days.
    I took a month of blogging and then have had total writers block and wonder if I should even keep doing it at all. You are such a good writer and I know that I’m not. I love to write but I don’t have the talent you do and wish I did. I wonder if I could use my time better. However, I don’t do it very often any more anyway, so why does it matter.
    Well anyway, you make a big difference in my life so keep on doing the wonderful works you do. I love your artwork and will look forward to the finished product. You are an incredible artist.
    Getting old is not for the weak for sure and it is hard to find our place in the scheme of things.
    Sending you lots of love, prayers, and hugs dear friend !

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I think there are just not enough hours in the day left to do what we want, and not enough days left either. Love and hugs and prayers for you and Roger also. xoxo


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