
Wednesday 9 January 2019

Where Flowers Dance . . .


Long about this time of year the seed catalogues start to fall through the letter box and onto the front hall floor.   It's very timely I think.  Just when we are in the throes of a grey, dismal  and drizzly Winter . . . they are like little rays of hope and colour . . .

 What heart does not soar at the sight of beautiful roses . . . in a myriad of lovely colours, or monster delphiniums with their unbelievably tall steeples of incredible blue blooms?

My fingers flick excitedly through the pages . . . my soul inspired by photos of fat impossible-looking peonies and sunflower blooms as large as dinner plates and as bright as the sun . . . I cannot help but smile . . . just a little bit . . . as my heart skips just a tiny beat . . .

Out come the pencil crayons and I begin to plan . . . and dream just a tiny bit . . . 

 I dream of beautifully scented evening stalks . . . and trumpets of four-o-clocks lined up against the wall.   Clusters of pansies, their little faces turned up and smiling towards the sun . . .

In my dream poppies flirt with snap dragons, and bachelor buttons dance in mellow sunshine, bobbing back and forth in gentle breezes and bowing down as red and white carnations stride by . . . forget me knots laying a carpet at their feet . . .

Pink foxgloves lay . . . just where the foxes left them . . . whilst gaily coloured sweet peas do a dainty minuet as they climb upon the wall . . .  mingling with the  morning glories who hide their faces as daylight turns to dusk . . .

Gaily coloured asters prance and wildflowers riot in hidden corners, jumping out to surprise the passer's by . . .  golden marigolds flit and fleet, nasturiums and petunias bob and bleet, whilst stately  scarlet zinnias and purple crested dahlias quietly stand guard . . .

A carpet of lavendar sends up it's scent with every skirt that brushes past . . . 'tis a garden party feast for all the senses and one I darest not miss . . . 

What is it . . . only 65 days until Spring?  

Sigh . . .

We sat and watched one of my favourite films last night, Ice Castles.   It was the original one with Lynn-Holly Johnson and Robby Benson.  What woman of a certain age did not have a huge crush on Robby Benson way back when?  I love watching figure skating and when you combine the magic of that with a love story, well . . . a bit cheesy, but I do love the film.    Todd seems to like it too, or maybe he is just being a good husband . . .

When I was a girl most girls dreamt of being figure skaters and had Dorothy Hamill hair cuts.  My parents could never afford figure skating lessons.  I can remember how excited I was when I learned how to skate backwards.  It was like a really big accomplishment.  I have not been skating in years. I doubt my ankles could hold me up now.  

Ohhh . . .  another favourite skating moment of mine  . . .  the Gilmore Girls episode where Luke builds Lorelai an outdoor skating rink.  Sigh  . . .  so romantic.  I LOVE THIS SHOW.  We just started watching it again for the bazillionth time. My husband is very patient.  Truth, he loves it too.

My mom is going to her Vascular surgeon again today.  Its not looking very pretty.  I spoke to my sister briefly last night on messenger.  She told me that my mom's baby toe is half gone now and he rest is starting to necrify.  All of her other toes are now infected and the one next to the baby toes is looking black now as well. So it sounds like it is no longer a question of "if" but "when." 

If you smoke.  Quit.  Just quit. Now. Before it is too late.  

Happy Birthday to my sweet Grandson Josh who is turning 10 today!  Love him to bits.  He got a rock tumbler for Christmas and we are all in anticipation waiting for his first rock to be finished.  I had no idea it took so long, it takes weeks!  I suppose that is kind of just like us. It takes us years to be polished to perfection!  In any case, Happy Birthday Josh!  I love you!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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The true way to live
is to enjoy every moment
as it passes,
and surely it is in the
everyday things around us
that the beauty of life lies.
~Laura Ingalls Wilder   •。★★ 。* 。 

Potato Pie 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Potato Pie. This is one of Todd's favourite meals.  He loves it.  I down-sized it so it is a perfect fit for one.  He enjoyed it with buttered brown bread and pickled beets.

Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!    



  1. Hi Marie, oh I remember the seed catalogues so well. I'd go through them and promise myself that this would be the year when my garden would end up looking the same. But alas it never happened! I just couldn't get into gardening no matter how I tried. Both my parents loved it and my sister could spend 24 hours doing it, that particular gene must have bypassed me!

    I hope your Mums hospital visit goes well, you are all in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time.

    Happy birthday Josh!

    We were out last night for Georges eldest sons birthday. He wanted to go to a restaurant in Liverpool called Bem Brasil. The food was lovely but its one of those were they leep bringing different meats to the table for you to try. As I'm not a big meat eater it was probably wasted on me! After that we went to see The Favourite (the one Olivia Coleman just won the Golden Globe for) and what can I say, weird is probably my best description! It was ok, but I definitely wouldn't watch it again or get the DVD!!

    Have a good Wednesday, lot's of love xxx

    1. OH dear, about the film Kate! Mixed reviews! I wonder why it is winning all the awards? I had already decided not to see it at the Cinema,but to wait for it to come onto one of the streaming sites. I am waiting to hear back from my sister about mom's appointment. I hope the roads were not too bad today. That restaurant sounds similar to one I went to in American called Tocanos, which was a Brazilian Grill place. Delicious food! Love and hugs! xoxo

  2. I saw Olivia Coleman won the GG must be a great movie.I watched Roma on Netflix it had won best foreign film Black and white and subtitiles..
    Poor mama:(
    10..Like Noah:) It's easy for me to picture what your Littles are like many are close to mine's ages.Take care!

    1. Its kind of fun that our littles are very similar in ages! MY older ones are both 12 now, but then of course Cameron is only 5, so a big age difference between them all! Such fun ages! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    Your sweet mom is in my prayers, such hard times for you.

    Your grandson is adorable!! Happy birthday, Josh!! Love that red hair! I too have a 10 year old grand, he will be turning 11 shortly.

    I love seed catalogs...some of my favorite memories are of watching my mom and my grandmother dote over those books! I'm not sure if they ever ordered anything from them, I think it was just getting ideas of what they wanted to get at the nursery. You described the flowers so beautifully...:0)

    Ice Castles, was one of my favorites as well, and yes, big crush on Robby Benson, although I was a married woman of 4 years when it was filmed! I still thought he was cute! Figure skating is always what I wait for in the Olympics, I love to watch it. When Amber, my oldest daughter, was in kindergarten, their class took an ice skating class. I got to help, I loved it so much. The kids did amazingly well for being so little and put on a performance at the end that was adorable.

    Much love to you, sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I always wanted to have figure skating lessons when I was a girl Barb! My parents couldn't afford things like skating or dance, or piano. I longed for all those things. Thank you so much for your prayers for my mom. They mean a lot to me. Love and hugs, xoo


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