
Sunday 13 January 2019

Something for Sunday . . .

Moonlit Serenade By Kim Leo, print available here

I hardly ever have enough time these days to do a proper post on Sunday mornings, so I am going to start something new.  I am just going to post a picture, and then you can tell me what it makes you feel or think in the comments.  I will too.  


  1. When I was a child I had a record from the musical Peter Pan. On it was the song, "The Second Star to the Right." I had the words memorized and as soon as I saw this picture the song started going through my head . . .

    The second star to the right
    Shines in the night for you
    To tell you that the dreams you plan
    Really can come true

    The second star to the right
    Shines with a light that's rare
    And if it's Never Land you need
    It's light will lead you there

    Twinkle, twinkle little star
    So I'll know where you are
    Gleaming in the skies above
    Lead me to the land we dream of

    And when our journey is through
    Each time we say "Goodnight"
    We'll thank the little star that shines
    The second from the right

  2. Hi Marie, oh I love the moon, especially a full moon. I have spent many hours looking at it and even talking to it! After John died I would often sit in the garden in the middle of the night, the only sound would be the breeze through the trees and the moon for company. I would share all my sadness with it, but it gave me a lot of comfort. A few years later a song by Bruno Mars came out called Talking to the Moon and I loved it, I thought that's me!

    Hope Todd's feeling better today and that your talk goes well. Lot's of love xxx

    1. I know the song you are talking about by Bruno Mars Kate! I think the moon is a wonderful companion to share our ponderings and feelings with. We know that it will never share our secrets. I marvel when I think about man walking on its surface! Love and hugs to you! xoxo

  3. "just an old fashioned love song, coming down in three-part harmony"

    1. One of my favourite songs from way back when sis. I think we've listened to that a lot in our bedroom when we were teens! Love you! oxox

  4. funny, of course, it is the dogs baying at the moon that bring lots of memories to me. We once had a beagle...and they do enjoy some baying at times. Also, we used to live in a remote place where hubby worked, and there were many coyotes so you can bet we heard plenty most nights!! Hope Todd is better today!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. We had a beagle when we were growing up. Lovely dogs! Todd is feeling much better this morning (Monday) thanks! xoxo

  5. I like the whimsical quality of this one. It makes me start thinking up a bedtime story to tell my daughter tonight about what these pups got up to.

    1. Ahh, I miss bedtime story time. I used to make up stories for my children. It was so much fun! xoxo


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