
Wednesday 16 January 2019

How to spend a day . . .

I am feeling very grateful here this morning for God's tender mercies.  Mom got through her operation without any complications.  I will copy and paste my brother's post here so you can read it.  He puts it much better than I could.

"Thanks for your prayers for my mother’s surgery. They were able to do the surgery with a spinal block, so she did not have to go through the added fog to her brain from having a general anesthetic. By 8:00 she was in her room, lucid, and even smiled. So, things have gone well. Do pray for all the adjustments though, as she’ll have to go to a convalescence place in Digby for physio to build up strength in her other leg and arms to be able to get in and out of her chair/bed, and also for my sister as she makes the adjustments at the house to accommodate her. Things have gone well, and we're praying that continues." 

My father called me on the iPad to let me know all was well and we breathed a huge sigh of relief.  I spent most of yesterday in a tearful fog, praying and hoping for the best, and trying to prepare myself for the worst that could happen.  But, in all truth, I don't think you can ever prepare for that even if you know it is coming.  With this life saving surgery, God willing we will have mom with us for quite a while longer.  So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and prayers. ♥

I spent most of yesterday trying to keep busy, trying to keep my mind occupied with other things.  I sorted out my beads as best as I could.  I had previously had them in another container and dropped it the other night, scattering beads and sequins from here to kingdom com.  It was a real nightmare picking them all up, and of course they were all jumbled.  Todd got me this new case which has locks on it so that if I do drop it, it won't, or shouldn't at any rate, open up and scatter everything. I have vowed to begin my Christmas prep early this year.  We will see. 

We vacumed downstairs. My back will no longer allow me the movement needed to do this type of thing, at least not painlessly . . .  so Todd does the majority of this type of thing.  Do you think we could get the power head engaged?  We tried everything.  I think I had the whole thing apart and back together at least twice, looking to see if anything had come undone, etc. (I am very good at mechanical things.)  So we dragged it about without the power nozzle . . .  not easy on carpets.  We had just gotten it put away when all of a sudden something twigged in my brain and we dug it out again.  Sure enough there is a button on the front of the handle with switches it from floors to carpets and someone had put it on the floor setting. Not naming any names, but since I don't do the hoovering we all know who it is.  (LOL)  Anyways, problem solved for the next time we need to vacum, which is about every second day when you have a dog!!

I baked cupcakes and fiddled with taking photos of them, editing the photos, etc  and then wrote my blog post.  They are Lemon and Raspberry Jam Cupcakes.  You can find the recipe on The English Kitchen.  I found the recipe in a Martha Stewart Cupcake book.  Believe it or not this was the first recipe I have baked from the book.  I've had the book for years now, but don't often feel like making cupcakes.  I am not a person for fiddly and Martha usually requires a bit of fiddle  These were actually quite simple, which is why I decided to bake them.  Plus they have jam in the middle.  Cake with jam in the middle is always ultra tempting to me.  

My mother always used to bake us this plain cake when we were growing up.  A hot milk cake and  . . .  she always filled it with jam.  We all loved it.  I think we all love jam actually!  Another favourite treat of hers for us was when she would give us some vanilla ice cream for dessert and top each serving with a spoonful of her homemade freezer strawberry jam.  It was soooooo delicious!   But then again, food memories always are. 

I prayed and prayed and then prayed some more.  I think I had a silent prayer running through my head all the day through.  I cried a tiny bit too, but that's just me being a human and a daughter. 

I punched out/cut out all of my Valentines.   I had gotten this book of Vintage Valentines a few years ago and never gotten it done in time for Valentines, not any of the years. This year I have. Boy did this take me back to when I was a child and my mom would get us each a Valentine book each year. Not of the pre-cut Valentines for us.  We went old-school all the way and we would spend days cutting each one out and glue together envelopes, etc.  It was a great way to keep us busy!  Yesterday it was a great distraction . . . 


Todd washed the car while I did supper preparations for the Missionary Sisters.  I set the table and puttered in the kitchen and before you know it they were here.  It was so nice to have them over.  One is from California and one from Calgary, Alberta.  Did you know Missionary sisters can now wear trousers!  Its much better for them, especially in the Winter!  They are loving it.  Much more comfortable and of course warmer in the wind and rain. We were just sitting down to eat about the time my mother would have been starting her procedure.  My mind and heart were not far from her at the point. 

The Missionaries left and I cleaned up . . .  I love the mindless job of cleaning up after a meal.  You can just putter away as you do the things you need to do.   Then I got washed up and put my jammies on.  Next thing you know my dad was calling me to tell me all had gone well.  Whew! 

And then last night I slept like a baby.

The End.   

Thank You.

The hope Christ gives us makes
days that are filled with 
Heartache be the days that are
filled with tender mercies and joy.
Heartache turns our hearts to Christ
and helps us find inner peace.
~Courtney Castrey


  1. Oh, Marie... sooo VERY, very glad that all went well for your Mom yesterday! What a huge relief... God is sooo GOOD! I hope and pray her recovery will go, and that she will indeed be with you all for a long, long, long time to come! :) Thinking of you all, and keeping the prayers coming your way, and your Mom's way! LOV YOU ((LOVE & BIG HUGS)) P.S Those cupcakes look dangerously good! I've not made cupcakes in a long time either--like you say, too fiddly... LOL!

    1. Thanks Tracy! She is a real star. Praying all is well in your corner of the world also. I know I need to e-mail you. I need to get my act together. I am so behind on everything. Love YOU, hugs and kisses. xoxo

  2. Marie, I'm so happy to hear things went well with your mom. You and your family are in my prayers. Hugs.

    1. Thanks so much Christie, your prayers and hugs are much appreciated! xoxo

  3. Such good news:)What a brave mama!!

    1. Thanks Monique! She is an inspiration to us all! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, such good news! I'm so pleased and happy for you, long may it continue!! Lot's of love xxx

    1. Here's hoping Kate! Thanks so much! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    Oh Marie, you must be so happy and relieved! What a great blessing to have your mom come through with no complications! Your brother's letter seemed so upbeat and positive, thank you for sharing. Please keep us posted on her progress, and in the meantime, I will keep you all in my prayers.

    I just got done vacuuming, such a chore! It's true, when you have animals in your home, it needs to be done often!

    Such sweet memories, of jam filled cake and cut-out Valentines! I don't remember cutting mine out, but I loved picking out the perfect Valentine for each child in my class, what a great memory!

    Your mom is so pretty, many blessings to you dear friend, and I'm so glad you got a good nights sleep, things always seem better when you are rested! XOXOXOX

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks so much Barb! I used to take great pains in picking out the right Valentine for the right person! I still do this when buying cards! It takes me ages to pick on eout! Love and hugs and blessings to you. xoxo

  6. Thank you for updating glad that things went as well as possible for your mom!! It helps to learn that at least some of my prayers were answered affirmatively!! Wishing all the best for the time to come, for you all too!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I am so grateful for all the prayers and happy thoughts. xoxo


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