
Tuesday 22 January 2019

And so it goes . . .

It is with great sadness that I have to let you all know that my beautiful, courageous  mother stepped across the threshold and returned to her Heavenly home yesterday morning. She is now free from all the pains and troubles which attended her over these past 5 1/2 years. Reunited with her parents and two sisters, and whole again, she is now dancing across the heavens, her blue eyes twinkling as they always did. Thankfully my sister arrived at the hospital in time to hold her hand while she took the journey from this life on into the next.  


I loved my mother very much, as we all did, and we will all miss her presence here.  I know in my heart that she is in a better place and I am so very grateful that I was priviledged enough to have had her as my mother.  She taught me all I know about what it is to be good, and kind, and loyal and brave.  She set a wonderful example for me in all ways.  I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and kindnesses over these past weeks.  We felt them and were so very grateful for them. God speed my dear sweet mother, until we meet again.  


  1. I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself. Ronnie x

  2. My heart goes out to you, Marie. With love. <3

  3. I am so sorry to hear this, Marie. You and your family are in my prayers. XXOO

  4. My deepest sympathies Marie and family♥We all knew how much you loved her.I don't know of another blogger who mentioned their mom and her admirable qualities as much as you did.I hope she had the opportunity to read them it must have warmed her heart.Take care.

    1. Thank you very much Monique, she never did read my blog, but I was always telling her how much I loved and appreciated her, so I think, I hope that she knew this and that it warmed her heart. xoxo

  5. Oh, my dear friend... how very heartily sorry I am that you have lost your Mom! How much she went through in recent timed, recent years. It has been wonderful getting to know her through you. Thank you for sharing her with us! So much my heart and prayers go out to you and all your family... God bless ypu extra much at this time. LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  6. Marie, I am so sad for you. I was hoping this would not be the outcome, but I know these kinds of medical procedures are so difficult for those of your mother's age. We experienced a similar thing with my mother-in-law. You can take comfort in the knowledge that she is now free from pain and with those whom she loves. May peace and comfort be with you and your family at this tender time.

  7. I am sad to read this news, but feel that she is now free and living in the light. How wonderful to have such loving memories - as you know, this is something very special.

    1. Thanks very much Mary. It is indeed something very special xoxo

  8. Sweet Marie,

    My heart is breaking for you, It is so extremely difficult it is to lose your mom. I know words cannot even express your sadness, just know that she is still with you,loving you and helping you through this difficult time. Love you so much sweet friend, and keeping you in my most sincere prayers.

    Gentle Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks very much Barb. I know you took this journey not long ago yourself. xoxo

  9. Oh Marie, I am so very sorry to hear this. I was worried when I did not see your post this morning. Nothing I can say will make it better, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. My heart breaks for you. Christie

  10. Marie, please accept my sympathy...Losing a mother is heartbreaking. Take comfort in that she loved you beyond belief and now she is in Heaven without pain and with Jesus and who went before her, that she loved. Thank you for sharing your life with us, so we all could pray for you and your family, especially right now..remember Jesus is hugging you and comforting you and your family. Louise

  11. Oh Marie, I am so very sorry...and you are wise, focusing on where she is now...and that she is no longer in any pain!! I pray GOD will comfort you as only HE can!!
    Many hugs and love, my friend, Elizabeth

  12. Your mother is finally free of all pain and troubles. Life is never the same without a mother. You honoured her beautifully in your daily blog as she deserved. I pray the Lord will bring you to a place of peace at this very difficult time.

  13. May God’s Peace be with you. I’m so sorry.

  14. Oh, Marie. I have been following along quietly and hoping things would not go this way. She knew she was loved, though, and I'm glad your sister was able to be with her for the last bit of the journey. Those two things alone are incredible blessings.

    You and yours are in my prayers. ♥

  15. So very sorry Marie. Love and prayers.

  16. I am so very sorry in learning of your Mom's passing. May you and the family find peace and comfort in God's love during this difficult time. Mary

  17. so very sorry Marie God Bless you

  18. It's so hard to say goodbye to a parent....peace be with you.

  19. Dear Marie Im thinking in you. I know pwefwctly how you feel. and take time all this pain and sorrow. I know. Send you hugs and love. (Did you believe still some days I think : I have to call my mom ) Yes still happens me and sometimes. But your mom always will be with you dear Marie !blessings

    1. Thank you very much, Gloria. I know what you mean. I think we will always miss our mothers. There is a special bond there. xoxo

  20. Dear Marie,
    Sorry to hear about your Mom. At least she is now free of pain. Please accept my condolences.

    1. Thank you very much Maria. That is the consolation, that she is free from pain and whole again. xoxo

  21. I was wondering all of a sudden I wasn't getting your posts on your other blog. I'm still not getting your posts on this blog either. I was afraid to find out why!

    I'm writing this comment right now teary eyed Marie!I'm so very sad and sorry to hear that your dear beautiful wonderful Mom has passed away! 😢

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, ur Todd, your dear sister and the rest of your family! My heart breaks for you now!
    All I can give you are virtual ((((((hugs)))))) Marie!

    Take your time to heal Marie and don't worry about your blogs! Everybody will be here when your ready to come back. ❤ Love you xoxo

    1. Thank you very much Jan. Much appreciated. Its been very hard, but we are ploughing our way through. xoxo


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