
Monday 31 December 2018

Small and Wonderful things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 
MY DIL reposted this old photo of my middle son's two older boys taken at Christmas a few years back.  That year I got all of my grandsons matching pajamas.  To this date this is the only photo I have seen of any of my grandchildren wearing anything I have sent them, and I can't tell you how much joy it brought to this grandmother's heart at the time, and still does.  Jon is going to be 13 this year, and Josh will be having his 10th or 11th Birthday in just a few days now. (With 7 grands I sometimes have a difficult time keeping the ages straight in my mind. Doesn't mean I love them any less, just that my brain is aging.)  I got to facetime with all of them (Jon, Josh and Jacob) on Christmas Day and it was wonderful!  Love my son, Kayla and their boys very much. 
Our Amanda posted this photo of her two the other day. I am assuming it is Christmas Eve as there are no gifts beneath the tree.  Love their matching pajamas.  I have never gotten to meet Cameron in person yet.  Maryn is 7 and Cameron is 5. They are beautiful children.  I don't really know them, and they don't really know me, but it is not for lack of communication on my part.  It is my deepest heartfelt wish that someday that will change, but for now it is what it is and I accept that. I am just very grateful that from time to time I get a little glimpse of their lives.  

Luke enjoying a candycane on Christmas morning.  I did not get to facetime with these two this year as their father's phone was broken, but I did get to see a few photos of Luke and Gabe in their matching Jim Jams.  Unfortunately the one of Gabe is a video and I don't know how to post videos on here to show you.  In any case getting to see these two did my heart a world of good also.  I hate being so far away from my family all of the time, but especially at special times such as Christmas.   Love them all, and am very grateful for my two oldest sons who do their best to make me a part of their and their children's lives all the year through.  It means the world to me. 
This is my mom and dad with me at Christmas in 1955. I was about 4 months old.  I cherish this photo.  They are both so young here.  (me too!)  I love my parents so very much. 
Flash forward 63 years and this was my mom and dad this Christmas.  My heart aches.  I am so grateful that they are both still with us. My father has facetimed me twice in the past week, and I have gotten to speak to my mom a couple of times on the telephone.  One time was a great conversation and she was very talkative.  She was very talkative yesterday as well, although her speech/memory was not so great and it was a bit of a struggle.  I know she gets frustrated because she can't spit the words out.  My Christmas package for them has arrived.  (I sent it by courier)  We are trying to figure out where it is however.  I hope they can get it today. 
I don't know how much longer we will have our parents with us, but I am grateful for every year with them we are given. I love them with all of my heart.  I miss them so much and wish I was able to live closer to them.  I am ever grateful for modern technology which affords me the contact that I do have with them.  I wish I had the means to help my sister (who takes amazing care of each of them) more.  I just don't.  If wishes were horses  . . . 

I am so grateful for the lovely childhood my parents gave us.  They did the best they knew how to do. We were always well fed, clothed, sheltered and, most importantly . . .  loved.  The three of us are all  kind, decent, giving, caring, trustworthy, reliable and honest individuals.  This is a credit to our wonderful parents.  I honor them.  I love them. I am ever grateful for them.  Its a funny thing, but  . . .  I think that the older I get, I appreciate them that little bit more. 

Our Christmas Tree.  It will probably be coming down tomorrow.  I am glad that we were able to put up the larger one this year rather than the smaller one.  It has filled my days with light and joy.  I love to sit and look at it and I have enjoyed sitting in its glow with Todd and Mitzie most evenings.  I love the way the Nativity sits next to it and helps to remind us of the real reason for the season.  I will miss it when Christmas is all down and put away for another year.  The lounge always seems empty with all the decorations dismantled and back in boxes.   
I am not one much to make New Years Resolutions as such . . .  but I think that in this coming year I want to start my Christmas Preparations for 2019 in January, lol.  I think that might be the only way I am ready by the time Christmas rolls around again in December!   
On Friday this week, this new Diet food company is sending me a week's worth of food to try and see if I can shift a few pounds in a week.  I am kinda looking forward to that.  I will still have to cook for Todd, so we will see how that all pans out! I am grateful for these little opportunities that come my way and make what is essentially a pretty plain and simple life, a tiny bit more exciting!

I want to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very Happy New Year.  I hope that 2019 is kind to each of us.  I thank you for your faithfulness in having visited me throughout all these years and I look forward to this continued sharing with each other in the coming year.  You all mean the world to me!!  Happy New Year! 
Toasted Cheese Rounds 
There is a New Year's Eve nibble in the kitchen today . . .  Toasted Cheese Rounds.  Simple and delicious.  Perfect for enjoying with cold drinks as you watch the fireworks! 
Have a wonderful day and evening.  Be blessed and don't forget! 
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And I do too!   See you next year!




  1. Oh dear ..every time I hear the yearning in your words for your absent family I want to fix it.And I can't.I want all the kids to facetime you.

    Everyone is so different..some more sensitive that others..some lose their moms and it's no big deal..others lose their moms and never miss a day thinking of them
    I believe your absent childen will regret their ways one day.
    We are given one mother ♥
    I hope you can talk to your dad about this and that he eases your sadness.
    Gosh almighty those kids should really understand that life is short.
    I know things seem a bit different today..perhaps devotion and undying love has been replaced with..too much of everything else.
    Thinking of you and the cuties you shared..are indeed cuties.
    I did visit yesterday but my comment is not there..sorry about that..Have a good day...

    1. My parents also feel their loss Monique. They were always a huge part of my children's lives, especially my mother, but when they cut me out, they also cut out them. It is just really sad. Great Grandchildren who could be getting to know their Great Grandparents, and they aren't. How many get chance like that! Not too many! It is a special blessing! I got your comment from yesterday! On the iPad it plays games with me sometimes! I responded! As a mother I don't want my children to have any regrets. I would do anything for them, always. Love them to bits no matter what. All is always forgiven. Maybe 2019 will see healing?? I pray always for that, but they have their own journeys to travel and this is a part it I suppose. God bless and Happy New Year, may it be kind to us all!!! xoxo

    2. I HOPE for you! How sad re your parents..oy.You are right not many are afforded this privilege

    3. You have such a loving heart Monique, I enjoy your comments to Marie

    4. Thanks girls! Like you, I enjoy Monique's comments Angharad. They come straight from her beautiful heart! I would have loved to know my Great Grandparents. I have some memories of my maternal Great Grandmother, and I remember her passing. Sadly by the time I really knew her she had full on dementia, but at least I got to spend time with her. xoxo

  2. I'm not sure if my comment went through or not, but just in case, I'll say it again...Hope you have wonderful Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year Pam! I will be over to visit tomorrow. Hope you had a lovey celebration with your family! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, loving all your family photos, they're beautiful!

    I still can't believe it's 2019 tomorrow, but I wish you the happiest and healthiest New Year! Lot's of love xxx

    1. The year has just flown by Kate. LIke you I can believe tomorrow will be 2019! Let us hope it is kind to us all! Happy New Year to you and George and your family. Be blessed! Love and hugs, xoxo PS - maybe we can meet in 2019?

    2. Definitely! It's my New Years resolution!! Xxx

  4. Isn't it about time we had a great year? I am ready, believe me!! Many of us are in a similar situation to yours, you are not alone and I am sure you know that. Even tho' one has contact with all their children, does not mean that the contact is frequent enough...but tis easier to get some crumbs from the table than nothing at in a way, what you do get from some is crumbs...but I am sure you are grateful for even that much. And YES, one day they will understand...I really believe children watch us intently and often pattern their lives after ours and those 2 of yours must not think their children notice...but one day...they may well know how it is as they too will be ignored. Sad. But life is for learning I say...and sometimes those lessons are expensive and sad. I hope this year will be the year they decide to be in some contact however!! Being a slow learner is better than not learning at all!! HUGS to you,
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I love your attitude Elizabeth. I really hope that my children never have to experience this for themselves. I would not wish it on anyone! Love and hugs! xoxo

  5. I loved the photos of your cute grandchildren. I’m so happy that you sons keep in close contact and that you do get glimpses of your grandchildren. I can’t imagine how hard it is to be so far away from them.
    I love that you have good contact with your parents and sister. Treasure each time you communicate. I miss my parents and brothers so much and holiday times are especially hard. I do think we love and appreciate them more the older we get.
    I too have a difficult ending Christmas. It’s always sad to take the decorations down. I do feel like they bring an extra bit of joy and light into our homes. I love the Nativity too.
    I’m with you on starting for next Christmas in January. I actually think I am going to start in March and do one family a month. It would be so much better in many ways.
    Enjoy your moments with Todd and Mitzie as this year ends.
    Sending you loving New Year thoughts and hugs sweet friend!

    1. Love you LeAnn! I hope this next year brings only the best to your table (and mine, lol) Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Have a Healthy and Happy New Year Marie, Todd, and Mitzie! 🎉🎉🎉

    I left you a comment I think it was on Friday's Finds Marie. I'm trying to find a better server and carrier, so I can give you my email address and write to you. I only get one of your blogs posts, even though it says I get both. So frustrating! It won't let me leave a message either!

    I hope and pray that your other two children will come to their senses soon and see that this is just wrong! (((((HUGS))))) 💞

    1. So sorry you are having such problems Jan! Its a real conundrum I know on my iPad I can't comment on blogs. It is very frustrating. So happy to hear from you. I was worried something had happened to you! Love and hugs! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!