
Wednesday 7 November 2018

What I know for sure . . .


Life is full of ups and downs, wins and losses, sweet and sour, dark and light. You don't get to be my age without having learned a few truths. This is some of what I know for sure  . . .

Adversity does not build character, it reveals it. 

You could take ten different people and plop them down into the same harrowing experience and you would observe ten completely different reactions to the same thing. Who we are quickly rises to the surface when we are faced with obstacles, challenges . . . adversity. 

There is the "why me" person.  This is the person who takes everything personally, seeing the slings and arrows that life throws at them as some sort of punishment for something they may or may not have done in the past.   

There is the "why not me" person.  This is the person who accepts that bad things happen to good people all the time. Its not personal. Its just life. You roll with the punches.

There is the "Yes, a challenge!" person.  This is the person who sees all of lives little ups and downs as challenges and likes to rise to them and conquer them if possible. 

There is the "Quitter" person, who as soon as things get rough, they give up and lay down.

There is the "Throw the other person under the bus" person. They always point the finger of blame elsewhere and refuse to acknowledge responsability for anything that might go wrong in their lives.  They're always more than willing to let other people bear the slings and arrows.

There is the "Leader" who quickly takes charge and starts planning a way to get everyone out safely.

There is the "Follower" who wants someone else to assume control and is willing to do or follow this person wherever they lead them, no matter the direction taken.

How you react to the slings and arrows of life will either awaken the Giant within you, or reveal the mouse that lurks within your soul.

I love Disney movies . . . with Princesses and Princes, etc.  There is always a great challenge that they must face and overcome.  It is the same in every story.  They begin with once upon a time, but they always end with, and they lived happily ever after . . .  but in the middle there is always a great battle and an enemy that they must learn to overcome.  A journey of sorts that they must take. Adversity . . .  and through it all they reveal the strength of their character, and who they truly are. 

The truth is that Adversity teaches us things that we would not otherwise be able to learn, and takes us on a magical journey towards becoming the best that we can be. Adversity can help to mould us into better people . . . but only if we let it.  How we react to that adversity is key and it is everything.  If you don't like the person that is revealed when the bullets begin to fly, it is within your power to change. Nothing is written in stone. 

 I have seen all of those things above in me from time to time.  I have been the courageous one, and the one who wants to lie down and quit.  I have wondered why me, and then quickly reminded myself why not me. I have wanted to point the finger. Sometimes I have been brave and been the one who roared, who led . . . I think there is a tiny bit of  all of those things in each of us . . . but who we truly are is the person who emerges, triumphant . . .  from the end of the tunnel. 

What I know for sure is this one thing . . . we cannot do it on our own. A bit of faith is required.  Faith in ourselves, yes . . .but mostly faith in a higher power, and a willingness to do whatever it is that we need to do to get to where we need to go.  The scriptures tell us that even if we only have faith the size of a mustard seed, it can enable us to do great things and  to move mountains.

It is that faith I have in me that  . . . every single day of my life  . . .  encourages me and sustains me, and gives me the power to do hard things, especially when I don't think I can do them on my own. And trust me when I say, that is more often than not. 

We have a very busy day ahead of us here.  This morning Todd has a consult at the hospital about his cataracts. I hope he doesn't have to wait too long for surgery.  This afternoon we have a Missionary Correlation meeting at the chapel. In between we have the stuff of every day! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Don't limit yourself, and don't let others
convince you that you are limited
in what you can do. Believe in yourself, 
and then live so as to reach your possibilities.
You can achieve what you believe you can.
~Thomas S Monson  •。★★ 。* 。 

Butter, Herb & Garlic  Basted Steaks 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Butter, Herb & Garlic Basted Steaks.  Delicious! 

I wish for each of you a lovely Wednesday.  Be positive and don't forget!

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And I do too! 



  1. Hi Marie, lovely thoughtful post this morning.

    I hope Todd gets on ok at the hospital and that you get good news.

    Enjoy your meeting and then have a well deserved rest, lot's of love xxx

  2. Have a great day! Good luck w/ Mr T's appointment:)

  3. Thanks Monique. He is slated for surgery, more sooner hopefully than later and hoping all goes well with it as it is his good eye. If something cocks up he will be left blind. (Scary!) In any case he drove himself home from the hospital afer having had the drops in his eyes. I am a bit annoyed with him for doing that as he was told not to drive for 8 hours! We did not know that they were going to be putting the drops in or we would have made other arrangements! xoxo

    1. I can imagine!My dear frined Nancy had cataract ops..on 2 different a gift! Very positive outcome..remember Call The Midwife..Sister Monica Joan...

    2. I am sure he is worried about nothing. My mom had them done without any complications too! xo

  4. A friend of mine had cataract surgery last month and she is so thankful she can now see so much better. Hope all goes well with Todd. Your post on adversity is so true in every word. One thing I know for sure that through all the ups and downs in life, the good Lord is with us through it all !

    1. You said it Pam! I wish everyone knew and understood that truth! xoxo

  5. Some very insightful thoughts. I am still often a why me person but working toward being more why not me or challenge conquering.

    1. Its hard I know Anna, but it can be done. We all have our why me moments! xoxo

  6. Anothy wonderful and inspiring post x

    1. You have the knack of posting the right thing at the right time, for me anyway!

    2. Thanks Julie, I usually just write whats on my mind! xo

  7. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this one. Yes, I think I have been one of those at one time or another. I do believe that my faith has got me through some hard times. Right now, I am in a learning curve and really do relie on a lot of prayer and help to get through some rough spots.
    I love the Hallmark movies and that is exactly what they are like. In the middle there is always something to overcome.
    I pray all will go well with Todd’s upcoming appointment. My husband had his cateracts done this fall. It’s good to get over; but recovery is not hard.
    Blessings and hugs for you two!

    1. Blessings, love and hugs for you and Roger also LeAnn! Thanks! xoxo


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