
Saturday 3 November 2018

Hello November . . .

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As the days of November unfold before us leaves spread a cloth of gold and amber on the ground.  We are surrounded by cinnamon coloured fields and frosted purple wild blackberry canes.   The leaves on the blueberry bushes have turned scarlet . . . whilst rain falls in long leaden lines of determination, as colours slowly fade into sobering hues of nothingness . . . can frost be far behind?  I think not . . .

The wind has exchanged it's soft and musical tones for a mournful sound, marking the rythym of autumn's impending end, and howling down the chimney making one shiver and pull the woolen rug which lays over the arm of the sofa down over the legs.  We turn the light on for the electric fire, just so it's flickering flames can warm our souls.  No heat just yet.  We are not ready for that . . . but the flickering light almost does the job . . . the mind is a beautiful thing. 

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Each month arrives with its own special kind of rain.  In November the rain is steady and determined and . . . fearfully grey, sheets of leaden steel falling from pewter skies.  The back garden squelches with every footstep.  Mitzie stands forlornly on this side of the gate gazing wistfully through the slats, mournfully longing to gallop and slosh down it's length and breadth . . . but alas,  we forbid it . . . wet and muddy dogs are not our cup of tea,  and baths are not hers . . . and so this compromise is what she has to live with.

She is not adverse however to cuddles by the fire, which more than make up for sodden romps through a water logged garden . . .

The fish lay at the bottom of the pond now, rarely coming up to feed.  It won't be long now before they stop coming up at all . . . and too . . . the frogs have borrowed into the mud to hide until the warmth of spring sunshine bids them come out again.  

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We are a bit like the fish and the frogs . . . burrowing into our homes . . . lurking beneath woolen rugs and nestled by crackling fires . . . venturing out of doors only when must needs be, or when the rain stops and the sun decides to shine . . . 

I am venturing out today however, as I am off to Ariana's this morning to help her bake my Peanut Butter Cake Recipe.  She tried last weekend without any success. I know its not the recipe, so she must be doing something wrong and she asked would I help her do it again.  I was really pleased that she wanted me to help her out!  That is something I have been wishing I could do with someone like a daughter or a daughter-in-law, but I live too far away from them, so my wishes are being granted in the form of  Ariana, and it makes me happy, Happy, HAPPY!  

A bit of a laugh here yesterday as I had sent Todd out to get me some bacon and some English muffins.  First I get a phone call from him, saying there is no bacon that I want.  I wanted dry cure, streaky, Asda's best oak smoked.  They only have unsmoked bacon and not  Asda's best.  Well, I am sure he can't be right, so I tell him to ask a grocery clerk.  He does and sure enough, he's not even in the right area. Problem solved.  Then he comes home with these (see above).  They are not English Muffins. They are buns.  But they say muffins, he says.  True enough, it does say muffins, OVEN BOTTOM muffins.  Not English Muffins.  Poor Todd.  I really did need English Muffins.  (I can't believe that he is English and he doesn't know the difference between an English Muffin and a bun, but hey ho!)  So out he goes again, but to the local shops this time.  He calls. No English Muffins.  So he then ends up going to 3 more shops before he finds any and when he does, he finds one lone pack, and that has a yellow stick on it saying fast sale due to the expiry date being yesterday.  He calls again.  Should he get them.  YES!  I needed them yesterday so the expiry date wouldn't matter.  Whew!  Poor, poor patient Todd.  But at least now he knows exactly what an English Muffin is and where to find the bacon I want when I want it.  He's learning!  

Now I just have to figure out something to
do with Oven Bottom Muffins.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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“The true way to live
is to enjoy every moment as it passes,
and surely it is in the everyday things around us
that the beauty of life lies.”
~Laura Ingalls Wilder 
•。★★ 。* 。 

Street Cart Chicken & Rice 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Street Cart Chicken & Rice.  Seriously tasty!  We were both bowled over by the flavours in this! 

Have a beautiful Saturday, no matter what you get up to!  Don't forget along the way of your day! 

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And I do too!


  1. Hi Marie, long time no speak! Since returning from Canada I have wanted to catch up on all your blogs but as time went on I had more to read and less time to read them! So I have decided to do without the catch up and start from today. I'm also still making a conscious effort to not go online so much, I waste so much time, i just get sucked in!!

    Anyways, I hope you and Todd have both been well and had a lovely October. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Canada, it is truly beautiful. I can understand how proud you must be to come from such an amazing country! The wedding was beautiful, just six of us in Central Park, blue skies, greenery and flowers everywhere, but over 100 degrees! Boy it was scorchio!! Jen and Dale honeymooned across America and flew home a month later from San Francisco. We all suffered terrible jet lag for about three weeks, I don't know why, I've never had it before in my life!

    I can't believe it's November already although the dark early evenings and the cold windy days soon remind me.

    Normal transmission will now resume, I've missed you. Lot's of love xxx

    1. Kate, so happy to see that you are back and everything went so well! It sounds lovely. Where all in Canada did you go? Its a beautiful time to visit the country, when its not too hot, nor too cold. Jet lag is the worst and I always suffer more from it coming back than I do going over! Happy November! Love and hugs, xoxo

    2. We went to Toronto, taking in Niagara Falls, and then flew to Calgary and went to Banff. The Canadian Rockies were amazing! The only thing was it snowed on our second day and was freezing! I had to buy waterproof boots, hat,scarf and gloves!!! It made the mountains more gorgeous though! Xxx

    3. Niagara Falls is amazing. And so is Banff. I lived in Calgary once upon a time, two of my children were born in Alberta, one in Calgary and one in Northern Alberta. I can well imagine that it was freezing. We don't get that kind of cold here! Glad you had a lovely time! xoxo

  2. In November the rain is steady and determined ... truly it is. I woke up the rain beating on the roof for the 4th day in a row here. It's time we had a break.
    Hope you have fun with the cake and the company today!

    1. It can get kind of dreary day after day Pam! We had fireworks night last night and the dog was really agitated, but they were pretty. We could watch them from our window! xoxo

  3. Jacques IS a shopper..a Costco one..if I ask him to pick something up at the grocery store he looks pained..because surely enough the wrong thing comes home:) And when he does come home w/ the right thing he says he had to look for it though..LOLOL
    Have a great November!!And yay baking a cake w/ A!!

    1. LOL what is it with men and shopping? I don't think they think with the same brain as we do! lol xoxo

  4. Oh my...that street cart recipe is one I must try out...yummy looking!! And so HAPPY for you that you get to do some cooking with Ariana!! Heh, Todd in indeed NOT alone in shopping adventures...most husbands are like this I think.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I think you are right Elizabeth. Todd is the only person I know who can go into a shop for one thing and come out with one thing, invariably it is the wrong thing, but meh! xoxo

  5. Well another beautifully written thoughts about the wonderful month of November. I love this month and you described it well. Although, we don't get as much rain over here and we need it. It is suppose to rain a bit tomorrow.
    I love that you have more time with your dear friend and that adorable baby. You are getting to do those Grandma things.
    I loved the story of your dear Todd's trip to the store. It sounds a touch familiar. What a awesome hubby you have to patiently do all of that.
    Sending loving thoughts, hugs and wish for a delightful Sabbath for you!

    1. He is indeed very patient dear friend! Love you! Happy Sabbath to you also! xoxo


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