
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Consider the Lilies . . .

“During the bombing raids of WWII, thousands of children were orphaned and left to starve. The fortunate ones were rescued and placed in refugee camps where they received food and good care. But many of these children who had lost so much could not sleep at night. They feared waking up to find themselves once again homeless and without food. Nothing seemed to reassure them. Finally, someone hit upon the idea of giving each child a piece of bread to hold at bedtime. Holding their bread, these children could finally sleep in peace. All through the night the bread reminded them, "Today I ate and I will eat again tomorrow." “(Linn, Dennis et al, Sleeping With Bread, p.l)  

It occurred to me as I read this passage that these orphans were able to sleep, only because they were able to hold on to something that would nourish them. This is what brought them enough peace of mind that they were able to let go of the cares and woes of their life for a moment, a moment long enough to be able to fall asleep in . . .

I have been really and truly blessed in my life. I have never had to go to bed hungry, unless it was by choice . I have always had a roof over my head, be it small or large, humble or luxurious. I have always had a coat to keep me warm and dry, and shoes to keep my feet in the same manner. I have always had the luxury of being able to take a bath or a shower with warm running water, with soap and shampoo and other luxuries that I often take for granted. When I go to the “loo” I sit on a porcelain throne and not a hole in the ground.

I go to bed at night, neither cold, nor wet, nor afraid . . .  with the comforting warmth of my husband laying next to me. I have no fear of a bomb dropping on my house during the night and I don’t’ have to listen to the sounds of distant shells going off and fear them getting closer.

Yes, I live in relative comfort compared to 90% of the world at large, and yet . . . there are times when even I cannot sleep. Nights where I lay there and toss and turn, unable to let go of my thoughts or worries of the day that has just passed, my mind mulling over things again and again. Perhaps I have some important event looming in the day to come, a talk to give at church, or a lesson to teach . . . other times it might just be as simple as having had my routine interrupted and being able to settle down.  How many of us are like this?? I would wager more than just a few . . .

Sometimes when I find I cannot fall asleep I lay there and begin to pray extra prayers for others. I start with the letter A and I pray for everyone I know, individually, who's name starts with the letter A. And so it goes, on through the alphabet until eventually I do fall asleep. Somehow being able to focus on the problems and needs of others is quite helpful in helping me to forget my own. In many instances,  my own needs pale in comparison. I rarely ever get more than halfway through the alphabet though, before I am gone off to "lala" land . . . sailing away in a pea green boat with winkin, blinkin and nod . . . so if your name starts with anything much past an "M", you'll have to wait for my wakening prayers . . .

It occurs to me that at times like those, with my mind full of my own cares and woes . . .  I need to just let go and let God. I need to hang onto the nourishment of the knowledge that He is and He cares and what will be will be, and just hand all my thoughts and woes over to him for that moment . . .

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? "Therefore do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?' or "What shall we drink?' or "What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these thingS. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” 
~Matthew 6:28  

The thought just occurred to me that all of the children in these old photos from London in WW2 are probably either very old now or no longer on the earth.  Todd is 80 and he was born just as the War started. He never saw his father until he was 7 years old, and there are 8 years between him and his brother, who was born after the War.  He was born in the East End of London, within the sound of Bow Bells, so he was a true East Ender.  Once the Blitz started however, his mom moved them out to  the suburbs where they lived with his maternal grandparents for the duration of the War.  He can remember the sounds of the bombs and even one occasion when an incendiary bomb went through the roof into the attic of his Grandfather's house and started a fire, which they had to put out.  They had a hut dugout in the back garden that they would go into when the air raid sirens went off and he can remember feeling afraid.  He had a Mickey Mouse gas mask that he carried with him to school and if he was at school and the air raid sirens would go off, his mom would come to pick him up and take him home. 

His father was one of the soldiers rescued from the beaches in the miracle of Dunkirk between the dates of May 26 and the 4th of June, 1940. If you have seen the film Dunkirk, you will realise just what a miracle it was that anyone survived.  War is a terrible, terrible thing. If I could have three wishes one would be to end War, and another to end Poverty, and another to end Hunger. 

 There was a Relief Society Christmas Activity at the chapel last night.  There was cooking demonstrations and crafts to do.  My friend Tina and her husband Tony did Christmas Cakes and these lovely chocolate cones . . .

There was also chocolate lollies and a tasty cheese thing.  Plus there was a Balloon Nativity, some Nativity Pebbles to paint and paper lanterns.  I didn't actually go.  I have such a hard time sleeping after being out in the evenings that I gave this a miss.  We are having the Senior Couple Missionaries for dinner today and I wanted to be awake for that!  (Hard cheese when you have to make these kinds of choices!)  I really would have enjoyed the RS Activity I am sure!

A thought to carry you through the day:
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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"What would you attempt to do 
if you knew you could not fail?"
~Dr. Robert Schuller 
•。★★ 。* 。 

Sheet Pan Pumpkin Pie 

I know its a week late for Thanksgiving, but some of you might want to bake this for Christmas. You never know.  Sheet Pan Pumpkin Pie.  This was really good! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Don't forget along the way of your day! 

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And I do too!    



  1. I'm just like you w/ sleep..any event..I am wide awake the night before.. and the night of an even I come home wired.I have been like that all my life;)
    So sad those memories..stories.. sad what's going on now:(

    1. I am glad I'm not alone in that Monique! It makes me not want to go out anywhere at night! I know what you mean about sad stories, etc. My heart breaks every day. There is so much sadness and loss in the world. :( xoxo

  2. We are truly blessed. Like you I've always had what I needed and never had to go to bed wth sound of bombs going off. I'm so thankful for that. Many were not and still are not so fortunate. With shorter days and lack of sunlight I sleep more than I should. So wish I could give some of that to you. I rarely have less than a good 8 hours sleep topped off by an afternoon nap. Remember the song...Count your blessings instead of sheep and you'll go to sleep....counting your blessings ! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. We live in a world which is sometimes very sad Pam! I wish I could sleep at the drop of a hat! My mother can. I am too much like my dad I guess! Love and hugs! xoxo

  3. Yes ! Rosemary Clooney!LOVE that song..
    OH my..can't nap..would be up for problem is..when I wake at ..say 4..I want to get up and DO stuff lol..especially at this time of yr and SPRING!

    That's great news that you are sleeping!!

    1. You have to love Rosemary Clooney! I love those old songs! Once I wake up in the am, that is it I am UP and about and doing! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    Oh, I love this post. WWII, was truly a devastating time for the UK, especially London. I believe that they are all true heroes! I can't even imagine going through the bombs and terror!

    When I was a little girl, we would have bomb drills, and we would all have to hunker down under our desks at school. We also had designated bomb shelters, thank goodness we never had to use them! Todd must have been a very brave boy! I have always been fascinated with anything, WWII. The battle of Dunkirk was a true miracle!

    I was too young to even remember or know about bomb threats so I was never afraid of bombs, but I was terrified of gangsters!! Al Capone scared me to death!

    We truly are so blessed! Like you, I have never had to go without food, clothing, shelter or anything else, I have always lived in abundance compared to the rest of the world. I love that scripture, and I love the song, I think we should all be very thankful for all that we have!

    I love that you pray starting with, A. That means I am right up front... ;0) You are in my prayers too, Marie. Much love to you and Todd.

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Like you Barb, I grew up with the fear of the cold War, and I remember having those drills at school also. Now children go to school with metal detectors at the door, etc. So scary for them. Love you too my sweet friend! Think of you daily! oxoxo

  5. Another great post that brought to mind how blessed we truly are. I often think about how much we have and how little they had during those times. However, I do know the sting of proverty in my own life and now I see it still surround me. There is a sweet family of 8 in our Stake right now that breaks my heart. I wish Zion was here, where all could be equal and none would want. It is a mother with 7 children. She was married when she had the first two and then lived with a member and had the last 5 children without marriage. She is not a member. Her two oldest children joined the church when we were on our mission. She lives in a one bedroom home with all these children and her member boy friend left. She does get help but not enough really. I feel so sad for them. There are others but this is the hard for me right now. I’m hoping that we can help with Christmas in some way. Here children are all adorable and the youngest is only about 1 year old.
    I have been reading Gerald Lund’s Fire and Steel series books about the wars during Hitler’s time. It weaves church history in Germany and surrouonding countries at that time. It is amazing how many members of the church were there. It has been an eye opener and I can’t put them down. I’m now on the third one and there are two more.
    I know your dinner with the missionaries will be wonderful.
    Thanks for your reminder today of how truly blessed we are. Sending happy thoughts, wished for blessings and hugs your way.

    1. I love Gerald Lund's books. They are not easy to come by over here LeAnn. We have to order them in and they cost a bomb, but that series is on my want list! I am sorry about that sweet family in your stake. I will keep them in my prayers that conditions improve for them. Its so sad. We do live in what is a sad world for many. Love and hugs, prayers and blessings to you and Roger always. xoxo


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