
Wednesday 21 November 2018

Brrrrr . . .

Brrrrr . . . it is very cold this morning. I  can see a light coat of frost on the car and am sure it is well below zero out there.  Todd is predicting a cold Winter this year and yesterday they were saying there might even be some snow in the more Northernly areas and on the high ground over these next few days!  There is no snow here yet, but we might get some!  Very exciting stuff!

I love that first snowfall of the year.  We don't get a lot of snow over here, which makes it even more special.  There is magic watching those first few tranquil flakes float down . . . first a few and then a few more . . . flakes falling faster and faster and with purpose.  The stone walls silver over and puddles glass over as all begins to wear a mantle of white.  The trees cast feathers of snow from their branches as the inside of the house takes on a luminous glow . . . whilst outside the sharp etchings of November begin to blur . . . 

There are more birds at the feeders now . . . we fill them each day with cracked seed and nuts, millet and mealy worms . . . stale bread from the table and fat balls of suet.  The trick it so get it high enough so that Mitzie can't get at it.  The air rings with their chatter . . . tits, nuthatches, sparrows . . . a pair of goldfinches, our resident wood pigeon and a lone blackbird.  If we are lucky the robin comes along . . . seemingly unafraid of human companionship.  He often is our companion when we are out digging in the garden . . . always only a few feet away waiting for a fat worm to appear between the tines of our garden fork . . . but there are no worms today . . . 

They are all hungry and waiting for our ministrations, which we happily apply.   Little heads popping in and out of our frozen hedge as the sun begins to gild the top of it's frost covered greenery.  The hedge flutters with the beat of a thousand wings . . . and it makes me wish that I had wings that I too, could beat . . . winter has arrived . . .

Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
 And we,
we were children once again.
~Bill Morgan, Jr.  

Fading is the month of dramatic sunsets.  The air fills with the sharp smell of burning wood, wet earth and rotting leaf . . . now laying crisp and frozen beneath our feet, whilst the wind picks up a tang which sets our blood to a quicker rhythm.  Our steps are brisker, wanting to get to where we need to go . . . quicker, braced for the cold.  Noses tingle and fingers burn . . .

As the sun grows smaller so too does our world diminish in size.  Life now centers around the hearth . . . there is much to do in the garden . . . but for now it lays quietly waiting . . .  brooding beneath the leafless trees.  It is as if nature is whispering . . . time to rest for a bit, sleep and wait . . . tis time now to slow down  . . . December is not far off, and with that Christmas  . . .

Of winter's lifeless world each tree 
Now seems a perfect part; 
Yet each one holds summer's secret 
Deep down within its heart. 
~Charles G. Stater  

Preparations are well under way here for our Thanksgiving. I know I am Canadian, but I live in the UK, where they don't do Thanksgiving for the most part, and if they do, they do the American one.  Its almost impossible to find a turkey at the beginning of October actually. I also like the way that Thanksgiving in November seems to usher in the whole Holiday season. Oddly enough, they do Black Friday here, which is  totally abhorent to me. Totally.  Funny how that goes.  In any case we do have much to be thankful for. So Thanksgiving it is.  I can honor my Pilgrim Ancestors and be grateful for our bounty.

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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"Always do right.  
This will gratify some people, 
and astonish the rest."
~Mark Twain 
•。★★ 。* 。 

Green Bean & Almond Casserole 

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Green Bean & Almond Casserole.  Scrumptiously tasty!  

Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!    



  1. Hi Marie, winter is definitely on it's way, that east wind yesterday was freezing! I miss feeding the birds in the garden. I used to love watching them all. Although every now and then we had to stop for a while as we would get inundated with pigeons and they wouldn't let the little ones get a look in.

    I wish we did Thanksgiving over here, I've never known anyone who celebrates it here. I'm surprised really as a lot of US things find their way here, but you're right, Black Friday isn't one of the better ones.

    Have a lovely Wednesday, lot's of love xxx

    1. We have two resident wood pigeons. We don't really mind them. They are slightly awkward and I think if it weren't for us feeding them they would have nothing Kate! I think Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday. I miss having family around to share it with though! Love and hugs xoxo

  2. Black Friday seems to be all yr longgggg...certainly the month before lol..
    It's everywhere..even in Canada..and our TG is in Oct..yet we seem to celebrate US Black Friday!

    1. I know, it is the same here and they don't celebrate Thanksgiving at all! I find it a deplorable thing to adopt. Greed, greed, greed! Most places put their prices up ahead of time so they can knock them down for "Black Friday." And people fall for it. xoxo

  3. It's very cold here too and feeling a lot like winter. We had snow on the ground yesterday but it melted off by afternoon. Today would be a different story. It is too cold to melt anything, but so far no snow either. Keep warm and enjoy your Thanksgiving.

    1. They had about 4 inches overnight back home Pam. I especially miss snow this time of year, prior to Christmas. It was always so exciting to me when I was a child! Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo

  4. Other daughter and kids arrived a bit ago and so our holidays really get busy now. We are enjoying our rental by the water (the Sound waters)...and the traffic going past at times...barges, boats etc. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Elizabeth! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    I love the way you write, I could read it all day!! We have only had a light sprinkling of snow this year, but suppose to get about 2-3 inches on Thanksgiving day. I remember one Thanksgiving where we got about 8 inches...the roads were just horrible, but it sure made for an exciting start to the holidays.

    I don't like Black Friday either!! It's a terrible way to start the holidays, and a money making scheme for the retailers, just awful!! I'm glad you stick to your Pilgrim ancestry, we actually still do some of the traditions that my great gradparent from Sweden.

    Happy cooking, Marie! I'm off to make, chocolate pie, a pumpkin pie, stuffing and rolls!!


    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! I hope you have a lovely holiday. I would love to experience some of your Swedish traditions! Your pies sound lovely as does the stuffing and rolls! Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo

  6. Oh, your green bean recipe looks yummy; thanks for sharing it.
    Your thoughts on the coming of winter are beautifully written. I loved reading them and feeling the words in my heart.
    I love many aspects of winter time except for the cold.
    Your photos and poems were sweet today.
    I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Celebration. Having a grateful heart is so important.
    Sending loving thoughts and many blessings and big hugs your way!

    1. Thanks so much LeAnn! I really do wish you a very special time for Thanksgiving with your friends. xoxo


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