
Wednesday 24 October 2018

ZZZzzz. . . .

I am an insomniac and have been one for many years.  It seems my whole adult life I have struggled with either going to sleep or staying asleep.  I have had some times when it is worse than others.  I have tried just about everything to combat it.  Hot milk before bed, sleep hynosis tapes, counting sheep, sleeping tablets, etc. 

I try to go to bed at the same time every night and to get up at the same time every morning.  I try not to do anything after a certain time of the day, except to relax and watch quiet television with only a hook and some yarn in my hands or a needle and thread.  I also try not to eat anything after a certain time.  Through the years this timeline has gotten earlier and earlier.  At this point I daren't be active or take phone calls, have visitors, etc.  much after 6 or 6:30 pm. because if I do, that's it  . . .  I find myself not being able to fall asleep much earlier than one or two in the morning, and that's after taking something in a last ditch effort to try to bring on sleep. 

Its much worse if I have to go out in the evening.  For instance last Saturday I went to the Conference at our chapel, from 6 pm until 8 pm.  It was probably 8:30 by the time I got home. Right into my jim jams, mug of warm milk, Gilmore Girls (routine) and still it was well after 2 am before I was finally able to fall asleep, and then I had to be up early because I had church the next morning.   Last night was our women's activity at the chapel.  I try not to go to anything at night if I can help it, but had been asked to do a presentation on flat breads. I just couldn't say no.  I spent all day yesterday getting ready for it and to be honest I was exhausted by the time I left for the chapel.  People were depending on me, for lifts and for all sorts.  The presentation went well I think, and I got home about 10:00 pm.  I got to sleep a bit earlier than I did on Saturday night (which was great) but it was still about 1 am, and I must have woke up about 2 or 3 times during the night and was up at 6 am. 

Its not just if I have to be out in the evening.  Its also if I have something really important to do the next day.  And it can be ANYTHING.   Church.  Appointments. Giving a lesson. Giving a talk.  Taking a trip. Going to the temple, etc.  The last time I flew home to Canada when my mom was having her cancer operation.  I DID NOT SLEEP ALL NIGHT the night before I left.  I tried everything.  I just lay there awake.  That was the most horrendous journey of my life with missed and or delayed flights, not once but 3 times, which meant that by the time I got to my mothers I had been awake for almost 3 days and was good for nothing. 

This means that I am tired and lacking in energy most of the time and I hate it.  It means that I find myself not going to a lot of things that I might enjoy because I am worried before I even go that I won't be able to sleep afterwards.  I'm not sure this is normal.  I hate to think that it might be.

When I do fall asleep, I am plagued by vivid dreams.  Often in my dreams I am still working at the Manor (old news) and I can't seem to do the things I am being asked to do or to complete the tasks I am being asked to do and I spend all night trying to do them and I wake up feeling exhausted because I have been working all night!  Or I am taking care of my children, and they are small and there are problems and I am trying to do my best and failing . . . and again  . . . the dream carries on all night and I wake up feeling exhausted.  Or I fall asleep, start to dream right away and it turns into a nightmare and its usually someone breaking into the house, always a man and he is coming up the stairs, or trying to break into the bathroom while I am in there, or the bed is holding me down and I can't get up, etc.  and I wake myself up calling for help or my mother . . .   At those times I daren't go back to sleep right away because I am afraid the dream will continue and so I read for a while to put it out of my mind. Night terrors  . . . 

As a child I remember being convinced there was a monster under the bed that would eat us.  This monster didn't like the taste of heads however, so I would take very special care to make sure that only our heads were showing above the blankets.  My sister's, my brother's, all of our stuffed toys, mine . . .  and I would wake up periodically through the night to make sure that we were still safe. 

As a child I remember once hearing my mom and one of her friends talking about somebody swallowing their tongue and dying . . .  and I became obsessed with the thought that I might swallow my tongue in bed . . .  and so then I had to be sure that when I went to bed and was laying down that my tongue was clamped firmly between my teeth lest I suffer that horrible fate. I could think of nothing worse than swallowing your own tongue and choking to death on it. 

I am not even sure it is possible to do so and please don't tell me
if it is! 

We are now coming up to one of the busiest times of the year  . . .  with a myriad of social obligations looming in front of us.  Christmas parties and dinners out, activities etc.  And I find myself dreading them.  There is the annual Ladies Night Out at Plas Hafod that I always really enjoy  A lovely meal in lovely company, and I have already paid my deposit for it, but I find myself thinking now that I will just forfeit my deposit and find an excuse not to attend because going will mean that I break several of my rules . . .  one - eating after 6 pm . . .  two - staying out well past 7 pm . . .  three - animated conversation past 6 pm.   I am already fretting about not being able to sleep afterwards  . . .  and weighing out the pros and cons in my mind. 


And I haven't even touched here on the problems I have sleeping when being in someone else's home, or a hotel, or  . . .  just away from my own bed, pillow, environment, etc.  That's a whole different ball of wax. 

 I am pretty sure  none of this is normal.  Todd wonders why when I haven't had a good night sleep I still get up at the same time.  Mitzie is depending on me.  She gets fed at a certain time, without fail every morning.  I hate to disrupt her routine and make her upset.  But right now I am feeling like I can go back to bed and maybe sleep for a bit longer . . . and so I think I will do just that . . . see you tomorrow.

ZZZzzz . . .


  1. I feel your pain. I, too, have a terrible time sleeping. I can usually fall asleep but wake and cannot go back to sleep. And I always always wake early no matter what time I went to sleep. I am now at my daughter's home in another state because of damage to my home from Hurricane Michael and it is so different. My dog, who went through the hurricane with me, is so traumatized and she just wants to go home. I have no idea what I am going to do - insurance is slow. And dealing with all I have to deal with, I need to get a good night's sleep. I have no suggestions - I have tried everything. Sorry Marie.

    1. Oh Dee, I am so sorry that you have been displaced from that horrible hurricane. I pray that it will not be too long before you can return to your own home. I hope that the insurance comes through quickly and that everything can be back to normal for you sooner rather than later. ((((hugs)))) I have no large problems to keep me from sleeping. I feel quite ashamed now! Sending you love and hugs! xoxo

    2. Marie, my sleep problem has been forever - not just because of the hurricane. Thank you for the hugs - always welcome. And prayers!

    3. Please let me know how things are going Dee. I am praying you and your puppy home and back to normal life! Xo

  2. I am exactly like that..but I can add full moon to the reasons some nights are worse!I don't know I would have a sleepless night before an exam..older..every set of clients I had in 30 yrs I lost sleep for them too:)LOL.
    Now..if I go to bed excited about an idea even..that's me.
    My job often had me out evenings ..offers..counters..your brain is on home at 11..yes..sure I can fall asleep now..:(
    I never get up later either.always same time.
    Here's to us.

    1. Its nice to know I am not alone in this Monique. I often long for the quiet and sound sleep of a baby. Here's to us indeed! xoxo

  3. So sorry you are having such trouble sleeping, I on the other hand sleep a lot and with winter coming will sleep more. It's like I go into hibernation mode. On cloudy dark days, I feel like my eyes are only half open. Will pray your can relax and get some refreshing rest. It does make a difference.

    1. Thanks very much Pam. I am tired, tired, tired. I did go back to bed for about 45 minutes, but didn't sleep, but at least I rested. Oh yes, Winter hibernation is a good thing! xoxo

  4. Oh so sorry Marie...I am not that bad but there are nights I get up for a couple hours and get online or read or something...then go back to bed. I guess it is partially age. One thing that helps me is to eat a bit of has natural stuff that helps one be sleepy...that might be hard to get over there however...I hate to say so, but the best sleeps I have had were when I had to take some benedryl for an allergic oh man, slept like simply lights out!! It really relaxes a person...might not be the best thing to take however just for sleeping on a regular basis. Seems you are bad enough to ask for some help from a least to take something once in awhile whenever you are totally exhausted anyway!! HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

  5. Oh, my sweet friend, I feel sad to hear of sleeping struggles. I have had insomnia for years and have tried various things. Right now I take a herbal sleeping med with another one called sleepaid. It works fairly well. I still wake up and get up to go to the bathroom one or two times a night. The one medication that really was good was an old one called Elavil. It worked so good. It’s an antidepressant but I went off it because it wasn’t recommened for elderly. I took it for years. I loved it because i woke up feeling so good.
    Don’t give up on finding a solution. Can you get any kind of sleep therapy over there under your government insurance program. It’s like maybe there are some fears you have that keep resurfacing and perhaps you could work those through someway. Oh well, remeber, I am just rattling along with thoughts.
    I do know what it feel to be up and about and feel too tired to do much. However, that being said. I think I would still enjoy the moments of the activities that you enjoy.
    I will be praying for you and sending loving vibes your way with hugs that y our sleep can be improved.

    1. You are so kind LeAnn! Love you to pieces. xoxo

  6. After years and years of beating myself up over this, I have come to terms with the fact that some people's bodies just work to a different schedule. Mine wants to sleep between 4am and noon. No matter what sleep meds I have taken, what tricks I have tried, I just cannot sleep til sometime after 4am. The world wants us to live by their convenient schedules, but world, get over it. I do NOT make morning appointments, I do not answer the phone in the morning. I have had conversations where, as soon as I hung up the phone, I could not remember who I was talking to, let alone what we talked about. So no phone in the morning. I tell everybody, it has to be afternoon, whatever it is. Why make my life miserable trying to fit in with other people's schedules? There is a thing called delayed sleep syndrome, which is an actual thing. The other thing is that I also have that 'can't sleep if I know I have to be up for something' thing going on. I put that down to anxiety, which is a whole different issue. I've learned to just accept that this is who I am, this is how my body works. And if my body wants to sleep, I always sleep. :) The world goes on, regardless.


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