
Monday 8 October 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

I am so grateful for this past weekend where we have been so abundantly fed by the leaders of our church. we have not been able to listen to all the talks yet as some of them are on far too late at night for us.  But we will be catching up with the remaining ones over the next day or so. 

For the second time, the Church held its shortened general conference, which is now only five sessions. In October 2017, the First Presidency announced it would consolidate general conference by only holding the general women’s session and priesthood sessions once a year.

We were pleased to have the General Women's session this time around, and it was really wonderful.


We were invited by our Church President and Prophet, Russel M Nelson to do the above things. We were promised that we would be blessed in doing so and I believe this to be true.  With that end in mine both Todd and myself have come off Facebook for the duration and I have come off Instagram and Twitter.  I will still be blogging.  Blogging brings far more positivity into my life than negativity and I don't see it as Social media.  To be honest Instagram brings positivity into my life also, so I am really torn with that one,  but I guess I can do it for 10 days. 

We live in a world where so much "Fakeness" is presented to us via Social Media, along with much negativity.  There is bullying on it.  People spread false information like the plague.  People lie to us and show us staged  images of what they want us to believe their life is.  I understand all of that, but many do not, and seeing all of these things can cause people to become discouraged about their own lives. They may feel like they are hard done by and be left wanting instead of being able to find the joy in their own lives and homes. 

It is fun to stage a photograph and take a pretty image of something.  I have been doing that each week with my Tea Cup Thursdays posts on Instagram.  Trying to make a pretty Tea Cup picture.  I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I am merely showing a teacup in a decorative way.  I don't think I am trying to show people a false image of how I live my life.  What are your thoughts on that?  I really would like to know. 

(I thought this was cute and can't resist sharing it)

One big announcement which was made was that, beginning in January, our Sunday Services are going from a 3 hour block down to a 2 hour block, in an effort to move towards a more Home-Centred and Church-Supported form of worship.  I have to admit I cried when this was announced.  I enjoy my 3 hours at church on Sunday.  For families with children, this can only be a positive thing, providing they participate in it as they should do.  For singletons and empty nesters I wonder how this is going to work. 

"As part of ongoing efforts to help Latter-day Saints “learn doctrine, fortify faith, and foster heartfelt worship,” President Russell M. Nelson announced adjustments to help balance the unique and essential ways members worship and learn and live the Savior’s gospel both at church and at home.
Church leaders are encouraging individuals and families to improve gospel learning and living at home and have released a new home-centered, Church-supported curriculum."
Perhaps we will move to having once a week study groups in our home?  I don't know.  I am sure we could find some others who would wish to join us in this.  I am a person who really doesn't like change much, but I trust the leaders of the church and believe them to be inspired, so while I can't totally understand this move at the moment, I know I will in due time, and that is enough for me. 
This means that there will only be two Relief Society Lessons a month and two Sunday School lessons a month, on alternate weeks.  I wonder how this will impact my calling as a Relief Society Teacher.  All will be revealed I am sure! 
I look forward to listening to and watching the remainder of the talks over the next couple of days, and in the meantime I do have a lesson to prepare for this Sunday.  It will be based on Sister Arbutos talk from the April General conference entitled With One Accord
 (I have purposefully obliterated the name)
For those of you who don't know, I do personal little paintings to help celebrate milestones in people's lives.  Birthdays, Baptisms, Anniversaries, etc.  Last Christmas I did a picture of one couple's entire group of grandchildren. 

It was a challenge, but I really enjoyed doing it and they were very pleased with the end result.  I was able to capture the personality of each child in this, which I was happy about myself.

This past week I have done a Baptism one for a family in the US. I have done Baptism ones for all of their children up to this time. This is the first boy one. I was really pleased with how it turned out and I know they are as well.  In the Baptism ones I put  the nearest Temple to them in the background as that is our goal as members of the Church of Jesus Christ, Baptism being the first step on our journey towards the Temple and then ultimately home to our Heavenly Father.  I really enjoy doing the Baptism ones! 

Tina and Tony are coming for lunch today!  I love spending time with these fabulous People!  I am really looking forward to spending some time with them!  

Video Calls with my middle son Doug. He called me yesterday on my phone to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving.  I am so grateful for a son who thinks to include me in his life in special ways.  He was in the car driving home from McDonalds and said he would call me again later today with the boys. I am looking forward to that!  Thank you Doug! 

At the end of the day the things that matter most to me in this world are Family, Friends, Gospel and Health.  Everything else is the icing on the cake.  I live a really good life, with all of my needs being met.  There are things I would change if I could, like perhaps being able to fall asleep better at night, but on the whole I am really happy with all that I have and all that I am. There are a few tweaks needed personally, but I am working on those and nobody can ask more than that! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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You don't have to be positive
all the time,
Its perfectly okay to feel sad,
angry, frustrated, annoyed, 
scared or anxious.
having "feelings" doesn't
make you a negative person.
It makes you human.
~ Lori Deschene  •。★★ 。* 。 

Dirty Fries 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Dirty Fries.  Mmmm . . .  and you can make them as low fat as you desire.  Easy peasy.

I hope the week ahead for you  is filled with lots of small and simple things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. Hello Marie. I am sure that you spread positivity and that your tea cups are not a problem. Instagram and Pinterest really do not interest me very much. I fought against facebook for the longest time. I can see how it sucks me in and I can waste so much time there. The cloning business has been out of control today.

    Your son sounds adorable. I hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving.

    1. The only reason I have stuck with Facebook has mainly been so I can keep up with family goings on really. I have many people on there that I really care about. For the most part I try to avoid the negativity. It gets to me sometimes, but I try to dwell on the good! Xoxo

  2. Not sure how I feel about anything lol..I find IG is full of only pretties but that's what we like to see..instead of magazines that I get none of anymore.
    I can't believe the homes..the input some IGers have with constant presence and stories and IGTV..I am not crazy re all the swipe ups to buy..etc..but I love the inspiration..the funny videos..the Kelle Hamptons and Ruby 's Rainbow..the adorable for sure I only show's not really real.And the face filters lol.

    1. Lol yes, the face filters. They do make me laugh. Personally I really like all the accounts I follow. Anyone I thought was too fake, I stopped following a while back. And as soon as I see that someone’s account is not sincere and merely a ploy to sell something I tend to unfollow, but I love the genuineness of the sharing! Like you, I love the family ones, and the ones where they are making over their homes, etc. I don’t really buy magazines anymore either. I love all that you share! You have a beautiful eye and I see your posts as art, the tea cup ones, the food ones, the watercolour ones, all of it! Xoxo

  3. The important things in my life are Faith Family and Friends and I figure most everything in my life revolves around that. It is good that your son keeps in touch like he does. I know how important that is when we cannot see them due to distance and time. Try not to let any regrets keep you awake. Count your blessings instead. Life is really too short to be anything but happy.

    1. Thanks very much Pam! You are a sweet friend! God bless your day! Xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, I recently came off Facebook after reading a really upsetting post which really affected my mental health for a while. I do miss it a little bit and I haven't deleted my account but honestly I feel better without it. I never really used Twitter much but also deleted that but I do love Instagram as I find it generally very uplifting. I follow mainly border collie accounts, cats, friends, horses and outdoorsy accounts so my feed is generally lovely and makes me smile. One of the things that REALLY got to me about FB was all the fake news and downright stupid stuff that got shared, often innocently over and over - things like if you type your pin code in backwards at an ATM the police are summoned, load of twaddle and dangerously wrong! I do think you are a wonderful advert for the Mormon faith in all mediums so you must be doing good and not harm xx

    1. I am really missing Instagram Julie! Of all the things, I love these little positive glimpses into other people’s lives really special and wonderful! I appreciate the time and heart that go into each one! I hate the crap ( yes I said that) on FB but I love my family on there. Xoxo

  5. Well, Marie, so often those of us who do not have much family around, can kind of make our own family group of sorts, from others in similar situations...maybe you can invite a few in for Potlucks at your place on Sundays...thus not having to cook the entire meal that way!! I hope it works out...

    1. I think you are right Elizabeth! We will be trying to form a small study group with some people in the same situation as us and we will probably love it! Xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!