
Monday 1 October 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

A few sunny days in a row which enabled me to air our bedding and hang out the wash so that it is all fresh, fresh, fresh for Autumn and Winter. 


My toe has been healing well, so was discharged from the Nail Clinic and given charge of changing my own dressings.  That was great news to a Diabetic!  Diabetics take longer to heal than other people.  Not sure why that is.  So far so good and I pray it continues. I did my own dressing change on Friday and will be doing another one tomorrow I think.  A few days after that, all being well, and I should be able to move to smaller dressing.  Fingers crossed, and then it won't be long before I will be able to wear proper shoes again. 

This past Saturday my daughter Eileen and her husband Tim were inducted into the Middleton Sports Heritage Hall of Fame in a special ceremony which was held at the McDonald Museum in my hometown.
"Eileen Ramsay-Prosser was born in Calgary but graduated from MRHS. She was a Special Olympics bowler with numerous medals regionally. She competed provincially in track and field earning several medals, and was a valuable member of gold medal soccer and floor hockey teams. In Cross country skiing she’s won numerous medals, including gold, at the national and world levels."

"Tim Prosser is from New Glasgow but was educated in Middleton. He joined Special Olympics in 2004 and excelled in cross country skiing and in 2012 won a gold and two silvers nationally and another gold and a pair of silvers in 2015. Regionally he’s been a 10-time bowling medalist with three golds and seven silvers with his team. He’s also medaled in floor hockey and soccer."

In 2009 I was able to travel over to Idaho and watch Eileen win the Gold for Canada in the World International Winter S. O.  She was amazing.  All of the athletes were so inspiring.  I was and AM very proud of my girl and all she has achieved. 

Of course I am proud of each of my children,
for a variety of reasons.
Love my kids.

So grateful for a Sister who was caring enough to attend the ceremony and make sure that Eileen had a family member in attendance, and who took photos to share with me. That means the world to me.  She is such a special and caring individual, but then she always has been.  This has always been evident.  As a child she took care of field mice and baby birds, much to my mother's horror.  She always had mine and my brother's backs when we were growing up. Recently she took it upon herself to confront a man at the local coffee shop back home that was harassing my daughter and made it known to him in no uncertain terms that she was watching him and he best stop what he was doing.  Love my sister. She's the best.  

This weekend coming up is the October semi-annual General Conference of our church.  I love LOVE conference.  We get to hear special talks from a variety of leaders (male and female) in the church.  I am excited each time to hear what they have to share with us.  I am always inspired to want to be, become, do a little better.  This is such a special time for us.   As a teacher in Relief Society I will be drawing inspiration from these talks over the next six months to share in my lessons in Relief Society.  What an awesome responsability. I love it!  ☺  I can't wait to hear what they have to share with us!  The music is always pretty amazing as well.  It is nice to feel a part of something so large. 

The changing colours of Autumn.  I love the changes that each season brings.  There is something beautiful about each one.  Autumn to me is especially beautiful.   

On Sutton Place, free printables

 Hello October!  I love October.  The sights, the smells, the flavours, the sounds.  I am excited to begin a new month and to discover what it has in store for us. Another new beginning!  I'm with Anne Shirley, I'm so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers too!! 

This coming weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada, and I was able to find a small turkey breast to cook so we can have our own here at Casa de Rayner.  Its much easier to find Turkey in November for the American one, because Christmas is close upon its heels.  Finding one this time of year is night onto impossible!  So I was extra thrilled to discover this one and snap it up! 

Life, love, health, shelter, food, faith, friendship . . .  all of these.  So grateful to have been born at a time when I am truly showered with blessings.  I take none of them for granted. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Life is all about
how you handle Plan B.
~Unknown   •。★★ 。* 。 

 Roasted Tomato & Rice Soup 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Roasted Tomato & Rice Soup.  Scrumptiously tasty! 

I hope the week ahead for you  is filled with lots of small and simple things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie.

    What a special time for Eileen and Tim. It was very kind of your sister to go and support them. I am so glad your sister is able to be part of Eileen's life.

    Today was cooler thankfully. Saturday was hot. I have sheets out on the line. I haven't been sleeping well and have my days and nights upside down. Enjoy your October.

    God bless everyone.

    1. Oh, there is nothing worse than not sleeping well Suzan. I have weeks like that also. I hope you get it sorted soon! God bless. xoxo

  2. Oh how wonderful! And woow..your sister..who wouldn't want one like her?
    She'll always have your back.What a gift.
    They must have been so excited!

    1. They were both really excited about it, although I think Tim looks a bit sick at the prospect. He gets really nervous in new situations. When I think of all the things Eileen has done I am amazed. She got to meet Prince Charles and give Camilla flowers from Nova Scotia, which is pretty amazing and the list goes on and on! Like me, she is living an amazing life! xoxo

  3. Hi, Marie! Sooo good to catch up with you here, having been a bit offline in recent days... Sooo VERY glad and thanful you toe is healing!! God is GOOD! :) CONGRATS to your Eileen and her Tim for their awards and recognition--that is SUPER!! VERY exciting with your churhc conference coming up soon... and BIG CONGRATS to you on your new church calling! Do hope you'll share more about that as you journey through it. :) October is the sweetest of the autumn months, I think... and so I'm with you and Anne Shirley on that! ;) Very fun you'll be having Thanksgiving this weekend to come--such a special holiday! Ooo..such a delicious soup you have for us today--time for comforting soups & stews! Wishing you all there a lovely new week now... and a beautiful October!! GOD BLESS YOU! LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))

    1. Love you Tracy! I really enjoyed your latest Pod Cast. You really inspire me. I would love to do something like that, but have no idea how to go about it. Lucky you have TJ to help you out! Happy October to you, God Bless and lots of love and hugs coming your way! xoxo

  4. Congrats to your daughter and her husband! It was wonderful your sister could attend and get pictures for you. What an honor ! Enjoy your thanksgiving turkey ! For us it will come in November, but I did see turkey breast on sale here last week. I didn't get one, as they were all too large for me. I had hoped to find a smaller one that would do. Have a happy October !

    1. I was lucky and got a tiny boneless one Pam! Just right for us. I am of half mind to freeze it for November. I like to celebrate the American Thanksgiving personally as to me, it helps to usher in the Christmas season! Happy October! xoxo

  5. Shout out to Eileen and Tim on their accomplishments.
    Looks like when you were in Idaho in 2009, you were at Sun Valley. Too bad I didn't know you back then or I would have traveled (not too far from my home) to meet you.
    So grateful for family, Conference, freshly hung clothing, Fall, tasty food....your blog post had it all!
    Hugs from Idaho - Marsha

    1. Thanks Marsha! What a shame! I was in Sun Valley! We stayed at a Motel in Ketchum. It was a lovely visit. What a shame we did not know each other then. I could have met Barb as well! Love and hugs! xoxo

  6. Another fantastic small and wonderful things post. You should be extremely proud of your daughter Eileen and tim for thier accomplsihments. All of there metals and all that they did is admirable. I loved reading about it all. I’m so happy your sister attended it all. What a blessing to have a sister that you are close with. That is something I lacked in my life and made me a bit sad. Truly, enjoy all the moments you can talk and share.
    I love conference too and can hardly wait. For the Saturday session we are hoping to hear it on our phones because we have three grandchildren’s games to attend; two from the same family. We are heading for Idaho since we don’t have the temple on Saturday. I want to relax and listen to every word from our beloved leaders; but we feel we need to support our grandchildren in at least one game a year. Sunday, of course, we will be able to watch and enjoy more.
    I too love the fall. We are starting to feel the cooler weather and have predicted rain coming that we have been praying for.
    Have a fun Canada Thanksgiving celebration with your Turkey. I’m happy you found one.
    I’m so happy that your toe is healing well. I know that you will be so happy when you can wear shoes.
    I love knowing that you are teaching Relief Society. I would love to hear one of your lesson. I suspect you are a marvelous teacher.
    Sending love and hugs your way!

    1. I don’t know how good I am LeAnn! I just hope that people get something from my lessons! I hope you get the rain you are praying for, and I hope you are able to enjoy conference! Love and hugs! Xoxo


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