
Thursday 11 October 2018

My favourite things . . . 

A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥   

Vintage print table cloths and tea towels.  I used to have a table cloth years ago.  Expect it is gracing someone else's table now or has been thrown away.  It did have a hole in it. 


Vintage Lefton Bluebird Cream and Sugar dish.  (They are the ones on the far left and far right.)  I cherish this.  I bought it for about $4 at a yard sale years and years ago.  Somehow I managed to hang onto it. Sadly Todd broke the creamer, but I still have the sugar dish intact and it is kept in my craft room away from harm. 

Antique Fashion Plates.  I have always been interested in things like this.  When I was a child in our Encyclopoedia there was a section on fashion through the years and I practically wore the print off those pages looking at them.  It is a topic which fascinates me greatly. 

Vintage Aprons.  Well, any apron really but I love vintage looking ones best of all. I can remember when I got married back in the mid 1970's I was given quite a few of them as gifts, aprons that is.  I had plain every day ones and some fancy dinner party ones. 

Cantuccini Almond Biscotti. I adore any kind of Biscotti actually. I remember when I was married before we spent a weekend at my SIL's place in Toronto on our own. She had a luxury apartment in a building on Young Street right in mid-town. It was the same building that a famous national Newscaster had an apartment in.  There was a gym etc. for the residents. Downstairs at the street front was an Italian Coffee Shop and that was the first time I ever tasted a Biscotti. We went in there to have a coffee in the morning and there were jars with these long crisp biscotti in it.  They were quite expensive.  I think almost $5 for one. I remember my ex bought me one and how very good it tasted.  You can buy bags of these Sapori Biscotti at Costco and every so often I treat us to one. That and the Brownie Brittle, which is another favourite thing of mine . . .  


So, so, so good. 


Old black and white photographs. I find them fascinating.  I don't even have to know who the people are. I find myself looking at them and wondering about the people in the, their lives, their stories. Everyone has a story to tell. 

The kissing spot  . . .  sigh  . . . 


Vintage Christmas Cards.  I could look at them forever and ever  . . . 

Downton Abby, like Call the Midwife and The Waltons, I never tire of watching it.  This is classic viewing and timeless.  I can watch them again and again and again. I hear they are making a film.  I hope this is true.   I love how everything is so authentic and true to the era.  We had started watching a show on Netflix called When Calls the Heart. The first season was great, but by the time the second season came around, the costumes, hair styles, etc were not authentic.  The Mountie was sporting a days growth, all the women's hair was down, etc.  It was supposed to take place in the Edwardian era, before WW1.  It ruined it for me and we stopped watching it because it was no longer authentic. Programs which are supposed to be representing a certain time period need to be authentic.  That is one thing I love about the BBC.  Everything is authentically portrayed.

Classic Christmas Films.  Movies I try to get in every year.  A Christmas Story.  Scrooge, Holiday Inn, Miracle on 34th Street, Home Alone, Charlie Brown's Christmas, The Santa Claus, The Bishops Wife, Its a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, etc.  Just the music from these films makes my heart warm. 


Yes, I do LOVE Christmas.  

Vachon Caramel Cakes.  I have not had one of these in a very long, long, long time  . . . they're so good. 

 This beautiful, lush and green country I get to live in.  I pinch myself every day. 

A good book to read.  I have my favourites. I like historical, romantic novels (but not too graphic), a good mystery, psychological thrillers, true stories.  Not necessarily in that order.

Fruit smoothies.  My favourites have a mix of frozen berries, some yogurt, oats and some sort of milk. 


My faith and my church.  I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ.  I love my God and Saviour.  I honor them and try to live by their teachings.  I study both the Bible and the Book of Mormon.  To me, they are both great books of scripture and are uplifting and life enriching. Nobody would ever come to any harm by reading them and abiding by their precepts.  Just saying  . . .  They both have worth. I have worth. My beliefs have worth just the same as anyone else's.  Words that are uplifting and inspiring, that are wholesome . . . that speak of truth, that honor God and His creations . . . that increase faith and hope.  There is nothing wrong with any of that, or in sharing any of that.  Lord knows the world could use a bit more of good. Don't marginalize me because I share my faith and love of God in a different way than you do.  You wouldn't do it to a Jew, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or an athiest etc. You don't have to accept my beliefs, but you should respect them as you would anyones and as you expect others to respect yours.

Lady bugs . . .  love them.


Pizza.  I love pizza.  All kinds.  Homemade.  Certain frozen brands. From a pizza shop.  I just love Pizza. 

Chips, french fries, whatever you want to call them. I love the homemade hand cut ones most of all . . .  the kind you get at a good chippy or a county fair.  We used to get really good ones at the 400 Flea Market.  Oh boy, just thinking about them makes my mouth water.  I like them with salt and vinegar, or with ketchup, or with gravy, or with ketchup and gravy . . . hot chips wrapped in a slice of buttered white bread . . .  I just love chips!

And those are my favourite things for this week. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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If you want something to last forever
you treat it differently . . .  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Brined Pork Chops 

In the kitchen today  . . .  Brined & Breaded Baked Pork Chops.  Deliciously tender . . . we like them with applesauce. 

My Diabetic review went well yesterday.  Everything is good.  I need to lose weight, but I already knew that.  If I wasn't a Diabetic I could go to Slimming World for free, but because I am I cannot.  Have a great Thursday.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 





  1. I have never heard of the kissing spot. Sleeping babes are so precious.

    I am so pleased that your diabetic revue went well. I am sorry you can't go to slimming world. The rules drive people nuts. This afternoon we ran into a politician who is known to us. I was speaking to his staff about the problems I am experiencing because of "the rules". I really did not know that Ross has been working on diabetes action groups. I only wanted him to say hello to his mother. Anyway his staff told me that he would really like my story. So I was able to show this man how I use my monitor etc. He was so nice.

    God bless you. I agree to your point of view. Everyone is very different. We all see the world through our own eyes. A degree of respect would help keep peace.

    I have two prayer requests. I know so many suffer today but this morning a severe earthquake struck Papua New Guinea. I feel for the people as this is a poor area and many homes are badly built to say the least. The I would ask for prayer for my teacher daughter. Since term started on Monday she has been bullied by some staff and students. Today one of them called her appalling names. She said she started to cry and went outside to settle herself only to be found by the bullying teacher. One of the deputies sent her home.

    1. Its that little sweet spot at the nape of a baby's neck, so soft and kissable. I am saddened by the news of the earthquake. There are so many natural disasters happening in the world at the moment. A sign of the times. Keeping all who have been affected by these events and your sweet girl in my prayers. xoxo

  2. I forgot to say I have recently found the Calls the Heart series on the Christian channel. Mum does not like me watching it. I tolerate her choices so why can't she allow me some peace?

    1. I can't say Suzan, but you should enjoy what you want to enjoy and be able to do it in peace. The first series was excellent. xo

  3. Lots os sames here! Lots!
    I have started some Christmas..w/ stockings to fill..if I see something ..I tuck it away.The boys..I only have 2 things !!
    With all your fave things I think of you often perusing Varage Sale..a large tabe cloth..never used was being sold for $10.00 same border etc..they sometimes have the old kitchen/dinette sets you love..I see milk glass etc..If you have a vatage sale on your FB yu should have a quick look lol:)Have agreat day!

    1. One thing that disappoints me over here Monique is that they never have yard or garage sales. They do car boot sales and they are always on a Sunday morning. I always loved garage, yard sales and flea markets back home. There were always treasures to be found! xoxo

  4. I always respect the beliefs of all. I think that the good Lords wants to give everyone a chance to get to know him and that's the reason why we have so many different churches and ways to worship. I go to a different church than you but we believe in the same God. He is there for all of us if we but believe. Glad your doctor visit went well and hopefully you will stay well too. Your pork chop recipe sounds wonderful and I do happen to have some chops in the freezer to use up so will put that on my list to make. Hope you have a great day! Happy Thursday!

    1. Thanks Pam! You are right. We are all sons and daughters of the same God! I hope you try the chops and like them! Happy Thursday! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    Love, love every single thing on this post!! I won't even mention them all because I don't have time... ;0)

    I'm so glad that your appointment went well, but don't understand why you can't go to, Slimming World?! I would think that it would be a place they would want someone with diabetes to go. Oh well, I guess it's not for us to sort out.

    I have a few old vintage tablecloths that were my moms, I cherish them! I love biscotti, and always try to make a few batches at Christmas. Old photographs...the kissing spot...oh yes! I also love vintage Christmas cards, and I adore Christmas movies, could watch them all day!

    Like you, I am not a fan of, When Calls the Heart, for the exact same reason...I don't like cheesiness...I like things to stay true to that era, it's not. Pizza, fries and ladybugs all make me smile!

    I agree about a persons religion. Someone from another religion told me that they have a Book of Mormon in the library at their church. I was so curious as to why they had it! She told me that they talk about it in their studies, so that they can try to discredit it, I was shocked! She was very surprised when I told her that we did not talk about other religions in our church, because we were busy learning and studying about our own. I also gave her a copy of our, Articles of Faith. I never heard another word about it. I respect other's religions, and would never think of making fun of, or degrading them, and yes, I expect the same. We truly are all children of God.

    I love you sweet friend, have a wonderful rest of your day!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Why am I not surprised that we like so many of the same things Barb! That doesn’t surprise me either what your friend and their reason for having the BOM in their church library. I have never been able to understand why others want to invest so much time in tearing down the faith of others. It’s really not a very nice thing to do at all. Love you too sweet friend! (((( hugs)))) xoxo


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