
Wednesday 26 September 2018

What I know for sure . . .


Life is full of ups and downs, wins and losses, sweet and sour, dark and light. You don't get to be my age without having learned a few truths. This is some of what I know for sure  . . .

Life is hard.  Its not meant to be easy, but what I know for sure is this.  IT IS WORTH ALL THE PAIN AND THE STRUGGLE.  Morning always follows night.  There is light at the end of every tunnel. 

 We are living in a world where Suicide is at epidemic proportions.  I do not want to demean people's feelings. I know how real they are and how very painful. I have been there.  I have been in that place where I did not want to be here for one more minute, where I couldn't see any hope, when the struggle didn't seem worth it . . . I have been to the bottom.  I have felt totally and utterly alone.  I have felt unloved and unwanted and worthless.

I have felt like the choice to stay was the cowardly one to make.
But at the age of 63, I am grateful I was a coward,
and that I chose to stay.

All of those kids who called me names when I was at school, who made my days utter misery, who made me feel like a piece of garbage . . .  they have not mattered in a very long time.  The struggle made me stronger, more compassionate, more caring.  I learnt to never treat another human being that way that I was treated.  I have learnt that it was more about them and their weaknesses than it ever was about me.  I have learnt that I never was garbage and never will be. 

All those things I thought I had failed at?  I learned that sometimes the greatest lessons come in failing. That even our failures have great worth and that sometimes the greatest growth comes in our "Failures," and that really, there is no such thing as failure.  Failure only comes in life when you decide to give up. Failure is in not trying. 

I learned that we are never, ever . . .  truly alone, no matter how alone we might feel at any given time. There is always someone who will listen.  But they can't listen unless we let them know that we need to be heard, that we are hurting, that we are at the bottom of what seems like a very deep hole.  We need to learn to reach out to the helping hand, the listening ear, the caring heart, no matter how much of a struggle it might feel like in doing so.  Those words "Nobody cares" are the lies of the great deceiver.  Someone always cares, and they are waiting for us to open up to them, to share, to unburden ourselves, to listen, and yes . . .  to help.  One of life's great universal truths it that there is ALWAYS someone who cares, about you  and about how you are feeling. You. Are. Never. Alone.  Just be brave enough to reach out.  Just take every speck of courage you have in your soul and reach out. To your family if that is possible. To your Pastor. To your teachers. To your family Doctor. To your friends. To strangers.  If you will reach out, I promise you someone will grab your hand and hold on and try to help you to reach that safe place, that maybe you can't see right now, but that I can promise you is there.  You are NOT alone, no matter how alone you might feel.

 Just keep moving forward, never giving up, hoping and believing that there will be an end to the way you are feeling right now, the light at the end of the tunnel, and end to the darkness and it doesn't come by giving up.  It comes from moving forward, from taking even just the tiniest glimmer of hope and holding onto it. Please, please, please oh please don't think that this, right now, is all that there is in this life for you, or all that life holds for you.  Just have the courage to hang on and work your way through whatever it is that is dragging you down.  Courage is not in giving up and lying down. THAT is the cowards way . . .  Courage truly is that quiet voice at the end of the day that says . . .  I will try again tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow and however many tomorrows it takes.

Because YOU truly IS loved, and I know for a fact
that the bad times are not forever.  Just have the courage to hang on
for a little while longer and to reach out your hand.
I promise you someone will grab it.
You will get through this.

The way you are feeling right now.  It matters.
YOU matter.
Give life and the people around you the time
to prove it to you. 

I have learned that the pain that others cause me, says much more about them than it does about me, and I accept that.  That doesn't mean that things don't still hurt. There are some things in my life that will always hurt.  But I can live with them, even if I don't  understand them now. I have faith that I will one day.  There is help out there to help you find that faith also.  Where there is faith there is always hope, and where there is hope, there is a tomorrow, and it can be much brighter than you can imagine.  It doesn't mean that I still don't fall or fail or have days when I feel worthless, or even unloved. When I feel those things, I reach out and help always comes . . .  I pray, I believe, I hope.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Success if not final, failure is not fatal,
it is the courage to continue that counts.
~Winston Churchill •。★★ 。* 。 

Boiled Dinner 

In the kitchen today  . . .  Boiled Dinner.  One of my favourite things.  

I wish for each of you a lovely Wednesday.  Be positive and don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Your words today are filled with encouragement and full of good advice. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Thnk you Pam. It is just what was on my heart this morning. I am no expert on anything by any means, but if my words can help just one person, then that is a good thing. Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. Thanks for well written comments, are right. It can be oh so hard at many places in life but it is a lack in others alright that drives them to treat others so terrible. And obviously if they REALLY knew GOD, they could not act so. It tells us who they are. It is good to be reminded that good folks like you are still on the earth. Some days it can awfully hard to find them!! Love to you XOXO

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. It really hurts me that people take their own lives because they can't find any hope. I wanted to try to inspire even just one person to stay and to wait. Things do get better with time. Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Wow, my sweet friend, this was powerful. Life is hard and there isn't anyone that isn't suffering with something. Hope is such an important work. You said it all perfectly. I felt so grateful to read these thoughts today because we are working with a few individuals that truly feel hopeless. Luckily, they are reaching out and they are not alone. Helping them to see that is key
    Suicide is high here in Utah. I am so happy that the church is addressing these issues. I just watched their newest You Tube video entitled; Choose to stay.
    I know you have gone through some really difficult situation and have come through stronger, more faithful with more hope that you share with other.
    You really are an outstanding woman and sister in the gospel.
    Thank you for this one! I will use your thoughts to share with some of those who I know are struggling.
    Sending loving thoughts, extra hugs and love! You are the best~

    1. Thanks so much LeAnn. I have been in a place where I didn't want to stay, but thankfully I was able to work my way through it all and here I am! Life is hard, but it is beautiful too. We just have to be patient. Love, hugs and blessings to you! xoxo

  4. 💙Just read All The Bright Places.
    You might like it.
    From my library online.
    Very relevant to this post.
    Check on Goodreads.
    Take caree!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!