
Saturday 1 September 2018

The Things I Get Up to . . .

I often have a problem falling asleep, or . . .  if I do fall asleep right away, I start dreaming right away and it ends up being a bad dream and I wake myself up, usually within half an hour of falling asleep. This week has been particularly bad for some reason. I don't think I have fallen asleep before about 1 am in about 4 days now and last night was no different . . . 

I fell asleep right away, and before I knew it, I was dreaming. I was in the bathroom and when I went to open the door this huge face popped around the corner of the door with big black scary eyes and I was gouging at the eyes yelling "Get out of here!" over and over again, only to realise that I was actually saying those words right out loud. I know because I woke myself up. Usually Todd wakes me up, but this time he must have been sound asleep himself.

After I have a bad dream I am reluctant to go right back to sleep as I usually start dreaming the same dream. So I decided to go into the spare bedroom, lay down, and watch some Netflix for a while without disturbing Todd. I've been re-watching the GBB that I missed all those years ago. Last night I managed to finish Episode 2 of Series 1. 

So I go in and fire up my iPad.  I feel like I need to go to the bathroom, but am a bit reluctant to do that because . . .  you know the dream I just had.  What if a face really does pop around the door with big scary eyes . . . so I just lay there waiting for it to come on.  It does and I start to watch the GBB and there's no sound.  What the heck?  I unplug the ear phones and plug them back in.  Still no sound. Restart Netflix. No sound.  Go to settings to check if I have accidentally turned the sound off. Nope, still no sound.  Reboot the iPad just in case. No sound.  So I lay there all perplexed about 10 minutes thinking to myself, don't tell me my iPad is cracking up when it dawns on me. 

You don't have the ear phones in your ears Dumb-ass!! 


I realised when I decided to take out the earphones and just try to fall asleep again. I always sleep with ear plugs in, the little foam ones. I can't stand any noise when I am sleeping and they help drown the noise out long enough for me to fall asleep usually.  I was so tired and disoriented that I hadn't realised that it was them in my ears and not the earphones to the iPad. 

On the bright side, there was absolutely nothing wrong with my iPad!  Whew!  Sometimes you just have to laugh! 

Todd got a letter from the DWP yesterday, that is the Department of Works and Pensions.  I always feel a bit of dread in the pit of my stomach when that happens.  I am afraid that it is going to say, "We've been paying you too much for years and are going to take it out of your pension deposits to rectify our mistake, so from now until the end of the year you are getting nothing."  So I am on pins and needles until he reads it.  Thank goodness yesterday it was only to tell him that since he was turning 80 on the 7th of September from that date on his pension is going up, 25 pence a week.  One pound a  month.  Twelve pounds a year.  I was going to say whoopti-doo, but then I realised that its better than it going down 25 pence a week.  So I am counting our blessings on this one.   It doesn't really seem like a lot of money, but its at least something, so that is a bonus! 

Plus I hear that his Winter Fuel Allowance will go up by £100.
I hope that's true. We will see.

I changed my picture on my FB profile yesterday.  Its that picture of me that made me smile the other day.  I don't really like having my photo taken per se.  I think its because I am overweight and my mom was always so negative about overweight people. Whenever I look at myself, I can hear her saying, "Just look at how you have let yourself go." I must have heard her say that a bazillion times in my life about other women who were over-weight, so I am really self-conscious about my weight.  So, I don't like having my photo taken.  Then yesterday one of my friends on FB remarked what she wouldn't give to have my apple cheeks instead of her sunken in ones and suddenly I was grateful for my cheeks.  Sure, I wished that I could share some of them with her, but I was grateful that I was well and happy and that I had enough to want to share! 

We are always our own worst critics. We need
to just stop doing that. 

I am not sure what I will get up to today  . . . probably just a bit of this and a bit of that. It looks like it is going to be a gorgeous sunny day out there.  The sun is glinting off the white bellies of the seagulls flying in the sky behind our house . . .  they look like flying sparkles. I love it when that happens. I am grateful for eyes that notice these things and a heart that acknowledges them.  I might try to work on the craft room a bit. We will see.  Right now it looks as if a bomb has hit it. Just ask Tatiana.  Somehow it has ended up as the junk drawer of the house. Everything just gets shoved in there. Out of sight, out of mind.  Yes, the more I think about it, the more I think I will tackle that or at least get started on a part of it today at any rate!  After all . . . Rome wasn't built in a day!!  And the mess in there didn't happen over night! 

Hello September!

I almost forgot!  Today is the first of September.  I love September.  You still have beautiful summery days to enjoy but the nights are a bit cooler, better for sleeping.  Sweet heavy scent of apple orchards and ripening pears . . . the golden rain of leaves that start to change and fall . . . gentle breezes that knock on the windows . . . the sound of the children at the school down the road during play time and recess. Its all good! I LOVE September! 

Oh, and a Happy Labour Day Weekend to all
my North American friends and family!
Hope its a good one!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Confidence is the ability
to feel beautiful
without needing someone 
to tell you.
~unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 

Thyme & Lemon Cake 

In the kitchen today . . .  a fabulous Thyme & Lemon Cake!  This is gorgeous!

Have a great Saturday.  Stay happy and stay safe. Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Hi Marie, you and I are kindred spirits, I am also a bad sleeper so understand your torment! I usually get up after an hour or so and go to the lounge with a snuggly blanket and the iPad, although I've never wasted any time sorting out the volume! 😂😂😂

    As I'm a constant de-clutterer I think you should start on your craft room today, the satisfaction of a de-clutterered space is amazing!!

    I can't believe it's September, how on earth did that happen!! Although I love summer, September is my favourite month and Autumn my favourite season. I love it when you can just feel the change in the air as it begins to cool down.

    I also can't believe that the wedding is less than a week away! We leave on Tuesday and the wedding is on Thursday. We've got so much going on that September will be a whirlwind and the next thing I know you'll be saying it's October!!

    Anyway don't spend all of Todd's pension increase in the one shop! Have a lovely weekend, lot's of love xxx

    1. Oh I am so excited for you about your daughter's wedding Kate! Imagine New York city What fun that will be! I hope it all goes well and that her mouth is back feeling right as rain now! I hope you have a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back! Travel safe and love and hugs! xoxo

  2. We are our own wors sweet what your FB friend said.WE all need cheerleaders.Summer..the out of school summer flew by.I am a declutterer also..because I have accumulated treasures lol through the yrs.I need tidy or it looks bad.
    Things in their place..makes me feel more content..a bouquet of fresh picked flowers where the light shines prettily..small things;)
    The craft room ..has stuff so that too I try and keep welcoming to me not to a photo shoot..OMGee the craft areas we see on the net!!
    Not mine;)

    1. Well I am so tired today from lack of sleep, I couldn’t do anything! Hoping I get a good nights sleep tonight! I hate clutter too! Just too tired todY to do anything about it! Xoxo

  3. The best way to live is to count your blessings and look on the bright side. When you put your priorities in to prospective it makes you and everyone around you happier too. Good news on the pay raise! Every little bit helps for sure ! I never have trouble sleeping. I can nap in the afternoon and still get a good night sleep too. I do get up early and go to bed early too. Counting my blessings instead of sheep as they say.

    1. One of these days I am going to have a good nights sleep Pam! Here’s hoping! Doesn’t seem to matter what time I go to sleep I always wake up at the same time! God bless! Xoxo

  4. Wow, I have similar sleep problems. However, my worst dreams are usually early morning. I just have a hard time going to sleep. My mind won't turn off. At this point I take some herbal sleep stuff that. I hate the bad dreams and always wake up feeling very stressed.
    I am very happy your I-pad is OK. I would have really been stressed over that one. I'm happy it was something kind of funny in the end.
    I'm happy that your Todd's letter was favorable and you got a bit more money. I hate the government and insurance letters. Our Medicare insurance when up about $30.00 a month; which is irritating. However, I am grateful we have it. We do save a lot of money on health care.
    I do like your sweet photo that you posted. You have such a radiating smile. Your light and happiness is shown through your endearing face. You must believe your a beautiful woman.
    I have more than one room that I need to tackle and organize and give a way a bunch of stuff. I keep thinking I need to do a fall cleaning. I hope that will happen.
    I love September too. There is something in the air when fall comes rolling in. However, I am not ready for winter yet.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs! Have a beautiful Sabbath dear friend.

    1. I am not ready for Winter yet either LeAnn! Brrr . . . it will be upon us before we know it if the speed at which the summer has passed is any indication! Love you sweet friend. Hugs and blessings and happy Sabbath day wishes! xoxo


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