
Monday 10 September 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

Not sure if these sundae's they made were to celebrate the first day of the school year, but my middle son's boys were enjoying pie sundaes with all their favourite toppings.  This is Jon, age 12.

Josh, who is 9.

Jake who is 8.  I love all of my grandchildren, and of course I think they are all the best.  These three boys are jewels in my grandmother's crown. I am so grateful for a son who has taken the effort to make sure that they know and love me.  (My older son has also.) I see plenty of goodies in those Sundaes.  Apparently there are single pies on the bottom, then the ice cream, some strawberry toppings and what looks to be kitkats, peanutbutter cups,  whipped cream etc.  Looks like Jon and Jake like strawberry sauce, Josh seems to have chocolate ice cream and just strawberries without sauce, and they all look heavy on the chocolate treats! Yum!

These two look very happy after their first day at school.  Maryn is in Grade two this year and Cameron is just starting school.  According to my oldest daughter they are both in French Immersion, which I didn't know. Kudos to them.

Love all my children and all my grandchildren
very much. 

This new series of books on the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was released on September 4th. 

Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days presents the inspiring true story of the women and men who dedicated their lives to establishing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the world. Unlike past histories, which were primarily written as reference works, Saints is written as a narrative that is engaging to read.

I started reading it last night in bed and I couldn't put it down.  I am thoroughly enjoying it. Its available as a Paper Back through the Distribution Centre of the church, but you can also download and read it digitally for free here. 

I can't wait to pick it up again today and read some more. If you would like to read more about what it is about you can check that out here on the Church News Web site.  

I don't think you need to be a member of the church
to be able to read and enjoy this engaging volume of 
American history.  

Since the 1st of September I have been doing The Book of Mormon 21 Day Challenge, and I have to tell you it has truly been an amazing experience thus far.  This challenge invites you to experiment with the Word of God and draw closer to Jesus Christ in a 21 day time frame.  Each day we are invited to read a section of  scripture and ponder certain questions for ourselves. Questions like, Is there a God?  How can I find Joy?  Does God answer prayers?  For me it has been enlightening, engaging, uplifting and very inspiring.  I find myself looking forward each day to this time I spend with the Word of God and learning more about the Saviour.  You can find more about the challenge here if you are interested.  Once again, you don't need to be a member of the church to get something out of it. Reading along with and participating in the challenge won't turn you into a Mormon, but it might help you to find answers to questions you might be having about Life and about the Saviour.

This is my friend Eliza.  We have been friends for a very long time now.  If you have been reading me since the beginning, you will remember the few times that Eliza and her husband Ed came over to visit with Todd and myself when we were living and working at the Manor.  One time their son Kevin came with them as well. Sadly Ed passed away a couple of years ago now.  For the past 18 months Eliza has been serving a mission in the Philippine Bacolod Mission.  She will be returning home in 4 weeks time having finished.  For the past 18 months I have been enjoying weekly e-mails from her and seen her growing and stretching as a person.  I believed she was pretty awesome before she started but, unbelievably, she is even more awesome now.  Her weekly e-mails have inspired me in ways that I never could have imagined.  She is truly an awesome missionary and I have thoroughly enjoyed taking this journey with her as she has grown and learned to love and serve the Philippine people. Before she got her Mission call we had both been hoping that she would be sent here to the UK to serve, and I remember feeling really disappointed when she wasn't, but I can see clearly that she was meant to to where she went and that the Bacolod Mission, the people  whose lives she has touched, and Eliza herself, have been greatly blessed by this experience.  And yes, those of us who have followed her journey via e-mail as well. Life truly does become amazing when you learn to give it away selflessly.  

Yesterday I was really grateful to have my mobile phone.  We were in the car driving home from church when I noticed a small child who had gotten over the divider between "real life" and the motor way and was standing, all alone on the grass verge next to the motor way while literally hundreds of cars zoomed past.  There was no adults in site and no car stopped there. I was able to call the police using my phone and send them to the exact location where they were able to take the child to safety.  I don't know what else happened and I am assuming that all turned out well.  This was an absolutely terrifying thing to witness.  We were unable to stop safely ourselves, so I thought the next best thing was to call the police.  I hope I did the right thing. 


Being able to Partake of the Sacrament and renew my Baptismal covenants each Sunday morning. It is my way of being able to touch the hem of the Saviour's garment. As I worthily partake of the bread and the water I am able to reflect on what the Saviour did for all of us, the price He willingly paid for each of us.  I am able to reflect on the ways that I can improve and become more like Him in my daily walk. I am able to draw closer to Him and to share in His goodness and yes, His mercy.  When I was reflecting on our Mission one day, I realised that one of the best things that I took from being able to serve a Mission was a deeper understanding of the Atonement of Christ.  Another thing I learned through serving was to truly love my fellow beings in a way I hadn't done before.  I will always be grateful for that.  

Being able to celebrate Todd's 80th Birthday together!!  Here's to many, many more!   (He has gotten a head cold.  I hope he is feeling better today.) 

Aside from all of this, my cup does overflow with a multitude of small and wonderful things. There is a silver lining to each and every day. So grateful for a heart that is able to see and embrace this truth.

And those are my small and wonderful things for this week. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down.
It is resisting the impulse to become offended easily.
It is accepting the weaknesses and shortcomings.
It is accepting people truly as they are.
~Thomas S Monson  •。★★ 。* 。 

Breakfast Omelet Cups 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Breakfast Omelet Muffins.  Simply delicious. 

I hope the week ahead is filled with lots of small and simple things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Marie I am so glad you were able to phone about the baby on the loose. Scary stuff indeed.

  2. I had to chuckle at those very serious looks the boys were giving while sharing their sundaes. I would have thought they'd be all smiles ! I'm going to have to check out that recipe for those breakfast muffins. Hope you have a wonderful Monday !

    1. I guess Sundae making is serious business! lol Happy week to you Pam! xoxo

  3. Your Small and Wonderful Things post was espcially lovely today. I think you have the cutest of grandchildren and I am sure they love you as the sweetest of grandmothers. I am so happy that your children help to keep them to. Close to you.
    I haven’t looked into the new Church History book but I will now. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. The Book of Mormon 21 Day challenge looks interesting. We have been reading it 10 pages a day for a year so we have read it 6 times. It was a challenge by our Stake President. I have learned so much reading it through like this. I didn’t think I would but it has been a powerful experience.
    Eliza looks like such a lovely friend. I am sure the mission experiece was a huge blessing in her life after losing her husband.
    I am so glad that you were able to get help for that little one. It does make you wonder what happened to her.
    I really loved your thoughts on the Sacrament. I have been working hard to make this time each week more meaningful in my own life. My mission also helped me have a deeper understanding and deep feeling for the imporatnce of the Atonement in our lives.
    I do hope your sweet Todd will be feel better quickly. Reaching 80 is a big one. Wish for you many birthday moments together forever.
    Blessings, loving thoughts and hugs!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! Sometimes I miss being on our Mission. We were incredibly busy, but it was a really joyful kind of busy. Love you! xoxo


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