
Thursday 20 September 2018

My Favourite Things . . .
A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥  

Antique stoves. I would never be able to fit one into my kitchen, but I sure would love to have one. One of my friends many years ago bought a house that came with an antique stove and it worked.  I used to covet that stove.  Mind you the house also came with a ghost. Not sure I would have enjoyed that aspect of having a stove like that! 

Mismatched plates and old china.  I once had an old set of china that I had bought in a charity shop that had soup plates.  They were white with pink roses on them. My friend Mable and I used to take turns hosting a dinner for four each month and I remember buying these dishes up to use for that purpose. I only ever had every day dishes that could shoulder a lot of wear and tear. With five children and being a stay at home mom there wasn't a lot of money in the budget for the niceities of life like fancy dishes!  I didn't care because I was doing what I loved! 


Being able to stay home with my kids and in the home was always one of my favourite things.  My mom had worked since I was about ten and I couldn't join afterschool clubs and stuff because I always had to go home and take care of my sister and brother and get supper started, etc. I didn't really mind. I liked being in charge, but at the same time when I had my own children I didn't want to put that same burden on any of them, if that makes sense.  Having said that I did make a few forays into the workplace and they were always disastrous. We lost far more than we gained. One thing I did do through the years was mind other people's children in my home and clean houses and offices after hours. I also did typing from home, so I was always bringing in some sort of extra income when I could. I think often the value of a stay at home mom is demeaned.  Personally, if you can afford to do it, I think children benefit from having a mother in the home. It doesn't come without its own sacrifices however so you really need to weigh them out and decide if it is worth it.

Rocking chairs.  I have always loved rocking chairs.  I would love to have one still. Maybe one day. 


Cottages with thatched roofs. They are so very charming.  They don't come cheap however and they are expensive to maintain.  You have to have them re-thatched every so often, which really costs as you can imagine.  Lovely to look at however. 

Floral slipcovers.  Some day  . . . 


Floral carpets. I love them. 

Decoupage furniture  . . .  beautiful . . .  


Primitive art like the art of Grandma Moses. I love it.  

Nativity sets. I love them.  I have a couple. To me the Nativity is the most beautiful part of Christmas. 


Cast iron and brass bedsteads  . . .  love them.  

Kneading bread dough  . . .  there is something quite comforting in the mindless process of kneading dough.  You can just lose yourself in another world  . . . 


Anything that sparkles  . . .  I'm like a crow  . . . 

Pink roses  . . .  I love roses, but I think the pink ones are my all time favourites  . . . 

Eyelit lace  . . . 

French Country Hen Lamps  . . . 


 I think they are just beautiful, and they come in all kinds of colours, etc.  


Honey Roasted Peanuts  . . . 


Susan Branch Books.  I have almost all of them.  I have been collecting for years. They never lose their charm . . . 

Old Fashioned Glazed Sour Cream Donuts.  They are my favourites of all the donuts. 

And those are my favourite things for this week. What are some of yours? 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

The world is filled 
with nice people.
Be one. 
~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 

Quick Chicken Chowmein 

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Quick & Easy Chicken Chow Mein for two.  yummy!

Have a fabulous Thursday!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 



  1. Most certainly some of my favorited things!!!I agree Susan's books are keepers..Vivian Swifts also..Sara Midda and oh..the Secrets of Pistoulet author!!
    Some books I just cannot part with!

    1. Like you, Monique, I have books I cannot bear to part with, and most of them are the same as yours! xoxo

  2. Good morning Marie and friends. I love, love English cottages. I wish I had one to live in. Maybe in heaven? I am not so much into chintzy stuff but I love pale pink and green together. I also love blues. Anything from pastels to blue willow calls to my heart. I also love books but have lost most of my precious books.

    My favourite things are becoming more simple as I grow older. I love a good pen to use when I write and crisp paper is wonderful as well. A good book, a nice lamp and a soft quilt to snuggle under when it rains and is cool. Beautiful music soothes me too. I love to read my Bible and need to get back into it. Creating is important as well. Quilting and knitting are my current passions.

    1. Hi Suzan! Like you, I probably won’t get my cottage until I get to the other side! I wonder if they have cleaners? I, too, enjoy the simple things in life! Love you! Xoxo

  3. What a surprise it was for me to see the lamp I have in my kitchen in your post today. It is truly one of my favorite things too. It's the one with the blue checked shade. I keep it on my kitchen counter and found it in a gift shop many years ago now. It wasn't expensive at all and is more like a night light than a lamp. I do love chow mien too and should cook some up for today. I loved it served on crunchy noodles or rice. Good either way. Hope you have a great day! Happy Thursday!

    1. Oh cool Pam! Lucky you to have found one! I have never actually looked, but maybe I should. I might get lucky too! Ohh, I wish we could get the crunchy noodles here! I miss them! Happy Thursday to you! Xoxo

  4. I have a rocking chair that my father made me over 20 years ago. I love it and will never part with it. It's sitting in my bedroom now, a place of honor.
    I also have the cast iron bed that my father was born in, awaiting guest in my guest room. Not the same mattress, mind you. My parents sleep in that room when they come to visit, and I just love the bed has been passed down through the years.

    1. What treasures Christie! You are truly blessed to have them! Xoxo

  5. When we moved to our present home in our retirement (the first one we owned as my husband is a minister)there was a GE stove similar to the one in the second picture. And too think that I wanted a more up to date one *gasp*, but my husband and daughter convinced me other wise. :) It works just fine and I've come to make friends with it. ;) The only drawback is the oven is so small I can't cook a proper turkey for the holidays. Not to worry--my daughter loves to entertain and does a wonderful job! ~ Elaine

    1. Oh yes, Elaine, and who doesn't love a proper turkey dinner cocoked by someone else! BONUS! I am happy you have made friends with your stove. I remember one year my husband bought a free range turkey from a guy at work who was raising them. It was HUGE. We had to saw it in half to cook. Still tasted pretty yummy though! xoxo

  6. I do like old stove's too. I don't like all the new fangled stuff that is being made today. Some is good; some not. I do love dishes and have some fun sets of china and pottery ware. I like tables set with different kinds.
    All I ever wanted to be was a stay at home Mom. I ended up working as a nurse off and on. I could often work my shifts around my children's needs or my husband was home with them. I did have more time being a full time mother than I worked. I think children do need their mom's home. Even more so today than ever.
    I enjoyed looking through all of your favorite things today. I always love the furniture and or decor.
    The Nativity is my favorite part of Christmas too.
    I love roses and pink ones are special for sure.
    I must read a Susan Branch book sometime.
    I do love your choice of Donuts. However, my favorite is a chocolate covered donuts that are made by Duncan bakery. It is so yummy!
    Blessings and hugs for you for this fun one!

    1. To be honest LeAnn, I have never met a donut I didn't like, lol! Love and hugs! xoxo

  7. Hi Marie~

    Oh, you always find the most beautiful things to look at and dream about!! I would love to have an antique stove, and I'd be ok with the ghost...somewhat...they would have to be nice... ;0)

    My mom worked as well, she loved working, but it did cut out a lot of activities for us kids. We weren't hurt by it, and we learned how to be self-sufficient. But, I always envied my friends who had their moms home all day. I used to love it when I would come home and smell homemade bread baking, it was a sign that my mom was home!

    I have a couple of, Grandma Moses pictures that my grandmother gave me...I treasure them.

    Old fashioned sour cream donuts make my mouth water, I love them so much! And who cannot resist, honey glazed peanuts?! I think I better go to bed, I'm getting hungry!

    Love you sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I really missed having my mom home also Barb. I can remember many times I wished she had been there. What a treasure to have some Grandma Moses pictures! Love you also! xoxo


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