
Saturday 8 September 2018

Happily Ever After . . .

In my eyes there lies no vision
But the sight of your dear face.
In my heart there is no feeling
But the warmth of your embrace.
In my mind there are no thoughts
But the thoughts of you , my dear.
In my soul no other longing
But just to have you near.
All my dreams were built around you
And I've come to know it's true.
In my life there is no living
That is not a part of you.
~Helen Steiner Rice 

Yesterday we celebrated Todd's 80's Birthday.  We didn't really do anything that was over the top. In fact it was a quiet day really.  He went out for his morning constitutional while I baked him a cake, which didn't exactly turn out as it should have done . . . 


Best laid plans and all of that  . . .  but then I cooked him a lovely roast chicken dinner and some other bits, so it was all okay in the end.  

It was also the 18th anniversary of our first meeting in person!  We had been communicating online and via the telephone for quite a few months and decided in the end we needed to meet in person.  I have never been to England, and had always wanted to visit England so I decided I would come over here.  It was rather brave of me when I think of it (in retrospect) but I was 18 years younger then  and I remember thinking that at least, if nothing else, I would have a nice holiday (Something I had never had in my life up to that point) and see some things I had always wanted to see.  It all looked win/win to me! 

I flew all night over to Heathrow airport and I remember being so tired when I arrived that I was almost giddy, but I was also really excited, so I expect it was adrenaline which kept me moving. Eighteen years later I have come to realise just what a journey that was for Todd to get down to Heathrow to pick me up like he did, without a car, using trains and buses, etc. It must have been  love is all I can say. ♥♥♥ 
Our train up to Chester wasn't until that evening and so we had a full day to fill.   We took the underground from the airport into London, which was a real eye opening experience for me.  I had never seen anyone with a pink mohawk!  I had never been on any form of underground system at all.   I had never heard the phrase, "Mind the gap!"   I had never had an elevator/lift speak to me.   "Lift going up."  We had jacket potatoes for lunch.  (I had never heard a baked potato called a "Jacket Potato.")

So many firsts!

And then there was the traffic.  Coming from middle of nowhere Nova Scotia, I had seen nothing like the buzz and excitment of London, England.  The red phone boxes.  The red double decker buses.  The black Taxi Cabs!   There were people of every colour and language you could imagine and it was such a busy and happening place.  I think I almost got hit by a car about three times that day.   I kept forgetting they were coming in the opposite direction.   (These nice people over here write on the roads "Look Left," so that's good, but I was so excited I kept forgetting to look left!) 

I had never been to a busy train station like Euston Station,  It was all new to me.   The next three weeks were spent getting to know each other better and confirming that what we had thought to be true was true.  We were in love.   I stayed at a member of the church's house who rented rooms to students for that whole time and Todd would pick me up every morning and drop me off every night.  We spent the days wandering around Chester whilst he showed me everything there was to see.   I went to church and met the people in the Ward, and I met all his friends.  And yes, we talked and talked and talked . . . and talked some more. We canoodled a bit too, which was nice.
 And then, a few days before my return home  to Canada . . . he asked me to marry him and I said yes.  I flew back to Canada at the end of September and applied for a Fiancee Visa and was back in the UK at the end of October (Halloween to be precise) and we were married eleven days later on the 11th of November in Wrexham Wales and sealed together for time and all eternity in the Preston Temple later on that very same day.

When you know that something is right . . . you just know.  He's my sugar pie and I'm his honey bun.

 He's my honey bunch,
sugar plum, pumpie umpy umpkin...
 He's my sweetie pie.
 He's my cuppy cake, gum drop,
snookum snookums
He's ... the apple of my eye!


And we've been busy living our happily after, ever since!!  Last night we were watching the semi-finals of America's Got Talent.  WOW what amazing talent.  How is a winner ever going to be picked????  We have only watched the first batch and don't know which will be going through from that yet, so no spoilers please!  We still have the results, the next lot, and the results from that to watch, and then the finals. We are enjoying every minute of it!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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"Go out into the world today
and love the people you meet.
Let your presence bring new light
in the hearts of people."

~ Mother Teresa  
•。★★ 。* 。

Pumpkin Pie Roll Ups  

Over in The English Kitchen today I am sharing a tasty recipe for Pumpkin Pie Roll Ups!  You won't want to miss these! 

Have a fab Saturday! Looks like rain here.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 



  1. Ah Marie what a beautiful love story. Thank you for sharing.

    Enjoy today and God bless.

    1. Thanks Suzan! It’s not perfect but it’s ours! Xoxo

  2. Sounds as if you two are match made in heaven. So great you can life your days happily ever after. I've had cakes turn out like yours, but they still taste good no matter how they look. I've even pieced some together with frosting ! Glad Todd had a happy birthday! Hope you have a super Saturday !

    1. Thanks very much Pam! He did have a great day! God bless! XOxo

  3. All it takes for a very fine birthday is simply being with that one special someone...usually that is how it has been for me too. Sorry the cake misbehaved (baking is a fickle thing being so dependent on the weather and all). Did you cover it with some lovely custard sauce or some such? XOXO Elizabeth

    1. You are very right about that Elizabeth! A special someone around does make for a very special birthday! We are just eating it like it is. Its still very good! xoxo

  4. Happy Birthday again to your Todd! I like his day. I actually think quiet birthday’s are some of the best. I especially loved ll your endearing terms for him. I really loved your endearing love story. I enjoyed reading each and every word about your trip over and your courtship, engagements and wedding. You are a match made in Heaven; I am sure.
    Blessings, loving thoughts and hugs for you two!

    1. Thanks so much LeAnn! Blessings, love and hugs to you and Roger also! xoxo


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