
Monday 24 September 2018

A Quick This and That . . .

Not a lot of time to write this morning as I have an early appointment to have the dressing changed on my foot.  I hope it is healing well and that it doesn't hurt to have it changed.  Someone told me that they fainted when they had their dressing changed, so that kind of scared me a bit. I don't want to faint.  I am hoping that the next dressing is a bit less cumbersome and that I will be more able to get out and about.  Right now I have been pretty housebound as my sandals don't fit very well and we are into the rainy season. It would be quite hard to keep it dry if I went out and about, and part of my foot with the dressing on it, hangs over the back of my sandal because I can't push it in all the way, or as much as I should be able to, making it a bit uncomfortable.  In any case, here's hoping the new dressing is a bit smaller!  

Prayer request. Our friend Peter's grandson has been in the hospital for a bit.  He struggles with Anorexia and he has had a collapsed lung.  He's had an operation to help his lung, but he is really struggling with the anorexia and Peter is afraid he won't be alive for much longer, mostly because they keep shifting him from hospital to hospital.  One hospital only treats for lung issues and won't do anything about the anorexia, etc. They all have their levels of expertise, but only seem to be treating that issue of expertise, with no thought of the other problems. Its a mish mash! Peter is very concerned.  Could you please keep Jacob (and the family) in your prayers.  Thank you very much! I am a huge believer in the power of prayer!!

And with that I best be off and out of here!  Thanks all! 

Have a great day! Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Poor Jacob. Medicine has become so specialised and human beings are not a neat little package with one problem. I pray that somehow, someone can bring some sense to this situation.

    Also hope your dressing is a simple thing. I also hope you are healing rapidly. God bless and love you.

    1. Thanks very much Suzan! Hopefully Jacob can get the help he needs! Xoxo

  2. I will be praying both for you and for your friends son. Anorexia is a disease and I hope they can find someone to help. A classmate of one of my son's died of it and it was devastating for all that knew her. Being able to get out and about is something we don't appreciate till we no longer have it. Hoping you will be able to get back to normal shoes soon.

    1. Its really sad Pam. Really sad. He's such a young man and has such promise. Thank you for your prayers, they mean a lot! xoxo

  3. Oh, my dear one, I do hope that your dressing change went well and that it is smaller. I’m praying for you to heal quickly and be back up and about. I will also pray for Peter, his grandson, Jacob and family. He has a serious problem to struggle with. I so hope they can get the help he needs.
    Sending prayers, loving thoughts, wished for blessings and big hugs your way!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers LeAnn. They mean the world! Love and hugs, xoxo


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