
Monday 13 August 2018

Sunday . . . .

Other than going to church yesterday, we had a rather lazy day. We went to church, etc.  visited Ariana and Jose and watched The Theory of Everything in the evening.  Mitzie was even too lazy to play with her squirrel.  She just cuddled it. 

Fell asleep last night to the dulcet tones of Tom Jones wafting through the air from the Chester Racecourse where he was giving a concert.  You could hear him and the music as clear as a bell.  Now being actually able to see him would have been the icing on the cake.  Thunderstorms and all.  We had a few bit cracks! 

And now for some news.  I have decided that at the end of this week I am going to make my blog, this one anyways, closed to invited readers only, so if you want to be able to continue to read me, you will have to e-mail me and request inclusion.  Sorry about that.  I'll let you all know why after the deed it done and I know only people who care about me and people that I trust are reading me.  So if you want to be on my readers list.  E-mail or message me with your e-mail address so that I can add you to the list of approved readers. In the meantime, God bless and happy week.



  1. Hi Marie, a free Tom Jones concert in the comfort of your own bed, heaven!!!

    I'm not sure if you have my email Marie, I know I've got yours, so I'll message you separately. Count me in please.

    But most importantly today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a wonderful day with Todd and Tatiana and get truly spoilt!

    Lot's of love xxx

  2. I enjoy reading your blog each morning. Please add me to your readers list.

  3. Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!! ..I hope you know I would like to be on the A list;)I hope nothing regrettable has happened:(

    1. You know you will always be on my “A” list my dear friend! Xoxo

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear friend! Just now wrote an email to add me to you reader list... I wouldn't want to miss a single post! Hope all is OK... ?? Hope you are having a great day, and celebrating... and that there will be cake! ;) A little while ago we saw The Theory of Everything and loved it... Eddie Redmayne is terrific in whatever film he's in! Wishing you a Happy Birthday week! LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Thanks Tracy! Got it! Will reveal all later. Love you lots also! xoxo

  5. I do hope I'm on your list to be included. Would miss your posts for sure.

    1. Thanks Pam, I will need your e-mail address. pretty please! xoxo

  6. I am hoping you will put me on the list too. I so enjoy reading here...have had problems commenting and for me, your email does not work for some reason. It is always returned. Wishing you all the best Marie!!

    1. Oh dear, I am so sorry about that d embree. What is your e-mail address. I will add it to the list! xoxo

    2. is there a way to send the email address to you privately? I only have just one. I could put it here, if you would not publish it...I will watch here for your reply. Thanks.

    3. mariealicejoan at aol dot com

    4. Also if you want to comment with it here, I promise not to publish your comment so it is safe!

    5. Elizabeth, I have gotten your email and added it! Xo

    6. Thanks so much Marie!! XO Elizabeth

  7. I would love to continue reading your blog. My husband and I even visited Chester for our holidays because of your posts. My email address is: Xx

    1. Adding you to the list Karen! I hope you enjoyed Chester! xoxo

  8. Hi Marie
    I would love to be on your "reader list" since I have followed your blog for quite a few years....Being a bit shy, I rarely comment, but so enjoy everything on your blog..I sent you an email..hope you get it. If not, would you email me an answer? My email is Thanks so much :)

    1. Hi LYnney! I did get it and thanks so much! xoxo

  9. This is the one blog I keep in my Read Today folder. Hope to keep reading it. Thanks.

    1. Thank you! I Just need your e-mail address to add to the approved readers! xoxo

  10. I love those easy going Sabbath Days. Your's sounded wonderful.
    I love the photo of your Mitzie; so cute!
    How fun to hear Tom Jones from your window. Yes, attending would have been a treat.
    Well, I certainly want to keep following you. I hope you haven't had a bad experience. Although, I have had a few on Facebook; mainly with my nephew.
    Have a beautiful week my dear friend! Hugs~
    Also, I noted on Facebook it was your birthday today! Happy Birthday dear friend! Sending big loves and hugs your way~

  11. Hi Marie. I rarely comment but I have read your blog for many years, since you worked at the big house. Where can I find your email so I can get invited to continue access to your blog. Thanks and peace.

    1. Thanks Kaly! You can e-mail me at mariealicejoan @ xoxo

  12. Please include me, Marie! I read your blog daily and am inspired by you daily. I bought that fabulous cookbook and live everything we prepare from it. Thank you, Karen Douglas, Painted Post NY

  13. Marie, I read your inspuring blog daily and cook from that fabulous cookbook you published last year! Please include me. I will email you also. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Karen. I did get your email. Thanks also for your kind words re my book! Xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!