
Saturday 11 August 2018

Friday . . .

Tatiana had a day out with our mutual friend Eric and his daughter yesterday.  They went to visit his brother who is in a care home and then because she loves old churches he took her to Saint Winifride's well (I think that is what it is called)  which is near Wrexham in Wales.   

It looks quite interesting.  Todd and I will have to go there sometime. 

After that they went to Cheshire Oaks, which is a huge outlet mall near here. It looks like they had a great day out together!  Today we are going in to Chester.  I hope my feet and knees don't cause me too much grief! 


Somebody was 2 weeks old yesterday, and she celebrated  . . . 

She went to a wedding with her mum and dad, and I am pretty sure she outshone the Bride, lol.

That was Friday! 



  1. Aww so cute..glad everyone is in great spirits!

  2. Hope you are able to enjoy your Saturday out and about! Take your time and rest when you can.

  3. St winifred’s well is in Holywell, Flintshire.

  4. It appears that your Tatiana is having a wonderful time.
    I do hope that you do well today on your jaunt to Chester.
    That precious little one is so lovely. I am sure you out did the Bride. I love the photo of the baby with her parents.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for all!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! Love and hugs for you and Roger also! Happy Sunday! xoxo


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