
Wednesday 18 July 2018

Wednesday this and that . . .

Rain upsets a holiday . . . and spoils a lot of fun
But truthfully it cannot be,
that we always have the sun . . .
When raindrops fall . . .
prayers are answered
To bless the thirsty earth,
a crop may fail in days of drought . . .
and drought means death and dearth . . . 

We need the rain to fill our wells . . .
and swell the trickling stream.
Fields and gardens fill with hope . . .
of what that day might bring.
water for the wilting flower . . .
or for a pasture green . . .
and those who see hopes dashed in vain . . .
have never danced in rain.

 So when I see the rain clouds gather,
I tuck into my heart . . .
Not all the things I cannot do . . .
Not well laid plans now torn apart
Not thoughts of spoiled summer fairs
but answers to another's prayers.
For some may want to see a shower . . .
and other's gaze upon the sun.
Truth is . . . whichever way it goes . . .
you can't please every one. 

Our weather has been a bit cooler this week and we have had a few showers insterspersed with sunshine.  We don't mind at all, because we do need the rain, and this has been a happy balance. In all truth I am not overly fond of extreme heat and it was almost too hot for those few weeks.  I like things just comfortable. Not too hot and not too cold.  Back home we have a climate of extremes.  It is sticky and hot in the summertime and freezing cold in the wintertime. I have become rather spoiled over here in the UK, where both of those things are only occasional happenings.  Most of the time both the heat and the cold are quite bearable. ☺

Poor Ariana, she has gone almost two weeks over her due date now and is starting to feel a bit frustrated.  I don't blame her.  I had all of my babies three weeks early for some reason.  Her mother came over two weeks ago so she would be with them when baby arrived.  I am not sure how long she is able to stay, but hopefully she will be here for at least a little while after baby arrives.


I've been enjoying these gorgeous Tomkin tomatoes that I picked up at Asda this week. They have to be some of the tastiest cherry tomatoes I have ever eaten.  Sweet and delicious, I've been eating them out of hand just like grapes or apples.  They are almost shaped like little red pumpkins. I just love them.  

My mother worked as a civil servant when I was growing up.  She was the time keeper for the Construction Engineering Department on the local air base.  There were lots of civilian men working there that did the maintenance and upkeep on all of the DND buildings, and married quarters.  Oftimes in the summer months she would be gifted with bags filled with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.  The men all liked her because she was nice and fun and not too hard on the eyes I suspect. In any case in the summer months we were treated to plates of sliced fresh tomatoes and cucumbers to enjoy.  In fact, I can remember eating cucumbers almost like they were bananas! I think to this day, two of my favourite sandwiches have to be tomato and cucumber, not together of course, but on soft white bread with mayonnaise, salt and black pepper.  They are such a treat in the summer months when fresh picked local varieties are in abundance! 

We've been spending this week clearing things out.  We are fairly certain that before the end of the year we are going to have to find ourselves some new digs to live in if possible.  We are hoping we can get a council bungalow.  We are also fairly certain that by the end of the summer we will be getting rid of the car. Sometimes in life you have to make hard choices.  Change is hard, but it can be for the better. We started off our married life in a one bedroom maisonette and we didn't have a car and things were just fine.  We are having to be pretty ruthless however, which is a bit sad, but it is what it is. Its only stuff.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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The greatest weapon against stress,
is our ability to choose one thought
over another.   ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~William James  •。★★ 。* 。


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  a Breakfast Ciabatta. Seriously delicious!  Quick and easy as well. 

Have a lovely Wednesday, don't forget along the way of your day  . . . 

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And I do too!



  1. I hope you get the place you want..such hard work a move..and getting organized for it..we always packed oursleves and I think only once had a mover.The last move literally took weeks.When I worked..I think everyone had packers and movers.One yr we packed ousrelves and two daughters up..lots of yes start have public transport.It will be lovely to have no strings fiend Nancy moved to the city..sold her car..she has never missed it..You are right ..things are what they are and we adapt.Not always pleasant..sometimes yes in the long run..Bon courage..:)

    1. You are so right Monique. Thanks! We have never had packers and movers over here. Too expensive. I am sure that when it comes time to move the church will help us as much as they can. At least I hope so! Also the car loss won't be so bad. We have a bus stop at the end of the street and I now have a bus pass and so getting most places won't be a problem, and if we need to get a cab for the others' it will still not be as expensive as having a car! Now we just have to see if we can get a smaller place! xoxo

  2. Yes we do have to have rainy days as well as sunshine. Some need it badly. I love fresh tomato sandwiches and cucumber sandwiches are wonderful too. This is truly the time of year for good eating. I can relate to the agonies of downsizing. No fun but necessary sometimes. Just take one day at a time and you will get there. It took me almost a year to manage it all and I had help from my children. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.

    1. Oh, I know you have just gone through it all Pam, and I think you are happier for it. You inspired me. You have a wonderful Wednesday also! xoxo

  3. Oh, I pray you won’t have to move. I think moving is so hard. It is hard to go through and decide what you think you should keep and what not too. Blessings for you both!
    I loved the poetry on rain. I enjoy a good rain storm but I don’t like cloudy skies for too many days are I get kind of down. When it is hot; a lovely rainstorm is perfect to cool things down. Here we get the extremes. Right now we are above 100; which is too hot for me.
    I do love tomatoes and those look yummy. We didn’t plant any this year; which makes me sad. With our Daughter and family we haven’t been doing some of the things we normally do.
    Sending prayers, loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Its hard to decide what to keep LeAnn. I thought maybe if I kept only the things I need and love, but I love everything! lol It is a special blessing to have your daughter and her family with you I am sure. Love, prayers and hugs to you and Roger also! xoxo


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