
Tuesday 31 July 2018

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


FOR TODAY, July 31, 2018

Outside my window ...
The sun is just coming up.  There is plenty of cloud but lots of blue sky showing. They say the heat is going to return. We've had a few nice, rainy, showery days however, so that's good. 

I am thinking ...
About all of the poor people throughout the world being devastated by wildfires . . . California, Greece, etc. My heart and prayers are with them. Todd was just saying yesterday that we are living in a blessed part of the world. I agree.  But for how long?? One wonders  . . . there but for the Grace of God . . . 

In the kitchen ...


Ham, Gruyere & Spring Onion Crepes.  These are simple to make, delicious and make a great light supper with a salad on the side. Nothing fancy here. Just good eats.  Simple ingredients, done well. 

On my "To Cook" list ... 

From Garlic Matters. Lemon Chutney.  This looks and sounds really good.  

Good to know ... 

Reformation Acres.  How to make cultured buttermilk.  

I am creating ... 

Martha Stewart. How to make sun prints.  

Gina Michelle.  Easy knit baby booties.  

Something Turquoise, free printable envelope liners.  

Yao Cheng, water colour tutorial.  

Lora Jeans Magazine. Paper mache figure tutorial.  

Marjorie Crochets.  Fish Bag free tutorial, pattern. 

Oh my goodness  ...

The fresh blackberries are coming fast and furious at the moment. Its all the hot weather I guess! They are about a month early! 

I am reading ...


Flight of the Sparrow, by Amy Belding Brown 

She suspects that she has changed too much to ever fit easily into English society again. The wilderness has now become her home. She can interpret the cries of birds. She has seen vistas that have stolen away her breath. She has learned to live in a new, free way.... 

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1676. Even before Mary Rowlandson is captured by Indians on a winter day of violence and terror, she sometimes found herself in conflict with her rigid Puritan community. Now, her home destroyed, her children lost to her, she has been sold into the service of a powerful woman tribal leader, made a pawn in the on-going bloody struggle between English settlers and native people. Battling cold, hunger, and exhaustion, Mary witnesses harrowing brutality but also unexpected kindness. To her confused surprise, she is drawn to her captors’ open and straightforward way of life, a feeling further complicated by her attraction to a generous, protective English-speaking native known as James Printer. All her life, Mary has been taught to fear God, submit to her husband, and abhor Indians. Now, having lived on the other side of the forest, she begins to question the edicts that have guided her, torn between the life she knew and the wisdom the natives have shown her.

Based on the compelling true narrative of Mary Rowlandson, Flight of the Sparrow is an evocative tale that transports the reader to a little-known time in early America and explores the real meaning of freedom, faith, and acceptance. 

I discovered this on Barb's blog and was so intrigued by what she said about it, I had to read it for myself.  Just beginning this.

Looking forward to ... 
 There is a Baptism at the chapel on Saturday. 

Dreaming about ...

Flea Market Cutlery  . . . 


Vintage Tea Cups   . . .


Beautiful bird baths  . . . 

Pearls and Roses  . . . 


Who lives here  . . . 

Something to watch ... 

Goodbye Christopher Robin.  It was excellent, but also I felt, quite sad and moving  . . . 

Makes me smile ...


Doesn't every little brother dream about putting his older brother in stocks?  Jon (in the stocks) and Jake.

Corners of my kingdom ...

Conwy Castle, North Wales . . . I've been there a few times.  Its a very interesting day out.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!    



  1. Hi, Marie! Oh, it's been a tough time weather-wise in so many places. So many fires... it's just heartbreaking! It is sooo dry here. We've not had much mearesurable rain for weeks now...worst drought in 70 years! I love summer... but it's been almost too much summer this year... LOL! I'm looking forward to autumn! Our blackberrie are early this year too--a whole month early! Ooo... your ham, cheese & spring onion crepes look sooo good! We should make those before the heat takes the last of our spring onions. That lemon chutney looks delicious! That'd be rather expsensive to make though, maybe...with 12 lemons in one go. SUN PRINTS... I've been wanting to try that too--the whole eco-printing things fascinates me! Ooooo... your current reading sounds sooo GOOD--wow! I have to add that to my reading list! Wishing you all a wonderful week as we open to August! :) LOVE YOU LOTS! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. I fear it is pretty much the same all over the UK. Everything is looking quite brown. We have had some showers here in the North West and one day of rain, but it is still not enough. Sounds as if we are experiencing the same weather! You would love the crepes even without the ham! I was even thinking cheese and salad would be great! haha, that's me. I just love crepes. You will love this book! I hope you can get it and yes, that is a lot of lemons! Love you lots also, Happy August! xoxo

  2. Have a great that statuary..♥The boys are adorb..Saw mine yesterday and day before..summer is looking good on them all:)Movie looks interesting:)

    1. OH, I am sure they are looking fab. Your grands are all so so very handsome! The movie was very good. We rented it on Prime. xoxo

  3. We have rain in the weather forecast but so far today it's dry. Hot weather returning here by the end of the week they say. Yes we are blessed to have rain. I know it is terrible in California and a few have died from the wild fires there. So many lost their homes too. I can't imagine. Prayers some rain will come their way. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

    1. My heart just breaks at all the loss and devastation both in Greece and California. I was watching a poor Grandfather cry on the telly last night whose Grandson had called him begging him to come and rescue them. He was only minutes away, but they perished. So sad. So very sad. Love and hugs, and yes praying for rain. xoxo

  4. Hi Marie!

    Oh my goodness, I didn't mean you looked old when I said you looked like a grandma! I just meant that you looked like you were just loving holding that sweet, Grace! You are just beautiful, Marie, and yes, we are all 16 inside... :0)

    I wish I wrote more letters...I think I have in the last year. I just love the homemade envelope! I need to write a letter to you...I think I will do that!

    I love buttermilk. My kefir milk tastes very much like buttermilk, in fact I use it like buttermilk.

    Old country charm, I love it...I would love to have a drawer full of mismatched silverware. And, I wonder who does live behind that window?!

    I really enjoyed, Flight of the Sparrow. It is taken from a true account, I thought it was fascinating. Such a different culture than we live in today. Enjoy your read!

    We are going on a month of over 90's hot! We have fires burning all around us, so the air quality is horrible, plus, they are cutting grain right down the road. We mostly stay inside, where we can breath... ;0)

    Your grands are adorable, and yes, there were time I would have loved to see a few of my siblings in shackles!!

    Oh my, those crepes look wonderful, thanks for the recipe!

    Love you tons!


    1. No worries Barb, I did not take it that way at all! Trust me. I was enjoying holding her and let them take my photo, but usually I don't like having my picture taken. I am not a very attractive woman, and I know it! I don't think I was ever really very pretty! But that's okay! I am good with that! Oh I am so sorry you are going on with the hot temperatures and fires, etc. Yikes! Sounds very unpleasant and a bit scary too! Praying for you. I would love to exchange letters, that would be lots of fun! Love you tons also. Hugs and kisses, xoxo

  5. Take time to enjoy the small blessings of life; I love this quote.
    Always a fun daybook post; I enjoy them.
    The fires have been devastating here. Right now we have a lot of smoke in the air from the fires in Montana and Idaho. We lived through a firestorm many years ago in Spokane Washington and was evacuated from our home. They were very scary moments. I too wonder what is coming next and who is safe. It’s signs of the times.
    The good looks yummy as always. I enjoyed your finds. I espcially loved the baby booties. I think I could actually make those.
    The book looks like a good one to put on my extra long wish list.
    I’m currently reading; Gerald Lund’s Fire and Steel series. I love his writings so much.
    You do find the best photos of tea cups; I love them like you do.
    Your Grandson’s photo makes me smile too.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. I can sort of imagine how frightening that would be. Back in 1979 we were driving back from Ontario to Alberta and ended up surrounded by forest fires burning on both sides of the road. It was very scary. I had a newborn and two toddlers in the car. I love Gerald Lund's books. He is an amazing writer! Love and hugs! xoxo


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