
Thursday 26 July 2018

My Favourite Things . . . 
A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥    
Hot Dogs.  I love Hot Dogs.  I know I shouldn't, and I know I probably don't want to know whats in them. I don't care. I love them. I especially love the Kirtland All Beef ones that you get at Costco. My mom used to make the best hotdogs.  Every Friday night was hotdog night in our house and everyone wanted to come to ours for hotdog night. I wonder if Friday nights are still hotdog nights at home.  Sis??? 
This will come as no surprise. I love tea cosies.  I don't even drink regular tea, just herbals and more often than not will just do it in a cup, but I do love tea cosies.   It started off with my obsession with  this one, that I made from a book by Jane Brockett . . .
Its still my favourite  . . . 

And then I had to make this one  . . . 

And the fetish continues.  Tea Cosies, can you ever have too many???? 
Rocking Chairs and front porches  . . .  I wish I had one of each.   I would probably sit there for hours eery day, rocking and watching the world walk by . . . 

Summer days and summer nights  . . .  summer altogether. There is much to love about summer.

Angels  and the idea of angels being around us to protect us . . .  Emissaries of God . . .  sometimes they come in the form of friends and family . . . sometimes strangers.  They are there.  Angels.   
Tea parties . . .  and they can be for one, or two, or a whole crew.  I love tea parties.  Every one is an occasion, no matter how many people are in attendance.  Some of my favourite ones have been the ones I plan for just myself and Todd.  
Ferrero Rocher.  What's not to love about them.  With their crisp nut and chocolate covered outsides and creamy centres with that toasted hazelnut in the centre.  They are a real treat!  I have never tried making my own.  I don't think you could ever make at home anything that would come up to and equal the real thing. 
A long soak in a hot tub . . .  have not had one of those in a very long time, mostly because we don't have a bathtub, just a shower, which is fine because with my osteo-arthritis it was getting difficult to get in and out of a tub.  But I always loved laying back in a tub of lovely hot water, closing my eyes and just having a good old soak.  When we lived in New Brunswick and had built our own house we had a jacuzzi bath in our bathroom and it was even lovelier!  Every bath was a pamper session! 
The love and support of good friends.  I have always surrounded myself with good people, or at least tried to. I have some friends that I have had since childhood, albeit only a few . . .  but wherever I have gone/lived I have been blessed to find myself some good friends. Men don't seem to need friends as much as women do.  I could live without a man, but I cannot imagine ever being without a friend. 
 Starry Starry Nights  . . . it has been a very long time since I have seen a sky filled with stars like this, but I have always loved looking at the heavens at night and seeing the stars.  As a child I could name for you the constellations, and I can still find the main ones.  There is something very beautiful about a clear star-lit night sky. It speaks to my heart in a special way . . . 

Gilmore Girls. We are all set to start watching them again for the fifth time I think.  I've lost count.  It never loses its appeal.  Even though we know all of the plot lines and what's coming next, we love it and have never lost our desire to watch it.  I am always sad when it ends, but happy to start it up all over again.  
We love the Gilmore Girls, and Stars Hollow and all of the over-the-top-ness of the show.  Sure, it would be impossible to live like they do, to eat all the junk food that they do and still be thin, to afford all of the wardrobe changes etc.  But it doesn't matter. Its a fantasy that we love. 

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Potato Salad.  And in particular my mom's potato salad.  It goes together with summer like peas go together with carrots.  I can't get enough of it.  Must make some soon. 
 Those eyes, those ears . . .  that tail.  Just love/adore this little madame.  I know she can seem a bit full on to guests when they come because she is a bit over-enthusiastic in her welcome, but we just would not want to be without her, even though someday I know we will have to, but we try not to think about that, not ever  . . . 

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Tossed salads, made the way my mom always made them.  She would start her dressing early in the afternoon . . .  just some oil and vinegar in the bottom of a bowl with a bit of chopped onion and seasoning.  The onion would macerate in this and flavour the dressing and then at the last minute she would pop in the veg and toss it all together.  Nothing tasted finer! 
 The geraniums in the garden.  They're putting on a lovely show as are the roses  . . . 

These are the blush coloured ones at the front of our house, by the drive.  I don't know the names of them . . .  only that they are roses and a beautiful blush colour. 
Winnie the Pooh and his view on life. 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

Its a picture one for today because I could not resist  . . . 

I am cooking Chicken in foil packs in the kitchen today.  There are three different kinds, each delicious. No fuss and no muss for sure! 
Have a great Thursday!  We are having some friends over for a BBQ lunch today.  Can't wait!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!  
PS -  I am on anti-biotics again for my toe, plus I have a special dressing to put on it each day.  Hoping that the anti-biotics do their job!  But dangit if I didn't stubb it again this morning.  Ohh, it hurts when I do that!!!


  1. I do have a porch with a rocking chair. Not like the one pictured, but it does the job. Summertime makes it possible to use them and I often do just that. Hope your toe is much better soon...and hope your enjoy your lunch!

    1. What a special blessing Pam! I can see you out there sitting in your rocking chair and sharing your lovely smile with all your neighbours! Xoxo

  2. Takecare of that your newest tea cozy.I had Pinned that too..have not picked up a hook this summer..Have a great great day!

    1. I haven’t done anything since I did Arianas blanket! She is in labour now! But it’s been very long. 24 hours of contractions and no progress. 😢. Hopefully they will do something about it soon! Xoxo

    2. No news yet as of this morning!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your favorite things today. I too love hot dogs. I especially like them at games and at movies sometimes. I know they aren't the most healthy choice; but once in a while it is just so good.
    Your Cosies are so cute. I love the ones you have made. They must look adorable on your counter.
    Yes, I would love a rocking chair on a front porch and I would spend a lot of time there. I don't have one either.
    Summers are the best except ours are a bit hot. I like spring a touch better for that reason.
    I do believe that Angels surround us here and from the other side. I think our loved ones in the spirit world are very close to us and watch over us too.
    Tea parties do sound fun. I would love to come to one of yours.
    A tub bath is my favorite. I shower more now because of a bladder thing; but I miss those daily soaks; so relaxing.
    I love my friends too. I don't know what I would do without good friends. I still have lunch sometimes once a month with some friends from high school.
    Potato Salads and eggs are the best. It's a favorite dish.
    I haven't had a foil dinner for a long time. I am going to make one soon.
    I hope your toe gets better quick; not fun!
    Loved the photos of your beautiful flowers.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Thanks very much LeAnn! I agree totally with your thoughts on loved ones in the spirit world. It is a comforting thought! Love and hugs to you! xoxo


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