
Thursday 5 July 2018

My favourite things . . . 
A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥   
Watermelon. Its one of my favourite things about summer. I could eat it until it comes out my ears. So sweet and delicious! 
Susan Branch Calendars.  I buy them all every year and I save them from year to year.  I love everything she does.  I followed her every step of the way through her recent trip to the UK, and can't wait for the book to come out.  And I really, really, really hope they do the film that they are taking about doing. She is just nice.  I like nice people.
I used to follow Mary Engelbreit and buy her calendars, until I saw a side of her that really was more than a little bit obnoxious.  I know we are all only human, but I was really disappointed in what I saw and I haven't been able to bring myself to even look at anything of hers since. 
Flat peaches. Well, peaches.  I adore peaches, but I love the flat white fleshed ones best of all. They are so lovely and sweet. It is flat peach season here now. Must buy more.
Scottish raspberries.  I adore them.  There is something really delicious about a Scottish raspberry. I don't know what it is, but I could eat, eat and eat them.  I made myself sick on raspberries one time when I was a child, and it was a very long time before I could bring myself to eat them again.  I am glad I was able to get over that. 
Phone calls with my mom. She will be 86 on Monday. I wish I could be there to celebrate the day with her. I have not been able to see her in 5 years now.  I don't think she would know who I was really.  But when I am talking to her on the phone, she does because she knows that "Alice" is calling and somewhere in her brain she still knows that "Alice" is her daughter.  She has Vascular Dementia. Dementia, like Alzheimers is a terrible disease that steals your loved one from you a little bit at a time. I know it must really frustrate her and I know my sister's heart breaks a tiny bit every day. My mom always used to write me one letter a week, every week, and then that went down to one every two weeks . . .  and now she doesn't write any. (I'm really glad I saved them all.) Conversations are getting more difficult, becoming a bit of a struggle as she searches for words and names of things.  I just try to get her talking about her childhood or thing like that because she can remember those days quite well, and I just want to hear her voice, while I can.  I love my mother so very much.
Look at what I discovered on Amazon Prime last night!  I used to love this show when I was a child. I loved introducing it to Todd last night. He had never heard of it!  My early and late teens were peppered with phrases such as "You bet your sweet Bippy", "Here comes da Judge," "Very Interesting", "Say goodnight Dick", "One ringie dingie", and a whole lot more.

Matching tea sets.  I have four of these cups/saucers/tea plates.  They are Katie Alice. I collected them one at a time. I would love to have the matching tea pot and cream/sugar pots.  I don't know why.  I don't even drink tea.  I guess I just love pretty things. 
Our strawberries are all but finished now.  But when you brush your hands through the bed looking for berries, their beautiful smell still delights the senses. 
I captured a peek at her through the back door this morning, enjoying the far end of back garden in the early morning sunshine.  She loves exploring the yard, night or day.  In the Winter we don't let her down there because it is too wet. In the summer she has free-reign.  Oh how I love her.  Can you see how brown the grass is becoming.  That is as far as Todd has mowed this week, and it is brown, brown . . .  brown. Everywhere is getting brown.  I really noticed it yesterday.  We have had not much rain at all to speak of for almost two months. The rain is what makes it so green over here.  It doesn't look like we will be getting much before August at least.  That's what the long range forecast looks like anyways. It could all change of course! 

The morning light as it comes through the front window in the lounge.  Warm and bright, I like the way it plays through the lace of the curtains . . . 

Finger sandwiches.  I love sandwiches anyways, but I adore finger sandwiches.  So dainty. I know it is just an illusion, a mere trick of the mind  . . .  but I think they taste better than regular sandwiches.

I love this picture that our Amanda posted on Instagram yesterday of her and Maryn. I don't know where they are or what they are doing.  I think that must be a trampoline of some sort near the Halifax waterfront, but it is a beautiful capture! 

Cheeky little Cameron.  Its hard to believe he starts school in September.  This is one of the exchange students that they have had living with them for the past year.  I think she is from Italy.  Cameron seems to really like her at any rate.  I think they are leaving (there are two of them) to go back home soon. 

They look like aliens, but they are only Alliums.  I think they are strikingly beautiful  . . . 


I love their little faces.  We are having to water like crazy to keep things going here.  

He was busy gathering, so busy he never saw me . . . 

Can you believe we have no blooms at all on our buddliea this year at all?  So no butterflies either.  And our Jerusalem Artichokes never came up at all. Strange.  

Potato salad.  Love my mom's potato salad. Its the best.

Ice cream on a hot summer day. This wasn't my favourite kind . . .  I prefer Vanilla, but Todd did his best in picking it out.  And it was cold. 


Royalty cheques.  I finally got my first one and it was for two quarters combined.  It will help when we have our company next month.  I'm no JK Rowlings, but every little helps. 

And those are some of my favourite things for this week.  I have a bit of a sore tummy this morning.  Wonder what I ate  . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.° ˛A picnic is a state of mind
and can be made anywhere •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . . Spicy Tomato and Sausage Pasta.  This was seriously delicious. 

Have a beautiful Thursday.  Mitzie is off to the dog groomers this morning.  She will be happy or the trim. It should be a bit cooler for her!  I am going to paint here at home.  Enjoy your day whatever you get up to!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. Marie I finally have a new computer. I am so happy. It is so much faster than the phone. Have a great day.

    1. Oh Suzan, I am so pleased for you! Enjoy! xoxo

  2. I feel for you and your mom:( And your dear sister..oh boy it cannot be easy.Love the mid air pic also..It must be a trampoline because the only pic I have like that of me is on a trampoline.
    Camero in so handsome Marie..

    The blue globes..I have some here about to I call them echinops..mine are not aliums..better not eat those:)
    A royalty check..Yay!

    21 people have died with this heat wave.
    I can't keep my gardens watered.First of all water ban..since the beginning of you have to water by hand..pots are doable..not beds:(
    Have a great your little dishes and cups so much!!

    1. Thanks Monique. Don't worry I won't be eating these! I think they are a type of allium, but I could be wrong. There were already here when we moved here! Oh, that is so sad that so many have died in the heat wave. :-( xoxo

  3. Although we've been very hot here, we have also had rain, so the grass is not turning brown here at all. We have a chance of showers today. I love seeing all your flowers, what a delight ! Try to keep cool and enjoy your Thursday !

    1. Thanks Pam! Not too bad temperature wise, hot but no humidity. That I can take! xoxo

  4. I do so enjoy your posts,pics,and all the work you must put into them. I confess to being a bit confused about the Mary Engelbreit comment, though. I never heard anything that I thought was obnoxious.

    1. Sorry about that. I used to follow her on Instagram and some of her comments a couple years ago after the election really left a bad taste in my mouth. I know we are all entitled to our own opinions, but they were just plain nasty and I saw a side of her that I didn't like. Just me I guess. I can't help it. Has nothing to do with her work, but it took a huge chunk of the sunshine out of it for me. I have never looked at it the same again. It used to be a symbol of positivity for me, not after that. Then it just seemed hypocritical. xoxo

    2. Thanks for your reply. We are all in such a state of discord these days and it comes from all directions. I understand how you feel. I do believe that if we really knew the beliefs of many that we embrace - even Ms. Branch - there may be reactions, positive and negative. Naive to thing otherwise. But, that's life. Thanks for your lovely blog. Have a happy day.

  5. That’s very true. We are surrounded by discord all round. You turn on the television and there is discord, newspapers and magazines, the same. I may be a bit naive but I try to stay away from as much as I can whilst still being informed. I guess I have a thumper mentality. Best to say nothing at all if it isn’t nice. I am sure I wouldn’t agree with all of Susan’s political views undoubtedly, , but she has a pleasant way of putting them across that isn’t nasty. I don’t like nasty. None of us are perfect for sure! Thanks for your kind words! Bless your day also! Xo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!