
Sunday 29 July 2018

A dream is a dream is a dream . . .

“To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you, you ought to prefer, is to keep your soul alive.” ~Robert Louis Stevenson  

I saw it written somewhere the other day that the key to loving how you live is in knowing what you truly love. I wish I could tell you who said it, but I can’t. I have been thinking about those words though and have come to the conclusion that they are quite true.

I used to keep a little folder  on my desktop called Marie’s Dream Folder, and whenever I would a picture of something that I really liked a lot, I would pop it into the folder. It was sort of like an illustrated discovery journal of the things I love. Now I have Pinterest and so I create little folders on that.  I have a bazillion boards on there containing everything from soup to nuts!  It’s a way of feeding my imagination and getting in touch with my inner me, these boards of beautiful images that speak to my soul.  They are  not just filled with sofas and pretty dishes . . . they are also filled with pictures of art and flowers, quotes I love to read, poetry that touches my soul, and beautiful scenes of places I‘ve been and would like to go back to, or am simply dreaming of visiting one day.


That’s what a dream folder is really . . . a place to stick your dreams.

What is the point of having a dream if you can never imagine it actually coming true? What is the point of longing for things we can never actually have? I say, never say never. There is no dream too big or too small, and no thing that is too far out of my grasp that I cannot possibly realize it or have it, as long as they are realistic dreams. For instance it might be un-realistic for me to dream of having a huge mansion, but it’s perfectly within my reach to dream of having a small home somewhere in the countryside, just big enough for Todd, Mitzie and I.

The interesting thing about my dream boards though, is that there are no pictures of mansions in them, only a humble cottage or two, with long wide verandas and hanging baskets of flowers, and a big red door that says welcome  . . . . and polished wooden floors that are scattered here and there with woven rag rugs.

I always thought I loved French Country furniture, but I have discovered in recent years, that I really love Swedish furniture for it is filled with images of white washed tables and chairs that are simple in their lines and covered with little red or blue checked fabrics. I have long loved the art of Carl Larsson and there are images of his lovely homes and families in my Pinterest,  and they tug on my heart strings and imagination. My heart longs to go to the Scandinavian countries to visit, and so I have discovered that I am not a French Country girl so much as I am a hearty Swede at heart. 

I have long been an insomniac. It seems that when I am getting in to bed at night my mind starts to fill with all the things that I need to do the next day or would like to do, or stories I’d like to write, things like that. One of the ways I combat that is to think of my dream home. I start at the veranda and go into the red door . . .  when I am inside the cottage I picture myself in each one of the rooms, recalling to mind every little detail, every picture hung on each wall, the furniture, the curtains . . . I have yet to get past the front hallway and the sitting room, because I am always off in lala land before I can even get to any of the other rooms.

I think a dream board is a wonderful thing. Meditating on these images once in awhile helps jump start my creativity and helps me to see where my heart really wants me to go. Knowing where you heart belongs and embracing it is one of the keys to having a happy and joyful life . . . so is having a dream and believing it can one day be yours.  Twenty-five years ago the very idea that I would one day be living the life I am living now, doing the things I am doing now, and living where I am living that life, might have seemed like an impossibility to me, but look at me now and how far I’ve come. I’m living this pretty  amazing life, in an amazing place.  I had a job working in a beautiful environment, and when that finished,  I was brought back to Chester, which was where my heart really lay. Since then I've been exploring and developing my creative side like never before.  I've written a book and had it published, I've done art that lives in homes all around the world, and those are just a few of the dreams that I have realised over these past years  . . . 

Nothing is impossible and that has been one of my life’s greatest discoveries . . .dreams can and do come true, but  . . . .  you've got to have a dream in order to have a dream come true.

 A brook beside my cottage
Laughing down the hill,
Reminds me of the adage,
"Oh, my soul be still."
It's gladness never varies
Its waters never cease,
And the melody it carries
Resonates with peace."
~Rachel Wallace-Oberle 


Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Bishop's Fingers.  A very moreish almond shortbread biscuit.  These are soooo good!  Dangerous even!  Good thing it only makes 12! 

Have a fabulous Sunday! Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Hi Marie, long time no see!!

    I hope you and Todd are both well.
    Several reasons why I haven't been on, firstly we were away for a couple of weeks. Secondly, with the weather being so amazing this summer we have been going out so much more. But the main reason is that I downloaded an app on my phone (I use my phone more than the ipad) which tells you how long you are online for each day and which sites/apps you look at the most and how many hours and minutes you're there for. Well, what can I say, I was amazed...shocked even. So after having the app for a month I decided I needed to do something about it and get a life!! So I haven't been online as much and have been getting out and about more. I've been getting my 10k steps in most days and have even started swimming again!
    Anyway it was lovely catching up on this really wet and windy morning, which makes me think that once the summer is over I'll be back online most of the day! 😂😂

    Lot's of love xxx

    1. I don't blame you Katie, although to be sure I have missed you! I try to limit my time, but even so I am sure I would be amazed at how much time I spend blogging, etc. I am glad that you have been getting out and about and that you are getting in your steps and have started swimming again. You go girl! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. I have always done this! Kept a notebook with quotes and pictures that I love! Never thought of it as a dream journal, that's lovely. x

    1. I used to have a Binder, and I also have a Dream Board (bulletin board wit picures) Kay, I like Pinterest better however as it doesn't take up any space! And it makes no mess! xoxo

  3. Oh yes, indeed we all need those dreams. I used to keep a folder file too just like you. I may still have it. I'm going to have to see just what I filed away so many years ago. Everything changes and so do we. Happy Sunday!

    1. Oh yes, our tastes definitely change as we get older Pam. Its surprising just by how much! I have definitely changed my priorities through the years! Happy Sunday to you too! xoxo

  4. So you this post! Everything you live and breathe of hopes and dreams..all you've accomplished..and there's no stopping you..
    I like Pinterest too..looking at..reading..things that inspire me..I wish I would get around to all the art lessons I have Pinned:) I get sidetracked thinking I'll try on my own after seeing a painting that inspires me..I have so many things to bake lol and crochet:) Bon Dimanche Marie..and now we have IG..and my mind races every night! Too!

    1. I know what you mean. You do get a lot more art done than I do however, so you are ahead of the game! I know what you mean about IG. I am always checking to see what people have posted. There are so many talented people out there! Bon Dimanche! xoxo

  5. I must find you on Pinterest because I know I would love your boards. I love your idea of a dream board. I like the things that you dream about. I do believe dreams can come true because they have. Thanks for sharing your dreams and thoughts about them.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way dear friend!

    1. This is me on Pinterest LeAnn:

      Love and hugs to you also! xoxo


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