
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Wednesday This and That . . .

Well, we have another beautiful day in paradise here.  The sun is shining once again. Yesterday our temperatures here in Chester got up above 30 degrees celcius which is in the low 80's farenheit, so pretty warm and they are calling for an even warmer day today!  There is no humidity to speak of so its relatively pleasant. 

Yesterday I had the very pleasant experience of taping a Pod Cast for the site called She Heals the World.  What a wonderful experience it was. Dr. S had contacted me several months back, saying she was a fan of The English Kitchen and asking me if I would like to do a Pod Cast with her and so I said sure.  I am always happy to talk about and positivity.  I thought I might be nervous, but I really wasn't and I was able to share some of my favourite time saving tips as well as my philosphy for life. That will be live sometime in July.  

Yes I am living the most amazing life! 

Popped over to Costco yesterday as I wanted to pick up a large jar of Nutella to give to Jose as a thanks for his help with the BBQ. I had already ear-marked some money for just that purpose. He loves Nutella and he was ever so good to help Todd out like he did.  It was so hot and he was sweating buckets. We really appreciated all that he did.  When I was there I saw Tomahawk Steaks. (This is not an actual picture of what I saw, but an example.)  Apparently they are ribeye steaks, with a really long bone.  Not cheap, but they looked great. I hear they also sell them in Aldi.  We promised Ariana and Jose a steak dinner on the grill/BBQ so once all the banking stuff is settled, I think I will try to get a couple of those (one would feed two people I am sure) and BBQ them for us all for dinner one night.  This is a Fred Flintstone cut of meat!  

Yabba Dabba Doo! 

Look at who has graduated from Grade Six!  Yep, that's Jon.  So next year he will be in Junior High.  It's hard to believe.  The grands are growing up so fast. Somebody make it stop!  


They must have had a BBQ along with the graduation service.  Here Jon is enjoying his burger and a drink on what looks to be a fabulously sunny day!  

A few of my other boys have been enjoying the sunshine also.  This is Anthony (my oldest) with Luke (his youngest).  I am not sure whose dog this is, but I am really loving the smiles!  Summer holidays! 


BBQ's and Campfires on the back pation.  Gabe is getting really tall now.  He's also just passed Grade Six and will be in Junior High in the fall.  There are only a few months difference in age between him and his cousin Jon.  I wish they lived closer to each other.  One is in NB and the other in PEI.  Not far, but not close either.  I predict a lovely summer for both families. 

Our Anthony told me yesterday he has taken up skateboarding again, which is something he used to do in High School.  I admire him for that.  Not easy to do these things as you get older and hard to believe but he is 43 now. (I know!  How did I get old enough to have a 43 year old son!)  Its doing him the world of good however as he is back to the same size and weight as he was way back then.  (I wish!)  Exercise is so good for the body and also for the brain.  Kudos to him!  That makes me happy.   

It looks like one of my sister's resident chipmunks has taken himself a holiday home!  Cute!

I found out yesterday that I had won a giveway on Instagram!  Yep, I won a Cook House Mini Food Processor worth £25.99!  I was so pleased!  It looks really good! It has a large 1/2 litre glass bowl with a no-slip rubber base.  My old mini food processor seized up a few years back (chopping dates!) so I am really pleased aobut this.  I predict I will get a lot of use from it!  It is always nice to win a prize!  I am ever so lucky that way.  That's how I got my dish washer also! Now if I could only pick the right lottery numbers! haha

I don't think its meant to work that way! 

I am on my last day of antibiotics for my cellulitis.  I can't really tell if it is any better.  I think it looks better, not as red as it was.  I will wait and see how it goes for the next couple of days and if it flares up again, then I guess I will need to go to Hospital.  I really hope that I don't.  I don't think hospitals are very restful at all.  They are noisy and boring. I really have my fingers crossed on this one that these anti-biotics will have done what they needed to do.  According to Ariana they would keep me in there for a couple of days, not hours like I thought.    


 I really don't want to be away from my home and Todd for that long.  Please continue to keep me in your happy thoughts!  Thank you! 

  It was such a nice day yesterday we decided to try out our new Space Grill. (This is just to show you what it looks like.)  They are really a lovely piece of kit with a cast iron grill plate and a stainless steeel grill area.  They are a fold down BBQ that you can affix to the wall, or there is also a stand you can get. Because we don't own our own home, we opted to have a stand for ours. I didn't want to go to the trouble of fixing it to the wall of a home I don't own and again, if we decide to move, I wanted to be able to take it with us.  I did chicken on it (what else!) and it worked really, really well, and it was really easy to clean afterwards! We were both really pleased with it!  I might use it again today!  I am thinking salmon would be really nice done on it.  Not that I have any salmon at the moment, just thinking out loud!  

I read this  morning that the Duchess of Sussex will be taking over one of the Queen's favourite duties (along with the Duke of course) in welcoming young people involved in the Young Leaders Program to Buckingham Palace.  What a lovely role model she will be for them.  It is really refreshing to see that  the Royal Family has really taken her under their wings and into their hearts.  I think she is destined to become the new People's Princess!  (But I am a tad bit biased as I have always loved her!)

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.° ˛°.There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
there is rapture on the lonely shore.
There is society where none intrudes,
by the deep sea, and music in its roar.
I love not man less, but nature more.
~Lord Byron   •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Parma Chicken Casserole.  Low carb and filled with two of your five a day.  Simple, quick and deliciously healthy as well! 

Have a lovely Wednesday. I will be calling mom this afternoon and am looking forward to that.  Don't forget along the breadth of your day  . . . 

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And I do too! 

PS - Don't forget that the pavement out there is really hot and so will be also very hot on your animal's paw pads when you are out walking them!  Be careful not to burn their feet!


  1. How fun that you won ..I bought a new mini last year on Amazon..Lighning deal lol..pleased with the quality Aicok..VG! Lovely grill and I do hope your leg is better soon!!!

    1. Thanks Monique! I have one more tablet to take! Fingers are crossed! We have only just now gotten a text from the bank to say they have refunded! Whew! Xoxo

    2. Thank goodness..and I was so distracted w/ your leg never mentioned the Littles♥

  2. We had some love low humidity days and it was lovely but now that's changed with some really hot and humid days coming our way. Isn't it great to see pictures of our families as they enjoy summer. I've been doing much the same. Will keep you in prayer for healing. Hoping that no hospital visit is in your future for sure. Congrats on the pod cast and the new food processor. You've definitely had some exciting days! Hope your Wednesday is another wonderful one.

    1. Thank you very much Pam! Your prayers are very much appreciated! I love seeing pics of my family! I wish I saw more! God bless and Happy Wednesday! Xoxo

  3. You are enjoying ideal weather and having fun family gatherings, I see. I hope the antibiotics work wonders.


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