
Monday 25 June 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

I was reading Susan Branch's latest blog post yesterday and the thought came to me, what a blessing it was to have someplace/someone so special to you that it made saying goodbye so very difficult and how very wonderful it was to have someplace/someone so special to you that made saying hello such a joy to look forward to.  She was getting ready to leave the UK (which is a place she loves filled with people she loves) to go home to her much beloved Martha's Vineyard, her kitty kat Jack, and the life that she loves there.  I am equally blessed in much the same way, with a foot on two continents, each filled with people, and places that hold a special place in my heart . . . that make saying goodbye no matter which direction I face or move towards . . .  very hard.  There are many in this life who don't have a fraction of what I have in this way.  Oh, what a special blessing it is to belong to someone/someplace in such a way.  


Our black currant bush is dripping in black currants. We are picking every day. I adore the flavour of black currants. What will I make with these.  We shall see!  

Likewise the strawberries. Oh I do so love this time of year when we are surrounded with such tasty abundance.  And we still have the blueberries, loganberries and blackberries to look forward to!  Hooray! 


A happy childhood, filled with love and all the things I needed.  I never once went to bed hungry or had to live in constant fear. I was surrounded by people who cared for me, and was free to run through the grass in my bare feet, pick wildflowers and berries, play games . . . sleep under the stars in wonder.  I was educated and fed and clothed and my health was well taken care of, my teeth, my eyes, my body.  I had clean water and plenty to eat . . . . toys to play with and time to play. So many children in the world never ever have a fraction of what I had and took for granted.  I wish I could wave a magic wand and give everyone the childhood that I had. It was not perfect, but it was pretty darned close.  

I love and am loved.  I have always been blessed in this way.  God is good.  


A childhood dream I realised not once, but five times over and now I get to be a Grandmother seven times over. Its like having all of these little pieces of your heart out there walking around the earth independantly of yourself. When they are really small you get to hold them close and keep them safe, but then they grow older, and older and you have to let them go . . .  but they take a piece of you with them wherever they go, and you just hope and pray that all will be well . . . motherhood is an eternal role that never ends . . . but also a great blessing.    

I've always lived a life filled with freedom of choice . . .  to do or not to do, to be or not to be, to eat or not to eat, to go or not to go, to love or not to love  . . . choice after choice after choice.  So many in the world have no choice. I am blessed that I do.

The Dawn Chorus . . . I wake up to it every morning.  Its much better than an alarm clock.


I have lived and am living a life filled with abundance . . .  and best of all I know this, I recognise this. I don't take any of it for granted and where and when I can, I try to share it with others.  A blessing shared is a blessing doubled. A grain of rice shared between two people brings joy to them both.

And that's the best way to live your life.  A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. Connecting to the soul and 
finding peace and happiness
is a process. It is a lifestyle.
It is a choice, it is our attitude 
of happiness.
~Dr Joe G Vethanayagam •。★★ 。* 。


In The English Kitchen today . . .  a delicious Bacon & Egg Salad.  Healthy and fabulous!

I hope your week ahead is filled with lots of small and wonderful things. Along the way of your week, don't forget! 

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right where you are! 

And I do too!  


  1. A lovely post filled w/ gratitude!
    Having never been to England..Ireland etc..I totally get Susan's post though as I feel that way in Provence..charmed every step of the way.But it is always home:)While away..a new adventure awaits every it ever so ideas..home is a lovely routine of safe ...and cozy and familiar.

    1. I hear you Monique. East, West, home is best. I love visiting new places and I love the places I visit, but its always so nice to come home at the end! xoxo

  2. It's so true we have so much that many don't and there is much to be thankful for. To love and be loved is such a blessing. We have choices to make that others don't. I try never to forget that. Hope you have a wonderful Monday !

  3. Hi Marie~

    What a beautiful post. Being greatful is such a wonderful attribute! I do feel so sorry for those whose childhood was or is, filled with fear, loneliness or hunger. Like you, my childhood was close to perfect. I often think how wonderful it would be to go back and relive a few of the precious memories I remember so well...ahhh.

    The Black Currents look delightful! You are so blessed to have frsh fruit right in your own backyard!

    I hope your Monday was filled with good you much!!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Oh I thank the Lord every time I read your posts!
    — U R A JOY—
    And I'm taking you to Alaska with me—as I'm going up to the North Star to babysit one of my granddaughters while her mommy works.

    I discovered God is up there, too. And so shall you be!

    100 summer hugs and sunscreen kisses,
    Teri Byrne
    Parkdale Oregon

    1. Aww, thanks so much Teri! I have always wanted to go to Alaska! God bless and Happy travels! xoxo

  5. I loved reading your small and wonderful things post. I always enjoy them. You are such a wonderful individual with a deep gratitude for many things. I do know what it is like to have loved ones near and far. I wish I could see the ones that are far more often.
    I love all the berries; you are blessed to have them growing in your yard. We have afew strawberries but the birds love to get them first.
    I too had a lovely sweet fun childhood and treasure my memories. I kind of feel sad that children of today don’t get many of the experiences I had.
    Loved this one! Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. We try to leave a few for the birds also LeAnn! We gave some to Ariana and Jose yesterday when they came to help us with something. She is craving fruit! Love and hugs to you and Roger always! xoxo


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