
Monday 28 May 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   
 Because I am over 60 years of age, here in the UK, I get free drug prescriptions and free eye tests. What a special blessing that it. I am very grateful to have both of these.  Because of our low income I also get free dental care. Add to that the free healthy care and educations that are available to everyone.  It is not surprising that so many people want to come and live in the UK. We like to complain about things, but really we are very well blessed. 
Talented and loving friends.  My friend Tatiana made this for me, and she won't accept any payment for it. It is for a gift for a friend's grandson's wedding.  We are filling it with wedding photos etc. for him and his wife.  Tatiana is such a talented book-binder. I miss her.  She should have come for Christmas, but things happened and it just didn't happen.  Then this summer, but again things have gotten in the way of that. Tatiana is like the daughter I always wished to have, the daughter who one day also becomes your friend. I am so grateful for her in my life. I just wish we did not live so far away from each other. 
We have plenty of gooseberries on our bush this year.  I might actually be able to do something with them!  Yay! 
It looks like we are going to have plenty of strawberries also, if the slugs don't get them first.  Finger's crossed! 
The Oriental Poppy is once again putting on a beautiful show.  It gets bigger and prettier with every year that passes.  
She makes me smile, every single day, multiple times.  (You can see her extra tooth in this photo.  She has had it since she was a baby.) I just love her so much.  She is my constant companion and she is really loving these warmer sunner days. 
Little surprises secreted here and there in the garden.  They are a delight to the eye when you stumble onto one. Okay, I know they are there, but still they delight me. 
The roses are now blooming and this one is one of my favourites.  I love its colour. Its like a blushing cheek . . . 

Our beautiful Clematis.  I am so not a natural photographer.  But I love to see the flowers blooming again . . . 
The abundance of Sparrows in our garden  . . . 

God sees the little sparrow fall . . .  it meets His tender view.  I loved that hymn as a child. 
The Prince of Peace and the chance that I have each Sabbath day to renew my Baptismal Covenants through the partaking of the Sacrament, that I might always "remember Him"  and keep the commandments which He has given me, that I might always have His spirit to be with me . . . 

The ability to create by hook . . .  or by brush . . .  or by stove . . . or by pen/keyboard.  I am always up to something. 
Being sealed to my husband in a Temple of the Lord, for time and all eternity  . . . 

Where would we be without it.  The Beatles had it right . . .  Love is all we need. 
A thought to carry with you  . . . 
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In happy moments, praise God.
In difficult moments, seek God.
In quite moments, trust God. 
In every moment, thank God.
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I am listening to:  With One Accord, Reyna L Arburto 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Creamy Baked Chicken.  Yum!!

I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things! Don't forget!

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And I do too!! 



  1. What a BEAUTIFUL post this day, Marie! And it is good to catch up with you. Tech woes had my laptop down the end of last week, and I'm just now catching up with everyone... LOL! Wishing you all there blessed week! LOVE YOU SO MUCH :) (BIG HUGS))

    1. Oh dear, it is so annoying when our comps let us down Tracy! I can remember once upon a time wondering why anyone would ever want a computer, and now I would not want to be without one! Love you also! XOXO

  2. Truly Love is all we really need, but there are so many wonderful things in our lives I often think I have no reason but to be happy ! Your roses are beautiful. As are all the lovely growing things in your garden. Happy Monday, It's Memorial Day here !

    1. Happy Memorial Day Pam! Hope yours was as special as you are! xoxo

  3. Your gardens have such joy Marie,everything looks happy and blooming:)How gracious of Tatiana to have made the book for you to many gifts in ONE..♥

    1. It IS a gift that just keeps giving Monique! xoxo

  4. You just put back the love in my heart. THANK YOU——
    and may you, too, have a lovely week ahead!!

    Teri Byrne

    1. Thank YOU Teri! I hope you also have a special week! xoxo

  5. The creamy baked chicken looks delicious. I do love your recipes.
    Your Small and Wonderful Things is always a fun one.
    I worry about our medical care for the older population here in America. We don't get dental or eye care. We do get some discounts but not a lot of help. If it is a medical problem with eye care like cataract surgery; it is covered. You can't get by without medicare and a supplement insurance. It isn't super high but still a monthly cost. I'm happy that you have good care.
    The book your sweet friend made is lovely.
    Your flowers looks so beautiful and I think your photos are stunning.
    Of course, Mitzie is the cutest. I love the little birds and it is fun hearing them sing outside right now.
    I do love the sweet moments of renewing my covenants through the Sacrament each week.
    I love that I am sealed to my husband for eternity. We are now back working at the re-dedicated Jordan River Temple. We work Saturday AM shift and my husband does Tuesdays, also. I love being back there; it bring great peace to my soul.
    Love is what it is all about!
    Blessings, love and hugs for you two!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!