
Thursday 24 May 2018

My Favourite Things . . . 
A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥  
The great British seaside on a hot, sunny day! With the cool breeze coming of the water, the smell of the sea, the sound of the gulls and the air of festivity that is so prevalent!  Everybody is feeling great and happy to be there.  Even the dogs!  With 11,000 miles + of coastline to enjoy here in the UK, there is no shortage of seasides to enjoy! 
Fish and chips at the seaside with plenty of malt vinegar and salt. For some odd reason they taste a bazillion times better at the seaside and I am a connoisseur of fish and chips. That is the one thing in my family that everyone enjoys above all else when it comes to dining out, and always our meal of choice. I have eaten some really good fish and chips in my lifetime, but seaside fish and chips tops them all!  I hear that the absolute best are in Whitby, but I can tell you I have had some pretty fabulous ones in Ramsgate, Eastbourne and Hastings!  There are no shortage of chippies serving them up at seasides, but if you want to know which are the best, look for the lineup! The queue will be out the door. If you see that, then jump in line because you are in for a real treat! 
Mr Whippy with a Cadbury's Flake!  You have to have one when you go to the seaside.  After the fish and chips, of course!  Even if you don't think you can eat another bite.  A soft ice cream at the seaside is a MUST to enjoy!  We usually share one.  There is only one thing that is better  . . . 

Mr Whippy in an oyster shell.  Yep, a shell shaped ice cream cone thingie, with one edge dipped in chocolate and dessicated coconutt.  I have one once, at Eastbourne, and it was fabulous. 

That smell  . . .  donuts, candy floss, toffee apples, candy rock    . . .  sweet.  I don't think there are too many things that smell better than donuts frying.  I have never had any of these things at the seaside (who has room after the ice cream and fish and chips?) but I do enjoy smelling them!

Beach Huts.  I have seen some pretty magnificent ones.  Having your own Beach Hut must be wonderful. A place all your own to relax in, change into your swim suit, etc.   They are quite expensive I have heard. 


A little Punch and Judy at th seaside.  Kids love the shows.  I love watching the children enjoying the shows. 

Seaside souvenier booths.  They all have them, and they all sell the same things.  Pails and shovels, windmills, fridge magnets with the relevant seaside location names, bubble hoops, etc. It wouldn't be the seaside without a plethora of these little shops! 


Seaside Piers and some are more magnificent than others.  I love to walk down them, right out to the end. You can usually find a few fishermen at the end trying out their luck for a catch of the day.  Some will have gaming arcades, helter skelters, souvenier booths, places to get a drink, Carousels, etc.  Some will have nothing . . . just a pier that you can stroll down while the gulls soar and squawk overhead.

Donkey rides.  Quite traditional. When my boys came over, Bruce had to have a donkey ride at Rhyll when we took them to that seaside.  That was so long ago now. He was only 13 and now he will be 30 on his next Birthday.  It cost us a bomb to bring both he and his older brother over here for a few weeks, but I thought it was worth it at the time. I would have done anything for Bruce, no matter the cost. I even bought him a Scooter when he was here. Another time when we brought him over, I bought him a new electric guitar.  I like to think mostly however, we built some memories together.  I can but hope. Especially at the seaside. 

That was another of my favourite things, having two of my sons over here
visiting me and seeing where I live, etc. It was worth every penny.
For me, at least.  

Building sand castles at the seaside.  They can be as simple or as elaborate as you want to make them. 


 Deck chairs, you can rent them.  We never have, but they are there if you want them. We always carry our own in the car. Much cheaper.

The pubs and holiday lets next to the beach, the charming little villages.  I think my favourite has always been Hastings, very historical looking, but Brixham is also very picturesque. 


The holiday lets, B&B's and hotels along the seafront.  I have always, always wanted to go and stay just a few days at one.  With the views and easy access to everything you want  . . . it is my dream even to go and stay just one night, and experience the feeling of walking up and down the pier at twilight . . . it must feel so magical with the lights, etc. 

 Paddling at the water's edge  . . .  it might be too cold to totally immerse yourself most of the time . . .

But we all enjoy a good paddle.  Remember that episode in Downton Abbey when Carson and Mrs Huges were paddling, holding hands.  Lovely  . . .


This used to be the only holiday most people could afford come holiday time here in the UK.
A day out at the seaside.  Then people got rich enough that they started holidaying
abroad in places like Spain and Turkey, Portugal. I haven't been to
any of those places, but I know many who have.

A day at the seaside suits me just fine, although just once I would love
to stay over night, for just one night. Maybe this year,
We will see.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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A beach walk is for stretching your legs, 
and your mind,
for looking at light with newfound eyes. 
~Sandy Gingras   •。★★ 。* 。 

I am listening to:  Continue in Patience, Dieter F Uchtdorf 


In the English Kitchen today   . . .  Parmesan & Black Pepper Potato Scones.

Have a beautiful Thursday.  The sun is shining here and it looks to become another gorgeous day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too! 


  1. The beach is and always has been one of my favorite places to go. I'm not close at all to the ocean, but here we do have Lake Erie which also has some wonderful beaches to enjoy. On one side of the lake is Ohio where I live and on the other side of the lake is Canada. We have a lot of tourists too that visit to escape the heat in summer. With Memorial Day weekend ahead, we begin the unofficial start to summer and our temps are warming up too. Hopefully a trip to the beach will be in my future. Anyway it's fun to dream. I hope you have a Happy Thursday !

    1. Happy Memorial Day Weekend Pam! I have been to Lake Erie many times. My sister's ex in-laws had a cottage on the shore of Lake Erie and I have spent some really pleasant moments there! Other than the time I lived in Alberta, I have never been very far from the beach, be it an ocean or a lake! I love the water! xoxo

  2. Looks idyllic Marie and such sweet memories of the boys visiting you.♥
    I too love a beach.Hope you get your sleepover:)

    1. Probably not this year Monique. But maybe next! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, love this post! I'm so lucky to live by the beach. But the smell of the doughnuts and candy floss is just too tempting! Funnily enough we're going to Whitby in July and you're so right about the fish and chips there!!

    Another glorious sunny day today and its supposed to be a good bank holiday too. The tall ships are coming to Liverpool tomorrow and staying till Monday. We will be able to see them sailing past the window!

    Have a lovely day, lot's of love xxx

    1. You sure get about Kate! How wonderful that you will get to see the Tall Ships sailing past. You must live in a very prime location! Lovely day to you also! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie!

    I love the seaside...and I would just love to see it from your side of the pond! When I was a girl, we used to go to the coast (the Pacific coast) every year to see family, it was so much fun! I love the smell of the ocean! I hope to go back again one day.

    It sound's like you had a wonderful time with your sons, and those treasured memories are priceless!

    I love fish and chips, and I'm sure that the ones we get here in Idaho are just an imitation of the fish and chips in the UK...they just make my mouth water, yum!

    Thank you for sharing your memories and the photos...I could almost smell the sea!!

    XOXOXO! Have a wonderful weekend sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Oh, hopefully one day you will make it over here to the UK Barb! We could eat some great fish and chips together at the seaside! Love and hugs! xoxo

  5. Marie, don't know if you will ever See this comment in so rarely get the blog but tonight I'm in and have read Fridays and this one Thursdays...i just loved loved your seaside remembrances...brought back lots of memories...the smell of the fish n chips, the candy floss, toffee apples...then the ice cream, never Mr Whippy for me I prefer what I call real ice cream but the oyster is my very fav. In fact we have an ice cream man visiting occasionally now and I always have an oyster. Yum yum for fresh made donuts. Ohhhh...the taste especially fresh from the pan and a bit on the crispy side...maybe a good idea we seldom go to the sea side LOL.....much love to you and Todd. Xxx

    1. Oh, you are making my mouth water also Sybil with your lovely descriptions! I like ice cream any way I can get it, soft or hard! Love and hugs. xoxo


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