
Sunday 8 April 2018

You may say I'm a dreamer . . .

As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
~1 Peter 4:10

I have always been somewhat of a dreamer. I often spend my time with my head up in the clouds, especially when I am doing something that doesn't require a lot of attention, such as washing the dishes, etc. I may be standing in the kitchen with my hands in sudsy water, but in my mind I'm somewhere else completely . . .

I love that our Heavenly Father gave us the gift of being able to imagine. I think he knew that it would be a powerful tool which could help us to see beyond where we are to what might be. The great deceiver, our worst enemy, longs to corrupt the bright light of our imaginings . . . so it is important that we put boundaries on how far we allow our thoughts to go . . . but we shouldn't and mustn't ignore the gift of thinking beyond ourselves, for that is how we find the ability to explore our own creativity and hope.

It is my imagination which fuels my artistic endeavors. I always have a picture running around in my head. I'll see a quote and begin thinking about it, and before you know it, my fingers are itching to get into my craft room and begin to illustrate it. I am always doodling. When we use our imaginations to explore art, it can be very enlightening. We may think that we have somewhat limited perspectives . . . but I think art can really help us to take a leap into a bigger world. Our creative endeavours can bring us great healing in our lives, purpose and worth.

Oh, you might be one of those people who say to yourself . . . "I'm not artistic." But I would answer you, unequivocally, "Yes YOU are!" Just take a chance, explore your creativity. Take a risk, go out on a limb . . . you may be quite surprised.

Perhaps what you create will not ever hang in a great art museum . . . I seriously doubt that any of mine will . . . but your "brush strokes" may have nothing at all to do with art. Perhaps you are a genius in the kitchen, turning out cakes that are masterpieces of taste and beauty . . . maybe your pot roast is something to die for, and has people swooning at it's tenderness and delectability.  

Maybe your talents lie in another direction and you are a talented musician, or a gifted jewelry designer. Perhaps your talents lie in the gentler arts . . . being able to treat people with a special tenderness . . . teaching, sewing, knitting, the art of inspired letter writing, decorating, etc. There is no end to all of the ways in which art can be expressed. If you can imagine it . . . isn't it worth giving it a go? They do say that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

“What you create doesn’t have to be perfect. So what if the eggs are greasy or the toast is burned? Don’t let fear of failure discourage you.”
 -Dieter F. Uchtdorf   

The wedding yesterday was beautiful, although the weather was pants, but we almost missed it completely. It was my friend Tina's grandson who was getting married and she said to me to be there for 2:30.  So I said to Todd we'll get there a bit early because I want to take some photos.  So we left here about quarter to 2.  Well, the wedding started at 2.  If we had gone for 2:30 we would have missed the whole thing, lol.  In any case we got there just as the opening prayer was being said. Whew!  The decorations were simple but lovely.  Everything was set up beautifully.  It was just a lovely, lovely wedding.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

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.Sometimes when
you're in a dark place,
you think you've been buried,
but actually you have
been planted.  Bloom.
~unknown    •。★★ 。* 。  

Spiritual Enlightenment


In the kitchen today  . . .  Pear & Maple Upside-down Cake.  Yum yum! 

Have a great Sabbath day!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. I have Marie nothing there, but now you it's in everything you touch! Have a nice Sunday~Di🍃🌷🍃

    1. I am very sure you have talents Di! They come in many guises. From where I am standing I see you have a great talent for sharing your tender heart! Xoxo

  2. I hope your pics turned out great:)

  3. Hi Marie!

    Amen to having my head in the clouds! I too have a pretty wild imagination, I am always dreaming about something! Heavenly Father knew that we would need to escape once in a while, didn't He?

    It is so true, everyone has been given talents of some kind or another. Mine are not as obvious as they used to be, while other's talents just seem to grow and grow...if we don't use them, we lose them. Maybe I can blame it on the dreaming thing...;0) My husband is one of the most talented men where it comes to money...he could save a dollar if he was only given a penny, that is his talent. I always tell him he missed his calling as a financial adviser - he chose to be a pipe-fitter, but that makes him who is is. My daughter and my son have the gift of humor, they can make me laugh harder than anyone I know! My youngest daughter's gift is the gift of tenderness, and service...she is such a giving young lady. My little blind granddaughter, is a gifted musician, being blind does not stop her. You are so right, Marie, not all gifts are artistic...thank goodness. But we do need to keep trying, keep searching, no matter what, we all have been given talents.

    I'm so glad you made it for the wedding! I'll be the photos were gorgeous!

    How is your mom, I pray that she is doing better, and that she is on the mend! I hope your Sunday was wonderful! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Thankfully nothing was broken when my mother fell Barb and I am assuming the catscan showed nothing as well as I have not heard anything else. I hope you have a beautiful week. Love and hugs, xoxo PS - my head is often in the clouds! Its a great way to take my mind off of the menial tasks I am sometimes working my way through!


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