
Monday 16 April 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

Bumblebees . . .  the harbingers of Spring here in the UK. Once you see them, Spring is really here.  Like the Robin in Canada, these hardy creatures show up in the early days of Spring every year.  They are truly a creative miracle because aerodynamically they should not be able to fly, but they do.  I think they are so adorable. 

Marjolein Bastin does the cutest bumble bee art.  She puts them in little caps and skirts and aprons. I have always  loved her bumble bees.  


Free Diabetic Eye Examinations.  Because I am a Diabetic I get free eye exams on the NHS. I am so grateful for those.  Diabetis is one of the leading causes of blindness in working age people.  I don't know what I would do if I lost my sight. I think I would rather be deaf. I have my test today.  I will be off and out early this morning to do that.  

I will be using my bus pass for the first time this morning. It was quite a feat to finally get one and I am so grateful for it!  Yay! So grateful for free bus travel.

Daffodils.  They are still dotting the countryside in abundance.  Like the bumble bee, the Daffodil is a true harbinger of spring and they are everywhere in this country. On the verges of the roads and motorways, in traffic circles/roundabouts, just about every garden.  So pretty with their bobbling yellow heads. 


Our Grape Hyacinth is also in bloom at the moment.  They are so beautiful. Between them and the Daffs, our garden is in a riot of colour at the moment while it waits for everything else in the garden to catch up.  

The Book of Mormon.  This weekend I have been studying this talk by President Russel M Nelson, which was given in October 2017, entitled "The Book of Mormon, what would your life be like without it?"  And I have pondered that question.  My life has become much better because of the teachings in the Book of Mormon.  I have a much deeper understanding of who I am and what my purpose is.  It has drawn me into an even closer relatioship with the Saviour and my Heavenly Father.  I don't just know "of" the Saviour, I "know" the Saviour.   It has helped to deepen my understanding of the Bible. The two really do work hand in hand. It has truly helped me to become a better me. 

We had a beautiful Sunny Day on Saturday and it looks like we are going to have another beautiful sunny day today.  I am grateful for that, especially as I need to go into town and after my eye appointment, my eyes will be over-dilated so seeing will be a bit of a problem for me. I love England on Sunny Days most of all.  There is no more beautiful place on earth than England on a sunny day. 


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. ~Philippeans 5:6-7

Grateful that in this troubled world and that in these troubled times I have found the peace that passes all understanding.  Jesus Christ IS the light. 

Fresh Croissants . . .  we treated ourselves to some at the weekend.  Not as good as the ones you get in France, but still pretty darned special.  So flaky and crisp.  I just have them plain and warmed, although the glutton in my longs to be able to enjoy one with butter and jam . . . I like to peel the layers off.  Soooo good! 


The gift of friendship.  Both real and invisible.  I love my real-life friends, and I love the friendships I have made on-line.  I appreciate all of them/you!  Thank you! 

We are all different and we each bring
something beautiful to the


The gift of today.  I try not to take my days for granted and treat each day for the gift that it is.  I think as you start to get older, you realise that each day truly is a most precious and wonderful gift.  I am grateful for my ability to treat each day as "My favourite day." 

Yes, even the ones that don't seem so good.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift, that's why they call it
the present. ~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 



Today's Reading - Alma 3:20-4:4 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? How can our afflictions cause us to wake up from a spiritual slumber? 
Thoughts - I used to always think like the people in verse 3, that when things were hard in my life, it was because of something I had done. Even when I was sure I was trying my best to do what I thought Heavenly Father wanted me to do. Then as I studied more and prayed more about it, I came to a realisation. That all hard times were opportunities for growth, in fact everything is an opportunity for growth. This is the plan of salvation in action. Each hard thing can purify me further, to become more Christlike. When things are easier it can cause complacency in me, a slumber, a halt on the path, a little lean to my own understanding! It is much more difficult to snooze through a whirlwind!! This would be hard to bear if it wasn't for the eternal promised blessings, which are beyond understanding but magnificent. If eternal peace and happiness was the only blessing, which it isn't, for me, that would be wonderful in itself. 
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 142) -  Alma 4:5-20 
Question - What problems was Alma having with some members of the Lords church? What was his plan to rectify it? Have you seen parallels in your own life? 
In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon, Garlic & Herb Chicken Quarters.  Simple and delicious. 
Have a wonderful week.  I hope it is filled with abundance!  Don't forget! 

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 And I do too!  


  1. Hi Marie, good luck with your eye test. The NHS is a wonderful thing, we need to look after it.

    Going to Liverpool One today for some shopping, and yes, I'm using my bus pass too! Double Yaay!!!

    Have a good day, lot's of love xxx

    1. Everything looked good as far as they could tell, but of course we won’t know until the experts take a look! Hooray for bus passes! Enjoy your day in Liverpool Kate! I love that city! Xoxo

  2. With the warmer days last week things are finally starting to pop up around here. So far mostly leaves and no blossoms. It's a start though where before there was nothing. It's cold today with a chance of snow later so once again Spring has been put on hold. I do wish we had free bus passes. It would save a lot of expense of driving wherever we need to go. Our buses are far and few in-between and none are available for me at all. Hope your day is a blessed one and that your week is filled with JOY!

    1. They are pretty good to Seniors over here Pam. Every November they get £200 towards their heating costs, free bus passes, free eyeglasses, free prescriptionss. Hope you have a beautiful week also! xoxo

  3. Glad all checked out OK! I had mine checked too..must say I keep the RX and order the glasses online now.So many choices and so much more reasonable.
    Freezing rain..schools closed..had to go downtown.Glad to be home.

    1. Oh dear Monique! Your Winter just does NOT want to stop! Glad you were able to get out and home safely! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    I did not know that about the bumblebee, that'a amazing! I love to see them as well, but it will be a few weeks before they dare peek outside of their warm's cold here.

    This morning we decided to take one of granddaughters to the dinosaur museum, she loves them! When we left the house, it was 61 degrees outside, warm and beautiful, so guess who wore sandals?! When we brought her home, it was snowing...and I still had on sandals... :0/

    I'm so glad you are enjoying daffodils, they are so gorgeous and remind me that Spring really will come to Idaho. When we brought Clara home, I saw lots of them in yards along the way, so pretty! And I love the smell of Hyacinth!

    How wonderful to have a bus pass! I hope everything went well with your appointment. I have glaucoma, so eye appointments always scare me just a bit. I'm also glad the weather held out for you.

    I love the Book of Mormon. I can't even tell you the ways that it has changed my life. So much wonderful counsel and advise in that little truly does help me grow closer to the Savior and Heavenly Father.

    I love bright sunny days, they make me very happy. When the sun shines, I go out and bask in it for at least 15 minutes, more if I dare. I need all the vitamin D I can get!

    Oh my goodness, I love croissants! Jam, butter, honey, cream cheese...I love it all!

    Thank you for your friendship, Marie! I love you like a sister and I have never met you...kindred spirits! I don't make friends easily, and my blogging friends mean the world to me!

    Much love to you, sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Love you to pieces Barb! It would be a dream come true to meet in person one day. Like you, kindred spirit friends. xoxo

  5. I love the title of these posts; small and wonderful things. It is good to look for the small things that you love and see happen your life.
    Bees are so important and I have loved learning about them through the years. I love the picture of the flower and bees; but the one in the painting is soooo cute.
    I haven't seen any bees yet! I so want spring to really come.
    It is important to take care of our eyes. I pray yours will be OK.
    I loved the photos of the flowers; so beautiful. I imagine you do have a beautiful flower garden. I love the Sunny days and look forward to more of them soon.
    I have such a powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon. I don't know what I would do without it. It is my favorite book to read and am so grateful for it.
    This world needs peace; I am happy that we can have peace in Christ.
    Yes, I can just taste a good Croissant with butter and jam; yum!
    I am like you I treasure my friends those close, far, online or wherever they are. You are a precious friend. I really think that Barb, you and I should meet someday. Barb is my daughter in law's Mom. She is a favorite friend that I see once in a while. We are very close. I know that the three of us could gab forever.
    I must start to think more often that each day is a gift; thanks for sharing that thoughts.
    Your Book of Mormon thoughts were wonderful today and a great reminder of why we have hard moments.
    Loving thoughts, prayers and big hugs for you!

    1. What a wonderful thought LeAnn! I a sure we would have a lovely time together! I just know we were all the best of friends in the eternities. What a joy that we have found each other here on earth! Love and hugs! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!