
Saturday 21 April 2018

Dear me . . .

Someone on facebook posed this question yesterday and I have been pondering the answer ever since.  "If you could go back and give your 18 year old self words of advice, what would you say?"  That question has been rolling around in my mind ever since, and I think I've come up with some pretty good advice! 

That's not to say that my 18 year old self would have
taken it however.  

God loves you.  Put Him first and everything else will fall into place. He will never steer you in the wrong direction. Follow the commandments.  Find someone to share your life with who wants to follow them with you and who wants to also put Him first in their lives.  Don't settle for anything less.  God's love is perfect and immovable.

Education, education, education.  This is one of the single most best gifts you can give yourself.  Education. With a good one, you don't ever need to be reliant on anyone else for anything.  A good education gives you a voice and a choice.   

They're nice to have but, you don't need one in order to become anything.   My sister and I were brought up to think that one of the first things we needed to do was to get married. Then we would always be taken care of. So not true.  Its great to love and to be loved.  Marriage is wonderful. Having a family is wonderful.  But make sure you have done all you need to make you the most secure "you" as possible first, before you do any of those things. A real man, a good man, will empower you to become a better you.  He will not turn you into simply an extension of himself.  You must need each other equally.  You don't need a man to define you, take care of you, etc. You can do those things yourself.  All you need a man for is to love and be loved by, to have a family with, when the time is right for both of you. 

When you do find someone to share your life with, make sure you are evenly yoked.  Someone who has a similar belief system, someone who is supportive of you and what you do.  Someone who is honest and kind and true. Someone who does more than just make your heart go pitty pat. Although that is important too. Someone who has similar interests, who likes many of the same things you do.  Who inspires you. Who has the same values.  Who can make you laugh and make you cry and all the things in between. Who raises you up without putting you down first.   Someone who loves you just the way you are.

Save more, borrow less.  Stay out of debt as much as you can.  There are certain things that you will need to go into debt for, like a home, or a car, maybe your education, but always keep it manageable.  Borrowing on a future that might never materialize is never a good idea.  Never borrow more than you can afford to lose. Always, always, always, put something from each paycheck aside and then leave it there.  Don't touch it unless you absolutely must.  

There is a difference between Needs and Wants.  Try not to be too self-indulgent.  Its okay to splurge and treat yourself once in a while, but don't make it a habit.


Move more. Walk. Run. Do yoga, thai chi, etc.  Just move. 


Stay away from sugar.  Its bad. Likewise processed foods.  Eat whole and natural, and as much from scratch as you can. 

You are not defined by your past. You don't live there anymore.  Learn from your mistakes, but don't carry them with you.  Don't look back.  

If you fall, get back up. Dust yourself off, start all over again.  The only failure in life is in giving up.  Believe in yourself and in the power of your dreams.  You are so much more than your mistakes and your failures.  Don't let them define you.

And don't ever forget it.  I might also add, you IS enough. 

Its a gift from God.  When the time is right, and you is right, and you have found the right person to share it with.  Have one.  At the end of the day . . .  family is everything.  More important than friends, more important than work. Its just everything.  

 Its okay to be happy. 

What would you tell your 18 year old self if you could? 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

Its a picture one today  . . . 


In the kitchen today  . . .  Jammy Buns.  Moreish.  I made these to take over to Doreen.  I thought she and Billy would enjoy them.  Of course Todd and I enjoyed some first.  😉 

Early last evening Todd remarked that  under his arms was itching and burning.   he was loaded with hives.  They were all over his belly and his back and under his arms.  I told him to take a shower and then we covered him with calomine lotion and penaten cream.  Hopefully this morning they will be settled down. If not, he will go to Boots and get some Benedryl.  We have no idea what caused them.  He finished mowing the lawn yesterday, maybe he got over-heated??

Have a lovely Saturday.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 




  1. I would tell my 18 year old self to slow down and enjoy the moments. Time goes by so quickly. Hope Todd is better. Benadryl usually works. Have a super Saturday !

    1. Great advice Pam! It is so true, time does go by very quickly! Hope your Saturday is equally blessed! Xoxo

  2. Hope Todd is better! Interesting your thoughts on the 18 year old:)
    Loved reading them.:)

    1. Thanks Monique! Todd’s hives were worse this morning but he has been to the chemist and gotten some tablets, and we are hoping to see an improvement soon! Xoxo

  3. A beautiful and true post Marie!

    1. Thanks very much Laura. It’s too bad we have to get old before we know it all. Xoxo

  4. I do hope your dear Todd will be OK. I imagine he has been miserable.
    Marie, I enjoyed reading all of your advice to your 18 year old self. You were right on it all. I will be reading this to my granddaughters that are living with us right now. They area younger than 18 years old but these were very wise and needful thoughts. Thanks for sharing them. Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Thanks so much LeAnn! Maybe one day I can share it with my own granddaughter too. Love you. Xoxo


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