
Wednesday 7 March 2018

The Miracle of Being . . .


There was a certain man of God who used to stay in a small village now and then. I suppose everyone needs a break, and he chose to have it in a remote area . . . getting away from it all and staying with a local shepherd when he did. The shepherd's work oftimes took him out for long days and nights on the hillsides near his croft. The clergyman noticed that every morning, the shepherd would slip out of the house at a particular time, and so one day curiosity got the better of him and he asked why this was so.

"I go out to stand on hillside and take off my cap to thank God for all the beauty of this world." was the shepherd's response.

I, myself . . . have seen many beautiful places in my lifetime . . . and wonderful creations.  Everywhere I go I see God's handiwork around me.  It boggles my mind when I think that there are people who question His very existence . . . can they not see . . .

The miracle each sweet petal holds  . . . 


The magic held in morning dew . . . 

The comfort found in the sound of laundry drying in the wind . . . 


The hum of the bee as it goes about it's labour, tiny wings buzzing from flower, to flower . . . to flower . . . that it flies at all is a miracle in engineering  . . . 

Sunrise  . . . 


Sunset  . . . 

A thousand little miracles carried on a breeze . . . 

 Or held at the rainbow's end . . . 

 The beauty in a leaf that falls . . . 

 The flutter of wing . . . and the sweetness of song . . . 


Snowflakes that fall on your nose and eyelashes  . . .   

The miracle of beginning . . . 

 The tenderness of ending . . . 


Hellos  . . .  

Goodbyes  . . . 


And all of the miracles in between . . . 

 We are not here by accident . . . 

There is a purpose and meaning in all things  . . . 

 "All men should strive to learn before they die . . . what they are running from, and to . . . and why."
~James Thurber  



Today's Reading - Mosiah 16:1-15 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What do these verses teach about agency and the justice of God?  
Thoughts - I always love it when Jesus is called 'the light'. It represents never being lost, or having to feel afraid and overcome by darkness. I especially like in these verses that it says 'a light that is endless'. To me this​ means there is a never ending abundance of hope & truth & help available to me and you through Him.  

If I understand verses 1, 2 and 3 correctly at some point EVERY single person will see Jesus Christ as the Redeemer, as their Saviour. They will know it. They will confess it. But yet some people will still chose to not listen to Him. Not have Him as their God because their natures have changed to desire sin more than being reunited with God. This makes sense when you think about the millennium. How satan will be bound not by Jesus Christ, but by us. I think his counterfeits will look pathetic to us when we have Jesus Christ reigning. But we also know that at the end of a thousand years satan is loosed, which sadly means that some people will eventually allow him to rule over them once more 😧. In my head the justice of God allows agency to the max, because, in the end people get the desires of their heart. And thankfully Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know what that truly is. Their judgements come from a place of love that I don't think we will ever experience with any other person on the earth.
Tomorrows Reading (Day 116) - Mosiah 17:1-20 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What character strengths and weaknesses do you see here? 

Happy Birthday today to the little miracle that turned me into a Grandmother 12 whole years ago!  Yep, Gabriel is 12 today.  I can't believe it!  Love this sweet young man so very much!  Gabriel, I hope that you have a day that is filled with fun, and love and lots of magic!  LOVE YOU!


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Skinny Mac & Cheese.  This is not only the best macaroni and cheese I have ever made, but also lower in fat, higher in fibre and very, very delicious!  If you thought mac and cheese was off your menu forever, think again!

Have a beautiful day all . . . remember this day will never come again.  Make the most of it.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Happy day to your Gabriel:)Upliftingpretty post..and that mac and Cheese:)

    1. I am sure he is having a lovely day! I know you love your grands too. Boys, they are just lovely. xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday to your grandson today! What a miracle all of life is.

  3. I think we forget or time to see all that is great and wonderful Marie! I speak for myselfwhen I take my daily walks I first tell God what I'm grateful
    and all that do have...I find as I'm getting older I do take the time to be thankful. I never thought of health, friendship's, dying etc.
    Beautiful read today Marie, thank you~Through Mon we met...❤️

    1. Thanks Di! Grateful that we met, myself! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    Oh, how I loved this beautiful! Today, my daughter and grandson went to see my mom with me. She wasn't doing very good today, was quite weak and didn't say much. But, when she saw Tanner, her eyes lit up, she reached out to him and held him close for almost 5 minutes. Tanner was so cute, he just hugged her until she was done the smiled at was adorable, and something that I won't soon forget. She is coming to the end of her long, beautiful life, and those tender moments are so precious! Yes, coming into the world, and leaving this world are both beautiful moments and I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to see both.

    Happy Birthday, Gabriel!! What an adorable boy, and he has your "bum" chin...I love it. He's so cute, I hope his special day was wonderful!

    I am so thankful for agency. Can you imagine a world where everyone just acted like robots. It's so important for us to be tried, tested, and proved to see if we will choose the right and do all the things that Heavenly Father has commanded us to's part of the plan, and I'm so thankful for it!

    Hugs and Love to you dear friend!!


    1. Oh, so tender sweet Barb. My mother is in the same place in her life. It kills me to be so far away. I don't think I will see her again. Makes me sad, but I can't do anything about it. Yes, that "Bum" chin gets around! Love and hugs to you! xoxo


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